Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 2 October 2023


I have potted my first Amaryllis bulb for this season, I have tried for a few years to regrow these wonderful blooms, only to have leaves and no flowers. In early summer I took all the bulbs, removed all the compost and popped each bulb in a paper bag, they were all placed in a cool dark part of our garage, I had no idea if this was correct, but it's what you do with other bulbs. I recently learnt how to get second blooms and my instinct was correct. So now it's wait and see, I have another 5 bulbs in paper bags, I am hopeful for loads of colour to come.
 We popped to a favourite garden centre, the two items here was not on my list, I just loved the colours in this cyclamen and the bulbs are just different blooms for me. My garden spend has been much lower so far this year, I have added these purchases to my stash list, anything which will grow is added, all hard landscaping items are part of the refit. 
I was super pleased to see there were still onion sets for sale, there are more than I wanted, but as I could not get red onions, I will plant more of these. I won't use them all, I will pass the extra sets to my neighbour. The broad beans are for sowing now, they over winter in the ground, hubby choose the potatoes, it would be nice to have some for Christmas time. So my veg beds will be working the whole of the winter months, it will be good to see things growing early next year. 
Our local pet shop has started selling bulbs, I got these hyacinth bulbs, in hope I can have them in bloom for a Christmas inside display.  I also got 2 bags of compost, 1 for shrubs and another enriched (no peat), which will be delivered on Wednesday,  with a bag of mushroom compost if he can get it, I will mix the compost with the top soil for my pots.
This is the second book by this author I have read, it's a sequel to her first, both can be read as stand alone books. Another good story, years have passed, the daughter who was a young child, is now grown up with her own family, I guessed the baddie but not the final twist. I found this book in the works, as was the 1st book, they are selling really good authors. Book 32 read this year.

I have a paper bag with green tomatoes in, they should ripen over the next few weeks, both plants have been cut back and used in the bottom of my new veg beds, we also put the leaf mulch from my black bin, and loads of chicken poo pellets, topped off with lovely enriched topsoil. It was a beautiful day on Friday, our topsoil was delivered before 9am, so both veg beds are full, we had to order more topsoil for the flower bed, which will arrive on Wednesday, hopefully we can finish all the new beds.

Saturday I worked on the section behind the garage, I dug out the composter and hubby moved it for me, it was a bit too close to the water butt, I have struggled to fill my watering can, I did toy with the idea of have a 2nd butt here, but decided there was not enough space. We moved things around and made space for hubby to build a wood store, he has kept loads from the decking base for our wood burner.

Sunday I should have been cleaning inside, but was drawn outside again, the days are warm and sunny, I spent loads of time sorting my side of the garage, I used fresh soil and compost to redo both hostas in pots, and have 2 small babies potted up. We did get time to relax on Sunday, we both enjoy sitting  outside whilst we still can. I will post later in the week with photo's of the finished section of the garden. We finally found the permanent spot for hubby's sundial in the new design, we don't use it, but he does love it.

Today, we are having a lazy morning, hubby is out this afternoon, I can do some overdue cleaning, the evening will be rest, read and look out at the garden, I love what we have created, it's just now a case of waiting until the landscaping is finished. 


  1. It sounds as though you have earned some relaxation!

  2. I hope your amaryllis bulbs re-flower, wouldn't that be good. Your new garden design and veg beds will bring you even more joy.

  3. I have some of my tomatoes in a paper bag as well. Some of them look like they are finally beginning to ripen. X

  4. I do hope your amaryllis bulbs flower again, keeping my fingers crossed :)

    All the best Jan

  5. Good luck with your amaryllis. We have a potted cyclamen that hasn't been touch for over five years. The corm is huge and it flowers heaps, love it :)
    I love sundials too :)

  6. Hope you got a relaxing day in. Also hope that the Amaryllis get flowers for you this time.

    God bless.



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