Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Autumn outside

 I do love to see a floral display on this bistro set, it can be seen from our sitting room, and fills us both with joy. I got cheap cyclamen plants from B&Q, these have grow bigger in the few weeks I have had them. Next spring I will get this set dipped and powder coated white, which was the colour when we got it, it will better against our grey fence panels.

I am not adding much to my flower beds for winter colour, I want to allow all the new plants space to grow and come back next year, having said that I do still have some colour, as well as loads of bare spots. I have popped in a few pansies for colour, in a small garden with narrow beds there is not enough room to grow for every season.
Having cut back (butchered according to hubby) our Olive tree back in the spring, I am so happy with how it now looks, I don't move it through the cooler months, our weather in the past few years have been very mild, if a hard frost is due, I double wrap it in fleece. This section looks bare, all I can do is dream of warmer dry weather next spring, it's our first year of looking like this. 

Friday was sunny and warm, I spent a couple hours outside, moving things into my shed, days like that I need to be outside. Later we went to our neighbours at the bottom of our garden for a drink and chat inside his garden pub, it's the building you can see over our back fence, sadly we had a bit of a walk to get there, he has offered to put a gate in our back fence, loads of laughter and brilliant music.

Saturday was another lovely day, I worked on finishing my bug house, hubby was finishing sorting the stairs for decorating. Later, we walked to the village for our Covid and flu jabs, hubby is fine I have a sore arm, I have to have both shots in one arm, which does make them ache. We are enjoying watching Strickly again, it always helps with the dark nights and the build up to Christmas. Sunday we had drizzle most of the day, hubby sorted ladders on our stairs and painted the ceiling, twice, it's a job I'm glad when it's finished, he's 75 and active, I worry when he's doing things at height, we did get quotes, all of £1000 or more for such a small area, which he refused.

Monday we popped into town, I had a prescription to get, my dentist is worried about a cracked tooth and we have a break in Spain coming, so I have 'just in case' antibiotics. We stayed for a hour, not many good shops left, I do like home section in TK Max, and B&M for a few bits.

Blogger is playing me up again, often it's not showing post on my reading list, and loads of comments are in spam, oh well at least I'm aware. 


  1. Winter is a great time to take a sun holiday. Far away from the madding crowds. We went to Tenerife last December.

    1. We have Spanish friends who live close to Valencia, it's a beautiful city, and warm, sunny and dry, here it's heavy rain storms and cooler.



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