Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Tuesday 11 September 2012

This is great


  1. I made a book, through Kodak, which, I believe, is SNAPFISH now, for my great niece ELizabeth

    I took one picture of everyone on our side of the family that I had pictures of, and placed them one on e page and labeled them with names and dates, if i knew them.

    On the front, I labeled it "ELizabeth's 1st Picture Book." When we went to visit, it was sitting on ont of her bookshelves, in a prominent place. . made me so proud.

    Now, how did you decide what you wanted to put in it? I had a hard time seeinfit, but I did pick out some of your Family Sampler.

    This might be a nice thing to do when I get my 100 Blessings Sampler done, so that those who come after me will understand what is on it.

    Let me know how you did it, and if you actually made it into a book.

  2. Like this! What a way to remember the past!



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