Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Wednesday 2 August 2023

Overshoot day

Here we are again, today we have used all the renewable resources our beautiful world can produce in one year, everything we use for the rest of the year will never be replaced. Sadly this happens every year, and so much is just wasted.  Last year the Earth overshoot day was, 28th July, so a slight improvement, which shows these dates can be reversed.  

Nowhere to hide

I have shown this many times, and for me its true, in our commercial world processions are more important to some, more important than family and those in need. So many people with the 'me first' way of life, so much on the internet and other media's, all showing the perfect lives and the next must have item. 

This says it all.

I know most of my followers, will read and understand, we are mostly all of a similar age, our world in which we grew up is long gone, how we nourished our children and how they are nourishing their own children has changed.

The improvements which has evolved over the decades should be working to enhance lives, ensure everyone has food, shelter and medical help, sadly we still see wars everywhere, including here in Europe. But then look here in UK, we can't even get the help to those who require it, for years our governments (they are all the same) has worked to save money, cut back, these were good years for many people, more could afford the taxes, now we are left with services which are over stretched, so many people being let down. 

People find it easy to walk past homeless people, just don't look them in the eye, imagine all sorts of reasons not to help, or worse, just don't care. Our world has changed, we need to go back to basics, embrace your local community, help others, simply talk to people. I was so proud to be in a community last winter, who took care of the two homeless men, so many people helped, just gave a bit of time and money, it wasn't hard, just very thoughtful, and most did it without posting on social media.

By the way, I'm not perfect, but as the group 'One million women', say its better that we all do as much as we can, rather than just a few living the perfect (for the planet) lives.


  1. The Dalai Lama says it right. The conditions you describe are mirrored here in our country. It is a small world, really. Mxx

  2. I agree that we all should do our bit and consume less.

  3. It's good that the date has come a little later this year.

  4. Our oldest boy always carries change or small dollar amounts and hands them out to the homeless that he sees. When asked by his friends why he always does this he answers "There but by the grace of God am I".

    God bless.

    1. He's right, lose your job, get divorced, there are so many ways to become homeless these days. You should be proud of him.

  5. Those few days are a tiny glimmer of hope at least. X

  6. You are so right, the world we grew up in has long gone.

  7. I try and do what I can, and if everyone does, then we tried. I do despair sometimes.



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