Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Spring blooms

 I love to see tiny spring bulbs in pots, I have a few pots I bring on to this metal table each year, to be able to see new blooms at this time of year is pure bliss. There are crocus in another pot and my winter cyclamen most of which are still blooming. 

The first snowdrops have arrived, these by my huge herb pot in the side bed, I have small clumps around the garden and some more in a pot. There are signs of other bulbs starting to grow everywhere in the garden, I have some around my wildlife pond as well.
Loads of things doing well in the greenhouse, I have put the top layer of my strawberry tower in here, in hope I can get some early berries. My lime tree has put on loads of new growth, I renewed the compost last summer.
I adore this plant, I had one for years until the frost got to it, I forgot to cover it, so this one will stay in a pot, it has tiny orange flowers, its a fast growing plant. 

Monday was a cold, windy and wet day, with thunder and lightning followed by huge hail stones. We did pop Lilly to the vets, she is doing well, her weight is good, she was the smallest of the litter, her second jab is booked for 3 weeks, we will then book her to be spayed and chipped at about 20 weeks, she stays inside until all done. I had picked up a tummy bug, a couple day feeling yuck, I'm better now.  

Nothing else to tell you, got more supplies for Lilly, we are happy to find a brand of wet food she likes. Met daughter and Molly in our local town on Wednesday, then later walked to the library in our village.

With the horrendous weather we are doing nothing, I won't say too much about our weather, compared to most places in the UK, we get off very lightly, with only Norfolk and Suffolk areas being drier than us. I'm a soft southerner, I don't like cold and wet, together they bring your mood down and keep us inside.


  1. I've moved my bulb pots to where they can be seen from the windows, some of them will soon be in flower. I like that plant of yours in the white pot, the last pic, what's it called? It looks a bit like a coleus.

    1. It's a pelargonium, I don't know the name of it.

  2. It's lovely to see spring bulbs, especially the miniature ones in pots. Your pelargonium is so pretty - the leaves almost don't look real.

  3. Our garden is still at that damp and winter squashed stage, however our snowdrops are beginning to flower and that absolutely makes my day.
    Was wondering if your pelargonium is a Vancouver Centennial?

  4. How wonderful to see all the bulbs growing. It will be awhile before that happens here.

    God bless.

  5. It's always nice to see new growth, especially bulbs pushing through. All the best for Lilly, she's such a beauty. Take care x

  6. I'm glad you're feeling better, Marlene. And it's so lovely to see the snowdrops and crocus isn't it. Spring will soon be here. Xx

  7. Your Iris are very pretty. I have shoots on mine but I am still waiting for them to flower. They should be a similar colour to your ones.



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