Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday 4 August 2023

August already

This is the final book my sister in law gave to me to read, and the 6th book I have read from this author, she has a medical background, so it features in all her very different stories. This was the best book so far, very different story line which I enjoyed. Book 16 read this year. 
I decided on Tuesday not to go to meet with sign group, many of the ladies are older than me and I did not want to pass on my bugs. Hubby and I drove to Stokes bay for lunch and a walk along the sea front, lunch was fantastic as always, I love having a few nice places to eat out. The walk was sunny and breezy, but enjoyable, we stopped for a while and watched everyone doing their stuff, one lady was swimming. The sea and sky look grey here, they were both blue.
Our coast is almost parallel with the coast on Isle of Wight, it looks so close, the Solent is always busy with vessels of every size. At the moment it's Cowes week, huge in the sailing calendar, Cowes is to the far right on my photo's, but the sailing takes part in all of the waters, it was good sailing weather, and good to watch. We choose our day well, all sailings were cancelled on Wednesday as the winds were too high.  
More felting fun, I got a cheap plastic mould for making daises, I used these yellows, which I have loads of, the petals are too thick, and the centre is too big, but it's a flower. I felted it on some wet felt I made at my day class, but it could have a pin added to the back and be worn. I have my crochet hook out again, being brave and trying something new to me.

Wednesday was a day at home, the winds were really bad, the rain less than recent days, Hubby popped the shelves back on my book case, I didn't put the books back, I wanted the paint to set hard before I filled it, he made a new fourth shelf and made all new side blocks to hold the shelves, all now matching and looking very neat. It will be very handy to have an extra shelf, but it will be already half filled. 

Thursday was laundry day, bed stripped and on the line, the morning promised to be dry, everything dried, but it stayed a dull day, we managed a walk and Pilates was good. 

I have been proof reading my 2020 book, it's not easy reading, George was so tiny and poorly and then as the muck hit the fan in our lives, it's done now, I hope to publish soon, just looking at the hugely inflated prices and hoping for discounts. I am working on 2021, it's a much easier book, and over 20 less post, re-joining the world kept me busy, less time to ponder on things. 

Today, no plans, lets see what the day brings. I have been totally lost on what day it is, so today is the second Friday of my week.


  1. Hi Marlene,
    Rachel (E28 ) here. Your little daisy flower is adorable. I love the little ladies you have made too. I have a needle felting kit I got a good few years ago at a craft fair. The lady on the stall was brilliant and her little woodland creatures are what drew my eye. It’s still unopened in the craft room! It won’t go off and will be there when I’ve retired!! I’m just reading The Friday Night Knitting Club by umm I’ve forgotten haha - I say ‘read’ - it’s an audible book. I listen as I sew. It’s very good so far. I’ve a stack of unread books but they are passer onners so don’t go on a shelf- all my shelves are full of keepers!!
    Enjoy your day. My daughter is current May giving me a pedicure!!

    1. Has to be a great book to get a place on these shelves, all other books go into the spare bedroom to be passed on.

  2. I've never tried felting and it always looks such fun. I suspect I wouldn't have the patience for it.

  3. It must feel strange looking back at 2020 in your book, I never really look back at old posts unless I'm looking for something specific, but I probably should from time to time to remind myself. I regret not enjoying and appreciating the Lockdown more. I was too worried about the charity I worked for at the time and feeling guilty for being paid on furlough.

  4. I think your daisy is just lovely.

    God bless.



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