Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 10 September 2012

Sit down, long interesting post

 We walked along the coast on Sunday, another hot sunny day, just a couple of photo's, it was glorious we had a great time, nice photo's and then home for a glass of wine in the garden. These are at Stokes bay, 30mins drive from our house, another pebble beach, The Solent so very busy loads of small craft.
Today back to work and back to dull weather.
 My book has come, so loads of dancing around here, with 162 pages it's not a small read, but I decided to go for the hard cover with the best quality paper, and I'm glad I did. It feels like a real book, look here if you want to know more. It was not cheap, but I am so pleased.
 Loads of work, transferring the blog to the book template was easy, the system did all of that, but then sorting each blog onto just 1 or 2 pages, I also wanted the photo's to be of different sizes, keeping it interesting. I must have spell checked it 2/3 times, just in case.
 Just a few pages for you to see, the photo's came out so well, each page you can adjust by turning the page into a grid, with loads of squares, which helps you line things up. I did not want page numbers, each post has the date on.
 I worked so the top of the pages were the same height, you will see the title for each blog is almost always at the same height. I chose the font I liked which looked a bit like hand writing, I ensure the leading edge of the photo's on each page was lined up, keeping it all straight and neat. Reading through I have noticed only two things I missed, each just a small thing. It was hard work, very time consuming, I checked the finished item twice before sending it to print, which took just over a week.

The front and back covers on each book  will all have the same words on, just different stitching photo's. 2009/2010 is ready, but I will wait awhile, see if they offer me another discount and 2012 is a work in progress. 
In other news, Tribal penguin has been stitched again, if you would like a chance to be the next person to stitch it, please pop here and leave a comment, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, I want him to go around the world.

I also had a nice surprise in my e-mails today, I have won a giveaway, another heart, Hearts of Canada, it's a kit with DMC silks/floss and Kreinik braids. You know how I love my hearts, thank you Loretta

The next one is for you I have just to add the beads to my Christmas Ornament, so in my next post I will have that to give away, so watch this space.


  1. I can imagine your blog book will be very precious to you. I love the layout of the pages. This must have taken many hours of editing.

  2. Wow, what a lot of hard work, but the book looks amazing!!! What a great idea to have a physical copy that you can pick up and smile at whenever you want to.

  3. A very beautiful gift to yourself, priceless!



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