Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday 13 September 2024

Read, eat and plant

I love this author, she always creates a great story, and this was was a real page turner, I could not put it down, the strange tale of marring for money, it's a deal between them, just for a month, then they can go separate ways, he's rich and used to getting his own way. You think you know the story read the book, it was fantastic. Book 64 read this year.

I forgot my little note book with all the titles I have read when visiting our library, I thought this author was one I had read before, sadly same first name, this is 'chick lit', which I am not a fan of, it was cheesy and predictable, will they, won't they, I picked up another book by this author,  I won't bother to read it. Book 65 read this year.
I loved this book, it's very clever, the main character was just an ordinary bloke, living a very mixed up life, thinking he's on top of things, how wrong can you be. Book 66 read this year.
Recently at my favourite garden centre, I picked up a few more bulbs, the blue and purple iris and the snowdrops are for a small pot, the anemone's I do love, just not sure where they will go. I had popped in for coffee and cake with daughter and George, but had a wonder around the newly laid out spring bulb section.   
Sunday hubby used some old lemons we had for this delightful lemon cake, we have been enjoying a slice most days with our morning coffee. Less ingredients and sugar than purchased cakes.

I've not read much this week, my trip to the library, where I had forgotten to bring my read books list, I did not have much time and picked up 5 books, 1 I had already read, 1 by the same author which was chick lit and I chose not to read. I popped back to the library on Wednesday and got more books, it was market day, sunny and cold, not many stalls and I purchased nothing. 

I have picked up a large crochet project, it's a big granny square in shades of grey, I'm taking it easy as I have had cramp in my fingers, once I'm in the swing it should stop. I have a plan to make another Tunisian lap blanket, using more of my stash of 4ply yarn, I made one here, which I use each winter, this new one will be gifted to a fundraiser Christmas raffle, where loads of people our age will be attending.

The cooler temperatures are changing our habits, we have not sat outside for coffee breaks for ages, hubby has sorted and covered his BBQ, it's in the garage, he still likes to protect it. I still walk around the garden each day, there is less to do, next week I plan to sort the greenhouse so I can put a few tender plants inside, which is far earlier than previous years, soon I will pack away all my decorations (metal birds) along the fence shelf, then the wooden bench, chairs and table with be moved. Sadly other than the odd warm spell summer is ending.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

This week

I adore these daisies, there are seven plants along this boarder, they tumble just as I wanted and soften the edge, this bed has been a pure pleasure for me, they flower from early spring until the frost arrives, should look good for weeks, very little work and a simplistic look.

I love honeysuckle, it's take a few years for this plant to thrive, it's along the rear fence beside the greenhouse, there are a mixture of climbing shrubs here. I'm not a huge fan of climbing plants, except along our back fence, I do like to see a clean tidy fence boundary.
I have sorted my raised bed infront of my greenhouse, I have always grown flowers here, but with the pond below I want to come away from flower blooms dropping. The section nearest the fence has an established fuchsia which I did not want to move, so I have placed a wooden barrier and made that section for flowers. I have sorted the rest of the soil, removing the few bulbs I planted and any stones, this is going to be for seedling and salad, I have salad bits in the covered pot.

My title, This week.... I've worn long trousers everyday, trainers a couple of times and found my fleece for a couple of evenings, we are turning on lights most evenings and have started closing our blinds in the sitting room, the outside of our windows are covered in moisture every morning, we can't see out for a while, sadly our season is changing. I'm not sure I'm ready for summer to end, it's not been a great season  or year.

Sunday after heavy rain through the night we woke to blue skies, we had just a sprinkle of rain and a sunny afternoon, I worked outside enjoying the warmth from the sun. I also worked on my 2023 book and April is uploaded, that's a third done, the publishers sent out an update, which now does not have the font I use as included, so rather than pay more I have changed the font, I actually prefer the new font.

Monday was mixed, dry with a few sunny spells, I did not do much outside my back is playing up again, sorting the raised bed was awkward, I could not stand close enough and I had to twist a bit, all heading for aches in my back, I stayed in we had a couple of parcels arriving. I changed the font on my 2022 book, and checked through the pages again, I had a few tweaks to make, but it is finished again, ready for November discounts.  

Sunday 8 September 2024


After a shaky start and only half the bean plants surviving, I am having a harvest twice a week, these are a firm favourite in our household, I have managed to freeze a few portions, hopefully they will keep coming and I can freeze more. The one question I have is should I plant a full row of beans next year, I have 10 plants here and they are giving us a good harvest, I have 20 poles for 40 plants.
My small tomato plants in the greenhouse have gone over, but this beef tomato plant outside is full of green tomatoes, some are changing colour, I hope the rest will follow, sadly so many have been nibbled on. Whilst we both are enjoying these tomatoes, I won't grow big ones next year.
I love berries in the garden, never a huge crop, but enough fresh berries to keep us happy, I am picking a few raspberries each day, I cut back the blackberry vine, we have had a good harvest on the smaller vine, loads of lovely new growth for berries to grow on next year. I was not expecting more strawberries, I have a few ripening on my tower. 
I got a six pack of pansies and cyclamen for my winter garden colour, plus a few bulbs for a big pot up by my greenhouse, won't be seen from the house, but nice to have a splash of spring colour. 

Under the runner beans are beetroot and parsnips, I need to harvest some of the beetroot, so I can pickle it, these have been a success, I will pull some for my sister, hers failed this season. Leeks are growing well, still a bit small, I can leave them in the ground much later than other veg, at some point I will harvest, clean, slice and freeze some. After such a poor start to the growing season, I am really pleased, I have harvested more then I hoped, slugs and snails have been the issue, my soil is fertile and plants once established, grow well.  

The heavy rain has given everywhere a good watering and nothing has been battered down, luckily we live in an area with no issues with flooding, our new garden design allows water to soak away without issues, hubby's new grasses in his front garden are looking good, it's still mild, infact it feels warmer outside than in. Friday it rained most of the day, we did get a couple of dry spots, I've nothing to do outside, so I spent part of the morning on my 2023 book, later I finished a great book. 

Saturday we popped to B&Q and home bargains, after 3 days at home, it was nice to get out, we were going to our favourite garden centre, but hubby got the plants at B&Q at a much better price, I am re-potting the bedding plants, he got pansies and sweet williams, and three alpine plants. Later the heavy rain came back, it's due to rain most of today, so another day at home. I went to get more red/black gloves, but sadly they have stopped selling that range and the other gloves were not so good, I will have to make my pairs last as long as I can.

Friday 6 September 2024


 Today is our wedding anniversary, 38 years ago we made our relationship legal, we moved in together on May 1984 (40 years ago), these days we celebrate much simpler, I don't need huge bunches of flowers, chocolates or meals out. We have nothing planned, a day at home, the weather will decide what we will do, and fish and chips for tea, we had a Chinese takeaway earlier in the week. 

I found the photo above this week, who are those young people and how quickly we have become the couple below, in the 90's my job entailed I always had to power dress, hubby always wore a suit for work, I had so much hair, sadly hubby's was on it way.

YP just for you.

Will's back to school photo from Tuesday morning, he looks so grown up, he started juniors and was happy to be back with his friends, they have been together since their first day of school. Years ago we would have loads of first day school photo's but sadly distance and indifference has seen hubby's children not sending photo's. George had a very good first visit and starts half day all next week, if all goes well he will be in full time the following week.

Nothing much is happening here, dull days, we are having huge rain storms, the yellow weather warning is in place until later this evening, it did not stop raining at all yesterday, they have forecast almost a months rain in just 2 days. I have planned the winter vegetables for both raised beds, it a case of waiting until the summer things come to an end. I am reading loads, it's lovely to be able to lose myself in someone else's story, hubby is a book worm as well. I did spend a few hours on my 2023 book, I've almost imported the first three months, it's a good start.

I am starting to think of crafting, I want to knit, I have far too many pairs of socks, and don't really need any jumpers, I do have loads of scraps of 4ply, so maybe a knitted blanket, which would keep my hands busy for ages. I have also pulled out my cross stitch, I started earlier in the year, I have hardly done anything, time to plan, I also have a few Christmas decorations I want to make with needle felting.

I am feeling much better, our world has calmed down, less worry and stress, with our anniversary and hubby's birthday both in the same week, it's been a bit of a treat week, making both of us feel happier. 

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Books again

 I had high hopes for this book, it was a slower plot, for me it did not build as it promised and was not the page turner style of his other books I have read. A clever plot, the main witness is blind, some of the police activities was strange, ego's at work. Book 57 read this year. 

This was great from the beginning, just an average family moving into an old house, the plot grew with the husband being the main player, it's always good to discover what's hidden in your home, isn't it, another book I could not put down. Book 58 read this year.  
I enjoyed this book, just an ordinary couple, their induvial past's catch up with them, how they carry on with a young son growing up, life is never simple, as a teenager their son does something stupid, what would you do. Book 59 read this year.
Another good story with a misleading title until the end, it built nicely the story unfolded, adding different people to help or divert the plots. I really enjoyed this book, it's on the Richard and Judy book list, and I can understand why. Book 60 read this year.

Family life, sisters helping each other, one goes to the others holiday home, leaving the children home with their aunt. There is a murder, they rush home, what's happening to their lives, who has done this. Perfect plot for me, just an average mum wanting answers. Book 61 read this year
Another new author for me, I was worried 'Harry' was a successful published author, just engaged to Edward, who comes from one of the richest American families, but I read on. This is a clever plot, a English woman who living in USA, self made  not forgetting her roots. It twisted through the pages, with a clever ending, some of which I guessed. Book 62 read this year.
I picked this book because it was set in Australia, in truth it could have been anywhere, a clever plot, sending doubts and questions at every turn, can you believe what you see, have you got things wrong. I read this book quickly as I wanted to see what happens next, very clever ending. Book 63 read this year.

These are all library books, I am branching out to new to me authors, which is fun, to open a book and not know who or how the story will unfold, pure bliss. Nothing much to do outside, enjoy the view and harvest a few things. I should be working on my 2023 book, I have promised myself I will make inroads this month. 

The evenings are now darker, lights are being turned on, my garden twinkles at night with the solar lights, cooler mornings, which I do like, we are have more rainy days, still sunny, but the warmth has gone. The season is changing, for me it's a sad time, the garden is closing, the brightly coloured blooms are fading, I can see gaps, so it will be time to pack things away until next spring. I do love the colours of autumn, and I do love bare trees, their true shape, the shadows they create, I don't cut back my flower beds, the plants are left for wildlife.  

Tuesday 3 September 2024


Sunday I was outside for a while, I planted a small conifer from hubby's garden into a spare pot, it won't grow big, he is changing part of his conifer garden, we popped to our favourite garden centre and hubby got the grasses he wanted, shock horror, I got nothing for my garden. Hubby has space for a couple more plants, he's talking about getting some alpines, as they would suit the front of his bed.

With George starting school soon, life is going to be very different for him, unlike Will who comes out of school full of energy, we expect George to be tired, and therefore less likely to be able to go to the local parks. They had a slide in their garden, which was small and it cracked, so hubby and I decided they need something in their own garden. With daughter help with choices, this climbing frame with slide arrived last weekend. We have three happy grand children.
End of a era for George, last time at preschool nursery, and ready for school, with all the local support, his school have been fantastic, daughter is not as worried about him going to school. All we have to hope is his first week goes well, he is not great with too many changes all at once, he knows his 1to1 support person, and has been in the classroom a few times. 

We spent the weekend at home, daughter and children popped over on Saturday for a couple of hours, both Molly and George were asking to see us, I had a day not doing anything in the garden, I read and rested as did hubby, I have been making notes in my garden journal, noting each bed, what was growing, a couple of plants I am moving. 

September is a month of celebrations, hubby's birthday was on Monday, we had a quiet day home with a Chinese takeaway for tea and a glass of red wine. Daughter and Will popped in for cake and give hubby cards and gift, George and Molly were at nursery, Will was very animated, normally he's out done by his younger siblings. He wanted to check my wildlife pond, I was told its a good habitat, he was very happy with everything, I also got a huge compliment, he said our garden looked like a flower shop, he also raided the raspberries and blackberries, some things never change.

Today is wet and dull again, hubby has to pop out this morning for an hour, I'm staying in, not much to do, hubby wants some fleabane daisies for his front garden, he thinks they will soften the front wall, so I am going to take loads of cuttings for him.  

Sunday 1 September 2024


 Friday I met a friend for lunch, we visited Stokes bay, it has a long flat pebble beach, the land across the water is the Isle of Wright, the water, The Solent is always very busy, we had a lovely walk and chat, we have not seen each other for a while, so it was good to catch up. 

Hubby got a grass for his front garden, the agreement was he would bear the cost, but I would be allowed to separate a small piece for my pond area. The deep root planters have a price of £10.99, in the 75% off sale, I paid £2.74, a bargain and useful as I didn't have enough this past spring. 
I wrote in my last blog about gardening gloves and got a couple of comments, I have worn these 'workman's' gloves from B&Q for a couple of years, they are not water proof, they are tough and thin enough not to hinder in any way. I purchased 3 pairs in May 2022, I keep one pair in the greenhouse the other two I use everyday. When they get too dirty, I wear them, squirt a bit of washing up liquid and wash my hands with them on, they always come back good. This is not a paid advert, just me saying what great gloves they are, if you want to get some, look in the electrical tool section at B&Q. The Traffi brand are very expensive and I truly can't say they are better quality, I would think they are both the same.

We popped to our favourite garden centre, a few weeks ago we got a reed diffuser, a refill and a candle, all lemon smelling for our downstairs bathroom, they were half price but still expensive, we both loved the smell and popped back to see if they had anymore. This time they were 75% off, we managed to get another candle and two refills, hubby went online and got another diffuser at full price, on the whole we have saved loads and our home smells wonderful, we have diffusers in both bathrooms and the two candles in our sitting room.

Hubby was looking at the grasses and stated he would like to change his front garden corner, it has loads of conifers, not trees, low shrubs, some are getting a bit ropey looking (his words). One I can use in my back garden, so he is sorting and then going shopping for more decorative grasses, he wants some taller ones, he is growing more to his front beds.

I was asked how the Shark vacuum cleaner was performing against my old Dyson, hubby and I have had a few chats, the Dyson had more brushes for different areas, it felt lighter, and the brush section was easier to manoeuvre. The Shark is quieter, it feels as if it picks up better, but that could just be my Dyson was old, I don't have a decent brush for the stairs, the feature which allows the arm to bend I won't use and the lights on the brush is unnecessary. Both are easy empty, the filters are easy to get at for cleaning, I don't regret getting the Shark, it was much cheaper than a replacement Dyson.


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