Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Tuesday 26 December 2023

Boxing day

 We have had a great couple of days, full of everything Christmas should be, family, happy children, smiling faces all round, video calls with those living further away. Loads of interactive toys, watching little ones working out how to play and sharing everything. This photo taken on Christmas eve evening, before all the excitement of the main day. 

Boxing day was at home, mummy, daddy and little ones hopefully visiting us this afternoon, time to pack gifts away, hubby gave me loads for needle felting, a lovely surprise, I chose the stitch picker with the wooden handle, and the acrylic paints, and the long handled trowel, which is going to be very useful in our garden. These days we choose our gifts, neither of us like silly presents, we don't get food or sweets as we are given loads, we have enough chocolate to last to summer. Hubby enjoyed the couple of surprises I had for him.

My brother is driving home today, it's the only dry day this week, it's a long drive on his own, so better he does not have to battle the weather as well, we hope roads are clear as well. It's been a quiet few days, my brother was not in the best of moods and it's hard to do things with someone who is not bothered, he felt better on Christmas day with all the little ones around. 

Our decorations will stay up until Friday, I do like to clean before the new year. No plans for this week, walking when we can if the promised rain gives us any breaks, we both have books to read, and I will start another needle felting project. I have looks at schedule for our local craft centre and have decided to book another two half days, making different animals, which will expand my knowledge, they are with the same lady as before. 

Enjoy your time whatever you have planned, time off from work is always precious, even in our retirement work gets in the way of us seeing more of our families, as they work, time and health is our most precious items, once you understand that and use them wisely, life is much better. 


  1. Pleased you've enjoyed Christmas.
    We plan to take our decorations down after the weekend.

    The weather forecast does not look good does it with wind and rain on the way!

    All the best Jan

  2. I think I will keep my decorations up until Monday. The tree lights look so pretty on these grey, wet days. Xx

  3. I got a wooden handled hand fork for Xmas this year, to match a trowel that I already had and some new garden shears, as ours have rusted up. I bought myself a few bits and pieces and OH bought himself some cycling gear. I agree that it's much better to choose what you want and even buy it yourself, so there is no wastage. It's not so exciting, but I'm not a lover of surprises anyway.



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