Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Tuesday 1 August 2023

Betty ready for a swim.

She is looking less scary, I made her eyes much smaller, adding some skin coloured fibres, I made eyebrows using the same grey fibre as her hair. I added more hair but left it loose, I think it look quite real. My sister requested I dress her, I send updated photo's to her and she did not want to see another naked photo. 
I tried hard to give her body the right curves, a nice waist and a bum, so I added a backless costume to show off her figure. Originally I was going to make her costume blue, but then I thought a red costume might balance her red lips, it does go with her grey hair. 
I did make a her body a bit shorter, by working on her legs, she is balanced, and looks good with my 1st lady, Reenie. I will do a bit more on her legs, I did pull them apart and rewrapped the skin tone, they do look much better. I think her boobs are also a bit high, lucky lady at her age. When is she finished, I'm known for never stopping, I hope to make her feet look a bit smaller and neater.
 I have just finished reading this book, I read her 1st book and enjoyed it, this has the same female officer, this time officially working on the case, again they are in a retreat which is closed off by weather conditions, a nice twist at the end. Book 15 read this year.

I have been supporting our daughter, she has changed both George (three and a half) and Molly(two), cots into beds, bedtime is great for about 10 minutes and then they both get up, 1st night it was way past 10pm before George went to sleep, Molly lasted until 9pm. Each night is getting slightly better, George has found the changes hardest, he does love his routine. This summer is loads of changes for them both, potty training is better with Molly, George does not like the potty, both are walking more, Molly again is stronger than George.

I have picked up a summer cold and sore throat, not surprising as our weather is much like a wet September, one moment it's cold and wet, the sun shines for a while and it's hot, then it clouds over and it's cold again, the evenings are cold, where has our summer gone. I purchased my day face cream with factor 25 included, should I take it back. I am being very careful with my back, the wet weather is keeping me inside where it is safer.

The garden is what I watch from inside, hubby keeps the bird feeders full, lots of young fledglings, which means loads of squabbles. I walk to the greenhouse to water and collect tomatoes most days, and to the composter with kitchen waste, but that's it, if the sun shines, the furniture is too wet to sit on.

Hubby is finishing painting my book shelf in the hall, it's very quirky, built where the old door opening was, he has removed three shelves and will put back four, as I always have more books than space. I don't keep all the books I read, I would need a library, but I do keep one good book from an author I love, I have a need to see books. I also have a little book shelf in spare bedroom, with books I have read, any visitors can help themselves and take it home if not finished. 


  1. Betty looks great! Red suits her.
    I'm not sure about summer, as its definitely feeling more like autumn here. Xx

  2. Betty looks great :)

    All the best Jan

  3. Betty looks just wonderful. The red costume shows off her figure.

    God bless.



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