Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Wednesday 25 September 2024

This and that

 This is an amazing book, a bit tricky at the beginning as it's over various time lines and with different people, a missing girl, 3 years old, it builds it's layers until you understand the story, how it concludes is very clever, I could not put this book down. Book 67 read this year.

Another great book, I had no expectations for this story, but yet again I couldn't put this book down, a baby left with a stranger on the train, why, the suspects all lined up, nice and neat, but, well you got to read it to find the answers, I do recommend it. Book 68 read this year.

I love this author, this is his latest book, set in USA, a teacher stops a old student who is wearing a bomb vest entering the school and becomes an overnight hero, his life then spirals down, he is chasing things to slow down and stop, as always there are other stories on the edge of things. Another great book, Book 69 read this year.

A cold case missing woman presumed dead sends her surviving daughter cards, a private investigator hired to see what happened to her, finds a trail and strange things still happening, people are still disappearing. The beginning was a bit confusing, too many different stories at different timelines, it all came together with a great twist at the end. Book 70 read this year.
The last of my dahlias, well in truth these are the only ones which bloomed this year, 3 plants grew, 2 did not last long, I planted a pack and expected more to come, I've never been successful with them. I adore my old vase, given to me as a gift, I don't use it that often.
Daughter went out for lunch with friends last week, Molly went with them, she insisted on taking her handbag and her sunglasses, posing here in the local huge marina, still only 3, but looking so grown up. Daughter got the bag for the queens jubilee back in 2022, where she dressed Molly at the queen and the boys as guardsmen. 

Sunday was a wet day, so no gardening, I did a bit more on my 2023 book, whilst hubby baked an orange cake, which filled the house with a beautiful scent, it was a very lazy day, I picked up my crochet hook, trying to use some of my yarn stash, I will need to get a few more balls, but I will make a dent in my stash.

Monday was dull and grey, I walked to our library for more books, I'm getting to the point where I am reading the same titles on the shelves every time I visit, it was the toddlers sing along, lovely to hear little voices happy in their songs, I've sung along to the Dingle dangle scarecrow many times.  

Tuesday was a quiet day at home, did some housework and watched the rain, whilst it has poured down, we are no where near as bad as other parts further north in our area. I have said before we are in a extremely unlikely to flood area, so watching the rain is enjoyable, without any worry.


  1. At least my polytunnel let's me garden even when it's raining like today. More plant cuttings to take and pot up.

  2. You may only have had a few dahlias, but they are a beautiful colour. Molly looks so sweet.

    1. Grown up, it's very easy to forget she is only 3, as the youngest child, she is catching up her brothers too quickly.

  3. I've not read any of those titles so thanks for the recommendations. We had rain all day Monday but yesterday was fine and dry.



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