Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday, 27 January 2025

Family time

 This is a photo gives me so much joy, daughter and Molly had time together last Friday, when asked 'where do you want to go', Molly's reply was the library, they stayed for ages reading books. Later George was sent home from school again, daughter sent the school a video of him once he was home, hopefully the school will understand he is tricking them.

I love this author, her books normally have a medical theme, this one is promised to be the first in a new series. It started good and kept going, where do spies retire to and can they ever walk away. The story line was good, it did not go too far into the unbelievable, again a clever twist with a nice ending. I consider this the best book read this year, book 10 read this year.

Another brilliant book, I have read most of the David Raker books written by this author all set in UK, this is a completely different tale set in USA, it's an huge book, a woman and her brother go missing, why, how, a police officer is looking into another missing woman's case, are they linked, what is being missed. I loved the whole plot, it's a survival story in more ways than one. Book 11 read this year.
I often stay in bed later on a Sunday morning, hubby left the door open so I had company, something that our other cats were not allowed, she is spoilt. Daughter told me to use the portrait setting on my phone camera, you can't zoom and the background goes a bit blurry, but much better photo's.

I got all my sweet-peas planted, I used all my deep root planters, these I hope to plant in the ground when they are ready, I had loads left over so they went into two pots, probably a bit too crowded, I will wait to see what comes up. I have nothing else to do outside, I still have not swept my paths around my veg beds. We had no problems after the storm, it's path was much further north, and the strong winds were of a level we often have here along the south coast. 

Saturday arrived with blue skies and much warmer, I did walk around my tiny garden, which is enough to keep me happy, loads of bulbs starting to grow, veg beds looking good, a quiet start to a busy day. Daughter came with her three little ones, they all took turns to play with Lilly, who enjoyed every moment and crashed out once they had gone. A lot of our conversation with daughter was about Traitors final, I am fascinated on how they swapped and changed their loyalties, I disliked Charlotte in the final.

Sunday was wet as expected, another named storm, less ferocious than the last, we were directly in it's path, so much rain again, we stayed inside reading we are both bookworms, listening to music, this month has rushed by when normally January is a long slow month, we have just finished the darkest 10 weeks of the year, a fact to cheer us all up.


  1. Book reading is a good idea when the garden is in gutter with the relentless wind and rain.

  2. So good to hear of children enjoying books. George is a little rascal! Lilly is ruling the roost, as cats do.

  3. It's good to think that the darkest days of the year are over. I wish I could get back into reading more. I struggle to sit down with a book these days, unless I'm on holiday by the pool.

  4. Cheeky George. He's very clever. Xx

  5. It's lovely when children enjoy books.

    All the best Jan

  6. Ahhh, I do hope the school catches on about the trick George is playing on them. Lilly looks extremely comfortable.

    God bless.

  7. There is something magical about disappearing in to the pages of a book especially when the weather is so uninviting at the moment

  8. Libraries and museums are great places to entertain little ones.

  9. The portrait of the cat is so cute.

  10. Enjoying the pleasures of reading is a wonderful thing . I hope Molly continues to enjoy visits to the library. Good idea of your daughter to video George, to show school the real situation. I do hope school life gets better for him so that he wants to be there.



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