Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Saturday 19 August 2023


This is book 20, I have read this year, it's the best book by far, which is amazing as I have read a few great books this year, I have read this author before and added her to my list of authors to look out for. It's written much like the style of Jo Jo Moyes, with a clever modern topic, I just had to find reading time, I did not want to put it down, and was sad when I finished it. 
 The sitting room is done, of all the newly painted areas this is the best, I popped to town on Thursday morning and purchased the 2 cushions I had seen in TK Max, everything else is what we already owned, the old ones have gone to charity shop. We put the room back Thursday afternoon, hubby was happy to clean and pack all the paint stuff away, he needs time for his knees to stop aching. The dining room was once the biggest bedroom, the sitting room is in our extension, making a huge area.
Everywhere has been cleaned, including the light fittings, it does feel good, I put everything back, we don't have many bits in this room. The wall colour is so warm, it has changed the feel of the decorated areas, it's definitely the sort of job you pleased once it's all done.
Our first blackberry and apple crumble, home grown berries with clotted cream, it was lovely, I cut back the bush so there won't be huge amounts of blackberries, but I am happy to get enough for such a lovely treat. I am getting a steady fruit harvest, and my big tomatoes are ripening, I've not had a glut on anything this year, which is OK, we just love the steady supply.

The whole house is back tidy, the spare bedroom is again empty and ready for visitors, my brother will be here soon, I do have one task, I would like to clean the kitchen cabinet tops, I did them last December, so they won't be too bad, I will wash the wall tiles as well, then I can say the whole ground floor is done. There is no decorating in the kitchen, the walls are all tiled. 

I spent last night at daughter's, mum and dad had a night away together, including a really good meal and a slow start to Saturday, to celebrate SIL's birthday. Will went to Grandma's house, so I just had George and Molly, both wake early every morning, but I did get the evening on my own. It's so important for them to have some time as partners, away from the children, luckily Grandma agrees and we both help with the little ones.  

Today I'm with the little ones until mum and dad get back, about lunch time, it was an early start, but I can rest later, both are happy with me here and not missing mummy, I know their routines at bed time and breakfast, which helps. Once back at home, we have nothing planed for this weekend, just relax and rest. 

We have had loads of heavy rain, again good for the garden, it had been dry for over a week and it's going to get hot and dry again this coming week. I had started watering my smaller pots, so I won't need to do that for a few days. 


  1. Grandparents are so important and it's good to be able to help and much appreciated, too.

    1. My parents were older so I never knew grand parents, my mum was brilliant with our daughters, they have so many memories, I am hoping I'm making memories for our little ones.

  2. I've only read one book by Linda Green and didn't really enjoy it so it's put me off reading more. Perhaps I should give this one a go. It's such a relief to get the house tidied up and back to normal again after decorating. I hate doing jobs in the house but it's always worth it in the end.

    1. As you know I am a tidy person, so having the house upside down is not easy for me, but it's all back to how it should be.

  3. Your living room looks lovely and cosy, all ready for the autumn. Hubby has done a great job.

    1. It already feels so cosy, a bit darker, but we can live with that.

  4. Thanks for the book recommendation - I went to amazon to see how much it is on kindle; amazon tells me I purchased it 6 years ago! And I've never read it. So I've added it to my to-be-read list!

    1. I do like to hold a book and turn a page, hubby uses Kindle.

  5. That certainly sounds a good book ...
    I hope you enjoy the next one you read.

    All the best Jan

    1. Sadly the book I am reading now falls very short, I have thought of giving up a couple of times, but I'm almost finished.

  6. I love what you have done with your living room. Great job by Hubby.

    Must look for that book.

    God bless.

  7. Absolutely my favorite green on the walls. Looks lovely with the wooden floors. The white chairs look comfy also.

    1. The chairs are very comfortable, much better than the chairs to match the sofa, with the stools they recline great for reading time.



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