Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Sunday 10 December 2023

Counting time

Total so far, £44.17, which is just above last years total, a reflection on how little cash we use. We do always use cash in the village, but often we are asked if we have correct change, so less is going in the bottle. Again this year it can stay, we don't need to use it, as you can see the bottle is not even a third full, first photo was taken after I had put some of the small change back into bottle.  
This is our important savings, in here we have £128.00 in two pound coins, we actively do not spend two pound coins, on previous years we have had notes as well, often gifted to us, but we now use these saving more when we are on our short breaks. 
Work stopped on our garden,the forecast for Thursday and Friday was dire, plus our landscaper has a bad cold, we asked him to take a couple days off if his schedule allowed, we are his last big job this year. He will be back on Monday,  hopefully feeling much better, the paving stones and other items are on our front drive, so he has everything he requires, we have asked him to put in a concrete post for our gates, so a bit extra work. I would rather it took longer than see him struggle.
I found out my glass bulb holders and managed to get these bulbs at our Wednesday market, reduced which I like, the extra ones have been planted, more flowers to come.

Thursday I took the bus into Portsmouth, heading for Old Portsmouth, a pub on the waters edge, sadly it was a grey wet and stormy day, the ferry's were still sailing, but nothing much happening. I had lunch and a long catch up with a couple old work colleagues, we try and meet up a few times each year. We are lucky the express bus takes 25minutes from home to the bottom of Portsmouth, an easy journey, the heavy rain on the way home was a nightmare,  but with my winter coat on and a warm hat, I stayed warm and dry.

We are again away for the weekend, this time we took the coach to London, normally we would go on the train, when we booked this trip we were fearful of strikes, which happened this week. We are with hubby's ex army friends, we decided not to stay any longer, we did toy with the idea of seeing the lights, but decided against going too far whilst there.


  1. Last Thursday was so wet wasn't it, it was a day I had to go out, and goodness didn't it rain!

    Hope you've had an enjoyable weekend away.

    All the best Jan

  2. I usually put all our change in separate jars and save for two years. The money is used for our family reunion every two years. Saves us a bundle for sure.

    God bless.

  3. Gosh looks like you're having a lot done in your garden, We had a new patio in the summer, they said 4 days and took 3 weeks! They talked us into having all the same size slabs so its ok, laid well etc but not really what I wanted but we were desperate as they were the 5th builders we had for quotes, the others never got back to us!

  4. That's very understanding of you to tell your builder to relax for a couple of days - many people wouldn't. He'll appreciate your thoughtfulness.



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