Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 11 September 2023

Enjoying the moment

Knit and natter was good fun, I met a lady who lives 3 doors down from our house, a lovely mixture of ladies, the guys just stopped to chat and move on, one lady wanted to knit something different, so I suggested socks, Winwick mum is the queen of socks, so I printed this free pattern, I got myself a ball of yarn and we can knit together. There is another meeting at the end of the month, I will try and go again. 
Grace loves this side of our bench, it's in dappled shade all day, with cool air coming up, a perfect spot to sleep, she is a bit deaf, so she sleeps soundly, I can walk up to her, take a photo and not disturb her, so pleasing she feels so safe in our garden. Purdy has a few spots she likes to sleep, if I walk towards her, she jumps up, so no photo's of her. 
We had another family BBQ on Saturday, this time hubby got out the pool, the little ones enjoyed themselves, splashing for ages, it's placed in the shade of the Magnolia tree, all the water was scooped out and used around the garden later in the evening. There is nothing better than happy children squealing and splashing water. All the wasted water disappeared on our fake grass, which makes it perfect for them to run and play on. We see loads of things on Internet, reference how hot the plastic grass gets, whilst ours can be warm, it's never too hot, our cats lay on it, I sit on it without issues. Molly and George spent the most time in the pool, it's in shadow most of the afternoon, just simple pure fun.
Important sewing, Chris Moose was hand made by myself, many years ago for hubby, he never had a soft toy as a child, he was suffering from old age, (Chris not hubby), he is over 30 years old, coming apart at seams. Now his legs are all secure, and his antlers are stitched to his ears, this helps them stand up. The red Christmas material used on feet and ears have all faded but intact, the felt on his antlers is beginning to thin, but for now they will be OK. He sits on a cushion in our bedroom, Will was so pleased to see him fixed.

Another perfect few days, we have spent some time outside, there is some shade in our garden, we do like to be outside, we are not doing much in the daytime, Saturday was a perfect family day, made special as Will stayed for a sleepover, we had takeaway pizza later, it's Wills favourite. Both Molly and George slept in the car journey home, mummy had to wake them up, everyone had an early night.

Sunday as normal when Will sleeps over was an 6.30am start, it was warm 17° outside, so the door was opened to the garden, it was good to feel cool for a change. We did get rain, it felt so refreshing, lasted all day, enough for the garden to have a good soak, water butts are full again, we were lucky George had a party to go to on Sunday, so we had our family BBQ on the sunniest day of the weekend. I drove Will, home, had cuddles from the little ones and then back home for a relaxing afternoon and evening.

I am sniffing and sneezing, not sure if it's germs from the little ones, or just from sitting in the pool with them, hubby is the same, if we get any worse will have to take a covid test.

Today other than a walk to our village, I have nothing planned, I hope to do some craft, maybe get my sewing machine out. I have finished editing my 2021 book, I am hoping for another email with a good discount soon, I have started importing 2022, I am on a roll. 


  1. A busy weekend with family sounds most enjoyable. Nice to hear about Chris Moose (was he a Christmas gift?)

    1. I can't remember, it was a long time ago, I know he has been loved over the years, our grandchildren are not allowed to play with him.

  2. Sounds like you had a good weekend and made the most of the weather, it's lovely watching the children enjoying themselves. I hope you feel better soon.

  3. It was a lovely day on Saturday, so nice that the little ones enjoyed a good time in the pool.
    Hope you both feel better soon.

    All the best Jan

  4. What a lovely post! I do hope you get on well with your socks - they're great for knit n natters! :) xx

  5. One of the delights of life is listening to little children playing in water :)
    I hope you and hubby have nothing worse than the sniffles. Fingers crossed xx



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