Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Sunday 8 September 2024


After a shaky start and only half the bean plants surviving, I am having a harvest twice a week, these are a firm favourite in our household, I have managed to freeze a few portions, hopefully they will keep coming and I can freeze more. The one question I have is should I plant a full row of beans next year, I have 10 plants here and they are giving us a good harvest, I have 20 poles for 40 plants.
My small tomato plants in the greenhouse have gone over, but this beef tomato plant outside is full of green tomatoes, some are changing colour, I hope the rest will follow, sadly so many have been nibbled on. Whilst we both are enjoying these tomatoes, I won't grow big ones next year.
I love berries in the garden, never a huge crop, but enough fresh berries to keep us happy, I am picking a few raspberries each day, I cut back the blackberry vine, we have had a good harvest on the smaller vine, loads of lovely new growth for berries to grow on next year. I was not expecting more strawberries, I have a few ripening on my tower. 
I got a six pack of pansies and cyclamen for my winter garden colour, plus a few bulbs for a big pot up by my greenhouse, won't be seen from the house, but nice to have a splash of spring colour. 

Under the runner beans are beetroot and parsnips, I need to harvest some of the beetroot, so I can pickle it, these have been a success, I will pull some for my sister, hers failed this season. Leeks are growing well, still a bit small, I can leave them in the ground much later than other veg, at some point I will harvest, clean, slice and freeze some. After such a poor start to the growing season, I am really pleased, I have harvested more then I hoped, slugs and snails have been the issue, my soil is fertile and plants once established, grow well.  

The heavy rain has given everywhere a good watering and nothing has been battered down, luckily we live in an area with no issues with flooding, our new garden design allows water to soak away without issues, hubby's new grasses in his front garden are looking good, it's still mild, infact it feels warmer outside than in. Friday it rained most of the day, we did get a couple of dry spots, I've nothing to do outside, so I spent part of the morning on my 2023 book, later I finished a great book. 

Saturday we popped to B&Q and home bargains, after 3 days at home, it was nice to get out, we were going to our favourite garden centre, but hubby got the plants at B&Q at a much better price, I am re-potting the bedding plants, he got pansies and sweet williams, and three alpine plants. Later the heavy rain came back, it's due to rain most of today, so another day at home. I went to get more red/black gloves, but sadly they have stopped selling that range and the other gloves were not so good, I will have to make my pairs last as long as I can.


  1. Agree with the warmer out than in phrase. Our cottage has become a might too chilly and damp feeling so the Aga has been turned on and evenings we’re having a small fire in the wood burner.

  2. Do you make big holes with a dibber or crow bar and drop your leeks in the holes and water them in? I find this blanches the white sock and gives you thick leeks. I have written a post about this and will post it in the week. Smashing photos.

  3. It's annoying when you've found something that's really useful and then find it's been discontinued.

  4. My tomatoes are still green, I've picked them and they are in a bowl with some shop bought ones hoping they will go red. We have kidney bean on the allotment, do you feed yours? If so what do you use?. Our leeks are growing well too and we have some beetroot, never tried pickling, might you show us how you do that, if you can?

    1. I've never pickled beetroot before, my mum sliced hers and added malt vinegar, I will consult the internet before doing mine.

  5. It looks like 10 plants gives you plenty of beans - but if half of them want to die, then maybe you still need the 20? But what to do if they all survive!

  6. We haven't had as much rain here , it has been very foggy . I think you have done really well in your veg garden .Well done !

  7. Your garden is keeping you well supplied with fruit and vegetables... so pleasing :)

    All the best Jan

  8. Those beans look great. One of my favourite vegetables. I really must get into the garden and sow some.

  9. May have been a shaky start, but those beans are lovely. Mind you, it may have something to do with the chef as well.

  10. What a great harvest you are having this year and you are well ahead of me with Winter garden planning. I have a lot of sorting out to do in my garden.

  11. Those raspberries look really lovely. And it looks like you have a plentiful supply. Xx

  12. Your vegetable garden sounds very productive considering what a terrible year it's been for growing veg. I love to see how you tweak your garden through the seasons, adding addtional seasonal planting.



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