Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 18 September 2023


Our garden is looking very different, hubby has lifted all the decking, found a rats nest, which was not being used anymore, quite a few areas of the frame have been chewed where they could not dig below. Hubby put some planks back close to the house for safety.
The decking is a big space, which for the past couple of years we have not used. We have two sections under the lawn where the rats tried tunnelling, which now is not level difficult to walk on.
These decking board hubby is going to make into three raised beds for me, recycling at its best. We have measured the top part of the lawn, which will be my space, hubby is happy to make the frames, I'm getting excited.
Beds are being formed, one at the back will be for veg, hubby will make the sides just a bit higher, and make a second one. The one at the front will be my flower bed, the sides won't be as high. The beds do look high, but they will be sunk into the lawn, the flower bed becoming the same height as the other beds.

We have our quotes, only 3, one man, who we have used before chose to ignore our request, it's happened before, normally when our neighbour has been vocal. One young man (at our age they are all young men) impressed us, he really understood what we wanted, suggested a couple of useful tweaks, he is not the cheapest, I am leaning towards him. The quotes varied, one guy did not want to remove the concrete in front of garage and raise the level of the paving, which we are not happy with, so we discarded his quote, he was the cheapest. 

Hubby and I have a month to create the back area, it would be good to sort the needed top soil before the paving is done. I will dig my compost bin out and use in all 3 beds, the beds will be dug down, so we are back on the soil below, knowing hubby the work won't take much longer.

Sorry I should have said in my last post, Molly is much better, it has put her potty training back, as she is worried doing a wee is going to hurt. I can't state how angry I am with their surgery  who always wait until closing time to call back and send daughter to A&E, keeping to the guidelines,  I do feel for our local hospital, they have enough to do without under preforming doctors. The NHS needs a good shake up to get each section working properly again, A&E should be the last option, not default for surgery's whose doctors can't or won't do their role.


  1. Hello Marlene. Great idea with the raised beds made from the decking boards. I have found things grow well in them so I hope it is the same for you. Poor Molly. What a shame it has made her lose a little confidence in her potty training. I hope she gets back on track quickly. Lovely photo of you three girls xx

  2. It all sounds very positive.
    Poor Molly - it doesn't take much to put little ones off their stride but it's good she's feeling well again.
    The NHS needs complete reorganisation - far too many managerial positions.

  3. What a great recycling project. Those beds are going to keep you busy planting, tidying and harvesting.

    I am glad Molly is feeling better.

    God bless.

  4. So pleased that Molly is feeling better.

    All the best Jan

  5. Happy to hear Molly is feeling better. Very exciting to see things moving on the garden front. Keep us posted.

  6. That surgery wants reporting, it's not the first time they've refused to see one of your grandchildren. When I look back to my childhood, it wasn't uncommon for gps to make a house call when surgery ended after 6pm, these days you can be crawling on your hands and knees and yet you still have to make your own way to the surgery, and that's IF you can get an appointment. Yes, as you say, there are some good surgeries and great doctors, but the system is broken. Glad to hear that Molly is on the mend now.



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