Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday, 17 January 2025


Amaryllis time here again, this is the second bulb to bloom this season, I have a 3rd bulb already growing. 
I've started my sweet peas, I've not used the whole pack, just over half, the rest of the seeds can be used next spring. These soaked for one day, I then popped them on damp kitchen paper, they are on a sunny spot with the lid on to aid growth, once they start to shoot I will pop them in my long root growing containers.

 A very different tale, we all dream of winning the big one, how would you spend the money, would it change you, who you really are. A clever tale, a bit far fetched, but that's why we read non fiction, book 5 read this year.

I do like UK based police stories, it twisted and turned it's way to a conclusion, so many people who could be guilty. All through I had a slight feeling I had read this before, normally I remember quickly, it was the last chapter when I was sure, I checked and found it on my reading list for 2021, book 6 read this year.

I've twisted my back again, so I am am not doing much, it seams it takes less to bring back pain, which this time is taking longer to shift, Lilly is a lovely distraction, but I'm feeling a bit down, hopefully I can bring myself back up. I've not done any crafting, at some point I will get my yarn out and make something, I have plans to use my sewing machine, it will have to wait until my back is stronger. I am walking when I can and reading loads, we popped into the library, so I have plenty to read. 

We have tiny mice near our magnolia tree, they scurry under the bird feeders, we are both enjoying watch them run around, hubby scattered some seeds for them when feeding the birds, I love to see the mice, luckily we haven't seen any rats for ages, we have found a couple of small tunnels coming under our fence. I've not done anything in the garden for a couple of weeks, which is normal for me at this time of year, everywhere is looking tidy, I have things growing which do not require any input from me. 


  1. Pregerminating old seeds is worth doing with any old seeds you have. If they sprout you know they are alive and you don't waste your time sowing dead seeds.

    1. These aren't old seeds, I just wanted to get them started inside.

  2. Sorry you have back problems again, Marlene, I hope it eases soon. I've found as I've got older that when I have a back problem again (recurring prolapsed disc), it takes longer to recover. Not nice.

    1. I've started pilates again, this time at home following NHS videos on YouTube, as I really don't want to be going to evening classes.

  3. My 2 Christmas gift amaryllis are both flowering but the 4 I’ve had for a few years are just producing leaves. Lovely to have such exotic blooms as this time of year though I did see snowdrops out on my walk today. Hope your back improves soon.

  4. Hope your back starts to feel better soon.
    That amaryllis looks lovely.

    All the best Jan



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