Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday 11 October 2024

Just another week

 This is just 30 minutes after another huge deluge, we had heavy rain all through Monday night, no thunder and lighting, which was promised, we had heavy rain storms Tuesday morning, they didn't last for too long, but they came one after the other. For the first time I can remember in 15 years living here, we had a huge puddle just outside our gates, it did drain, just the amount of rain falling so quickly. 

I have done more on this lap blanket, it's such a simple design, using just 7 shades makes it very uncomplicated, it grows quickly as the yarn is double knitting weight. It is now the width I want it to be, I just need to add length, I work on this most afternoons, as I want to get it finished.
I have ordered my blog book for 2022, as expected I got the discount I was waiting for, in fact I got a very good deal 50% off the book plus free shipping, so I saved £64.44, the book cost me £55.45, which is the cheapest I paid in years, normally with such a good discount you normally still have to pay postage. My 2023 book is no where near finished, so I can wait until next year to publish it. These books are only for me and my grandchildren, who love to see their photo's in a book. 

Hubby has done a good job on the stairs, it's not finished yet, just the gloss to do, we removed all the photo's of the grandchildren and I've packed them away, we have a few things to hang on the wall, our new light fittings are again very simple, it's going to look very uncluttered. 

Daughter came to visit on Wednesday with Molly, both boys were in school, Molly is so very different without George, she wants to know everything, and is non stop chatter. George has settled into school much better than we expected, he is talking and being understood more (mainly because Molly is not there to talk for him), and is already following set books and starting to write letters and numbers, when I visited on Tuesday evening, he got out his reading bag for us to look at his school books together. Daughter had a parents evening chat with Will's teacher, he has settled into his junior class and is doing well, so daughter is a happy mummy, who sadly is full of cold, now positive for covid. 

We have had rain every morning this week, happily there is nothing to do in the garden, hardly any leaves falling, we just sit inside and watch the tiny birds, our feeders are very busy. I'm not complaining as the events from Florida are shown on TV, we are so lucky not to have flooding issues.

With George at school and Molly enjoying pre-school 3 days a week, we don't see our little people enough, we are both very happy they are all enjoying their new lives, we have a hole to fill, we have a few things coming up, but for now it's home alone.


  1. We used to have to stop our eldest daughter speaking for her siblings. Is it a girl thing or do boys do it too?

    1. I only had daughters, so can't really comment, my oldest was always a chatterbox, maybe it just runs in our family.

  2. It's good to have hobbies to occupy us. I have been making dahlia and griselinia cuttings today.

  3. Your lap blanket looks good, I do like the colours you've used.

    All the best Jan

  4. It's great to hear that your grandchildren are all doing well.
    I hope your daughter feels better soon. A couple of my colleagues have been off with covid, as well. Xx

  5. It sounds very damp and autumnal with you, great knitting weather. Keep cosy.



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