Tuesday 30 May 2023

May Round up


Another big spend in the garden, my little lemon plant was expensive, but I did want to replace the one lost in the cold weather. My leather trainers were a bargain, too good to miss and I will wear them loads, no other clothes purchased and a couple of books to read.

More expense in the garden, replacing the final 2 broken panels, we are private again, with firm good quality post, hopefully for years to come, the post should stay even if any panels break. 

I have spent a bit more on top up shops at daughters and we used loads more fuel in the car, she did ask how much should she pay us, but I won't answer, life is expensive when you have kids. 

19th of May was UK's earth overshoot day, on this date we had used all the annual  renewable resources, we are using these resources at twice the rate they are being produced, it's not just us, almost all countries are the same, our world can't keep up with human needs, we have to change. Just do your bit to help, like us, think about your foot print, and make it greener, don't worry if you are not perfect at it, very few of us are, but as they say 'every little bit helps'.

No food going off, it's the same each month, we get enough fresh fruit and veg each week, which keeps us out of the local supermarkets for top ups, just one visit to Lidl's for general shop. Hubby is not listening to me about portion size, he cooks too much and shares it all out, even though I was brought up to eat everything on your plate, I have started only eating what a need and binning the rest, in hope he understands, I think the message is getting through, he now hates waste as much as me. 

My weigh is down a few pounds and my steps up loads, children are great at keeping you fit, the two little ones wanted almost everything I was eating, so in every case, I cut bits off ready to let them try, they both love raisin and cinnamon toasted bagels (my breakfast), the school run added an extra 3000+ steps each and every day. 

Monday 29 May 2023

Sunny Bank holiday

Thursday we walked along the marina at Port Solent, very expensive area, the flats around mostly come with a mooring as well as parking spaces. There are a few nice shops and loads of places to eat. Hubby got his shoes, which is a relief,  he got a pair a week ago, but took them back when the eyelet hole broke. We got Will from school, which is always fun, saw George and Molly for a short visit.

Molly and George came to play on Friday, whilst mummy took older brother Will to the cinema, they played with their new Pepper Pig balls and spent most of the time outside. Our house and garden looked like a toy shop for a while, we did manage to get some quiet time later, a cartoon called Bing is the newest favourite for both of them.

Saturday a lazy day at home, we never take our car out on holiday weekends, the roads are extra busy with the hot sunny weather, everyone driving to the coast. I finished this book all 999 pages, I have read everyone in the series, the author is J K Rowling writing under a pseudonym, her earlier books have all been televised, all true to the storyline and very enjoyable. Book 9 read this year.

Sunday we went to daughters house for a BBQ, Grandma and Grandpa were there, so a true family time, daughter has recovered from her infection,  thank you so much for all your best wishes, it was a worrying time. Plenty of food cooked by SIL, the little ones entertained us, they are both so cute.

We had a sunny bank holiday so far, which makes a lovely change, and the forecast for the coming week is good, it's half term so many families are going to be happy. We are retired so the extra days holiday means nothing to us, but it's lovely to know mums and dad are having more time with our grandchildren. We had planned to be in Somerset over the weekend, but hubby was not feeling good, so we stayed home. He is feeling  much better, just tired most of the time, I'm hoping it's just the sudden very hot weather, I am keeping an eye on him, any jobs need doing can wait.

I am still doing my Pilates class, I have missed a class, I went on Thursday, my back was a bit sore, so I rested instead of doing a couple of the exercises,  best to be safe. I have not done any cross stitching, my book was good and we are outside later each day.

Today is a day at home together,  I can't think of anything better, we are chatting loads about things changing when our garden is remodelled next spring, needless to say I'm over the moon,  we eat outside every day, life is good. Later I'm going to pamper myself, I should have done it on Saturday, but we stayed outside much later.

Saturday 27 May 2023

late May

My new strawberry tower is full of young green berries, this spot by the garage door is perfect sun trap. I should get my best ever crop this season. Purdy walked around the garden with me to ensure I took good photo's, you are never alone when you have cats.
This view is looking good, the herb pots work well against this gate, towels on the line, it's early about 9ish so the sun is still below the roof line and casting shadows. Often I rub against the rosemary or lemon balm, the scents are lovely. 
We are both happy with our seating area here, already we are using it more, having lunch outside most sunny days, it's close to the kitchen door which is handy. The Olive tree gives my chair dappled shade in the afternoons, which I love.
Pot's which I love, each plant has a different requirement, so pots enable me to have these all together. My new Little Lemon clematis in the brown pot is starting to grow, I have salvia in the front pot, 4 plants will fill it with colour. The back blue pot has chocolate cosmos, another great plant, I have just taken it from the greenhouse. 
This was the herb bed, I have wire across the french marigolds to stop Grace my cat from digging in the front of the bed, the acer looks good but my red rose is a slow starter this year, it does have new leaves and shoots.  
It's taken years to break down the heavy clay in this bed, but all the work was worth it, this is now a lovely colourful area, I have bedding plants growing well in the middle. 
My raised bed is full of colour, these nemesia bedding plants give me the colour I crave, there are loads of summer bulbs coming through as well. Do you like my silly chicken, just more fun outside.  
Another hard area looking good, I pulled my sink forward and also the old bird bath, now you can see the alpine plants, I popped my 3 tier pebble holder in the gap, keeps it out of the way. This was always a difficult area to plant, but again pots have come to my rescue.
I have had many comments about my red acer, I purchased it over 10 years ago, it was September and the leaves had fallen off the plant, so it was reduced to 99p, I have loved growing it on. I have had many small plants which I have grown on, some which got too big I have passed on, most are placed in the garden. I am happy to nurture plants and watch them grow, it's a sign of a true gardener, I'm not an instant gardener. 

Next door has made a couple of caustic comments to hubby earlier in the week, she really does hate him, which was ignored, I always feel the best thing you can do to any one obnoxious is ignore them, they just don't like it. Only time will tell if this patch is over. I put the gravel back between the new fence and the greenhouse, so now the cucumber and tomato pots can be placed infront of the greenhouse.

Thursday 25 May 2023

When the sunshines

Tuesday we drove to Stokes Bay, it's less than 20 minutes drive, we don't come here often enough. Looking over to Isle of Wight, with a large ferry coming into Portsmouth Harbour. It was a beautiful day, perfect to be along the shore line.
These long flat shingle beaches are all along this stretch of coastline, here stretching towards Lee on the Solent and right over to Southampton. Plenty of space for families, this area will be full next week in school half term, it's a haven for famlies.
Looking the other way towards Gosport and Portsmouth. There were plenty of people walking, fewer on the beach. Further down are some family attractions, not much this is a low key resort, loads of local caravan parks. 
Hubby suggested lunch out on Sunday, I asked him to defer until today, less people about and suggested a lovely beach side place here, I have been there many times  it was first time for hubby. We took a short walk after lunch and then back home, nothing much for tea, lunch kept us full. 

I was not up to going to sign group on Tuesday morning, hubby has not been feeling to well and getting very tired, and with the issues coming from next door, we have had another long ranting correspondence from her, accusing us of many things, the smell and flies outside are horrendous, we have stopped opening our patio doors. I have made a net structure to place in the open bedroom window, so we can have some fresh air inside. This time of year  is always the same as she opens all her doors and windows, the smell will dieback, the flies will increase.

This week daughter popped in with George and Molly, which was great, we sat outside, the children ate lunch on the small bench and played together. Daughter checked the chalk lines which are still there, she thought the design would work well, we had space for a 3rd chair and plenty of room for the little ones. 

I am still reading a huge book, I'm on page 630, out of 999, so still a way to go. The garden is finished for now, it looks how I wanted it to be, loads of colour and different bedding plants, the weather is allowing us to sit outside, I am loving everywhere is doing well, having replaced the few plants lost in the winter and all the bedding plants are in, the colour is coming through. 

Today we are popping to Port Solent, with loads of expensive yachts to look at, hubby needs new shoes, there is a good shop there. I won't look as I don't need any footwear at all. Later I will collect Will from school, it's his last day, it's the start of half term, so a week at home.

Tuesday 23 May 2023


I am really buzzing with this project, another repeat pattern along the right edge, very easy to remember, so quicker to stitch, the colours chosen were the same as the original design. I now have the lower middle section to fill, I have an idea, but it's a case of stitch a design and then decide on the next one, using parts of this design. I can clearly see the finish line here.
Just the very top not seen,
makes me smile every time I look at it.
This will be another cushion.
I do love my hand made cushions, I also cherish them, so they are all in our bedroom, where no-one can abuse them, it is a shame as I think they are beautiful, but the hours of work involved in making them, mean they need to be placed carefully. The big cushion on my bed is 2 designs mixed together, the smaller one is called Spanish sampler, it should have been smaller, but I repeated some of the panels. On my memory box, still in our bedroom, the front cushion is old european pattern, by Steve Rousseau, the pink cushion is my own mix-up of designs, I made this in 2010, whilst I was receiving chemo, this is the most special of my work, it helped me through a hard period of my life. 
 When sorting out my wardrobe the other week, I found this packet, so I still have one more 28dpi to use, pure joy to find. I have one design which once made I gave away, I have used it loads on my mix-up designs, and I think I will stitch it once more as a complete piece. 
I have used the label final 28dpi for this project I am working on, as I did not think I would purchase such fine canvas again, when I started this project I thought my eyes might struggle, but with a new lamp and daylight bulb, I am stitching with ease. I only have a few of my big designs, most of the designs I have finished I have given away. Most of the time the joy I get is in the making of the designs, once finished very few stay with me, I am not keen on having loads framed and hanging on our walls. 

I am reading most evenings, I am being restful as I gather my strength again, I do like to be active in the daytime, ensuring the house is clean, and then out into the garden whilst the sun shines, I am spreading my task out, before I would get everything done in one day. I have changed the contents of a few pots around, I am keeping to my promise of no new pots, and given 3 cracked and broke this winter, I feel I am doing well. 

True to form, our neighbour is unhappy with the replacement fence, hubby checked our boundary and  the last two old fence panels were out of line, so they corrected the line, something I probably would not have done, as it was only about six inches.  BUT, she has noticed and sent correspondence stating we have stolen her land, and damaged her items behind her summer house, she did not want the panels replaced, she wanted them repaired, we need to sort this out. Hubby has replied, the fence stays, the boundary is shared, but as we have paid fully for the replacement panels and work, she is not to touch anything. Just waiting to see what happens next.

Sunday 21 May 2023

Garden post

 I have moved the patio furniture around to reflect how it would look, once my planned work is done, just to see if this layout works for us, you can just see the chalk line, which is the edging of the paving, the rest of the area will be lawn. I do love how clear this section will be, as normal, I can pop pots on the table to add colour, The black fence under the acer, is the same width as our garden and the patio will be, all very neat. 

We moved the wooden table and chairs to outside the garage, which is a sun trap, but I don't like them here, with the washing line and the side bed, it's all too much. Also if we BBQ, the gas unit goes into this space, not a good idea if the grandchildren are here. The side path from the garage down will disappear into lawn, again you can see the chalk line, our lawn will be much wider. 
This I like, using the herb area, I have moved the big herb pots to the left of the Olive tree in the huge pot, we don't use this side of the double gates. There is another huge pot of herbs, which I could not move on my own, once they are gone, it will all fit nicely. I do need to decide where to put my tall chimney pot. 
Here we get a nice view of the garden, with plenty of space to walk by, there is afternoon shade from the fence, but we can always move the table out if we want the sunshine or have more people here. The herbs will give us natural scents as we sit in the sun. The pergola will go, and all the levels will be the same, all helping as we get older, it is a big job, expensive, but worth it, hence the sorting now, to ensure it all flows. 
Already the smell from next door is not so nice, and the flies near the house are huge in numbers, it's no use trying our environmental health department at Fareham Borough Council, we worked with them for years, built a case, which they then dropped, so we are as always, on our own. I think it might be nice to have the garden closer to the patio doors, at the moment we look out onto decking and furniture, so seeing it clear would look better. 

We both agree if it goes ahead, we can remove the decking ourselves, and use it to build the raised beds, fill and plant them. We would need to pay someone to do the rest, but both the paving and fake grass is better done by someone who knows what they are doing. 

I really enjoyed my afternoon in the garden on Saturday, working not too hard, drawing the chalk lines helped hubby understand fully the design, and except one small detail, he was happy, he is concerned regarding the cost, it's not going to be cheap, the design of this garden was set by previous owners, I had added and worked it for 14 years. Hubby was away Saturday afternoon and home later today, so plenty of me time, I rested all evening and again had another early night. Daughter is looking much better, she just needs to keep an eye on her energy levels, Will is at Grandma's house, so she spent the afternoon is the garden with hubby, George and Molly. 

Thursday 18 May 2023

This week.

I am still at daughters home, I brought Molly home on Wednesday for a break, the boys were at school and nursery,  it was lovely being home for a few hours, I miss my garden. Daughter has a garden, but it's very modern without flowers. Molly enjoyed playing with different toys and books.
The final fence panels have been fitted and we are again secure and private, it was an extremely hard task, the vegetation and rubbish was bad on the other side, hubby moved loads before the work could start,  also having the greenhouseso close did not help. I will pop the lightweight plastic panels back here, out of the way. Firstly we want some gravel, I will look to see if anyone has any going free. Hubby and workman did not see our neighbour, so it's classed as a result.
These peony's are going over quickly and I am missing their beauty,  the other plant which bloomed for the first year, is not bowl of beauty,  its the same colour as this one, I don't mind.

The saga with my daughter is ongoing, she was sent home on Tuesday night with strong painkillers,  and went back into the ward on Wednesday morning, only to find no bed, and again had to sit hours in a chair, MIL sat with her whilst I did childcare, the department had a couple of emergencies come in, we are thankful daughter is not in that situation. It's also the third day of no food, she was nil by mouth, just in case, it does feel as if you are just a number not a person. She had to be back in at 8.30am, which is school run time, so all grandparents were on driver duty. Daughter  has now been sent home with strong antibiotics,  the doctor thinks she has a severe infection, I've suggested she stay in bed, if her little ones see her, it could get too much.

It seems no one is surprised by the waiting times, it does feel like a shambles, again I'm not knocking any of the staff, but it become their normal day, do their thing, wait for test results, move person off bed to chair, to wait, change departments and start again. I don't believe any government has purposely set out to break up the NHS, I think they have all just let it slide, as with schools,  police ect, we live in a world where too many people want cheap, and look what we have left.

Today Will is at school and Molly at nursery,  so I will take George to ours, so mummy can rest, again it's nice to spend time with hubby.

Tuesday 16 May 2023

Waiting times

Yesterday I spent 11 hours in our local NHS hospital, with a family member.

 This is not a post knocking any of the staff or facilities,  just what our experience was.

I got a call at 7am, mum I can't get out of bed I'm in pain, so we drove to daughters house, I sorted her little ones, whilst hubby did breakfast,  we then took them to nursery and school. 

I stayed with daughter, her doctors  surgery told her to call 111, (the surgery is useless), 111 got a paramedic straight to her and an ambulance followed, the paramedic asked the crew to get her straight to surgery assessment department,  sadly the department declined to take her.

So at 11am we were put in A&E, they quickly moved her to critical care, where she was checked test taken, by lunchtime they referred to surgical assessment,  sadly she had to sit on a chair and wait 5 hours before she was moved to the surgical team.

After an checkover in surgical, again we waited 2 hours before she saw a doctor and an hour for a bed. I did finally complain as she had not been offered food all day, and would not be allowed any food the following day.

Suddenly she was in a bed with people  being so helpful,  ensuring she had food and drink. I left the hospital 11 hours after arrival.

Our local Queen Alexander (QA), is a fantastic facility,  the staff are excellent, helpful and professionals,  all we saw were sick people being moved from beds to chairs and waiting, the staff seamed immune to the plight of the long waits, it looked just anther day to them. Pain relief was only given when asked for, we often felt forgotten. It was so upsetting to have to go through 7 hours of medical paths to finally get to the department the paramedic wanted her to go to.

This morning  she is comfortable,  and will probably have a operation later, I am on Nana duties, aided by hubby, Grandma and Grandpa, so play time with Molly and George. 

Our NHS, is there for us, but only on their terms, and in truth we probably had a much better experience than many others, it's heart breaking to watch you child (even when they are grown up), in so much pain.

So now we are older, we need to be mindful and ensure we stay healthy, and stay out of hospital. 

Monday 15 May 2023

Looking better

This was at 7.15pm on Saturday evening, over an hour past Georges bedtime, at this point he had got up for the third time, and was hoping Grancha was going to save him from Nanna, 10 minutes later he went back to bed and was quickly fast asleep until 7.20am Sunday morning. It's the first time of sleeping in a bed here. 
After my huge sort out last month, George knows where all the different toys are, this visit he wanted all the cars and trains, we don't have so many as I threw loads of damaged ones away. It's been ages since he had a sleep over with us, Will was sleeping at Grandmas and Grandpas house, so mummy and daddy just had Molly. 
I have re-potted both these plants. The white Camelia has not stopped flowering and still has loads of buds. The pink and white Azalea looked worse for a while, the flowers faded, but there are new buds and they are red and white, not this pale pink. 
I pulled out loads of cactus, most not looking healthy at all, I had decided a while ago to cull the numbers, to give me more room here in the greenhouse, everywhere has been swept, I will clean the glass once all my summer plants have been placed in the garden. I have 2 tomato plants in the big bucket.
This is looking much better, the plastic sheets will go back along the greenhouse on Tuesday once the fence is replaced. I still need to dig out my compost bin, but it can wait until next week, I have cuttings in the yellow bucket, which will go into the composter once I have room. I have a cucumber in the big bucket, which will go in front of the greenhouse, all my small spring pots will stay here through the summer. 
The whole area has been swept, and a few pots moved around, my hosta is looking good, it's in a copper coal bucket, which keeps slugs and snails away, got it second hand, very cheap. This view from the house is stunning, so many different textures and colours. 
This section is really looking good, it's taken years to get to this point, the heavy clay is finally breaking down and plants survive the wet winter months. The big bucket is full of stones from beside the greenhouse, here is where the last 2 panels are being replaced. This is our rabbit garden, there are four you can see, with another 2 all out of shot, these are the best types of rabbit all resin, George and Molly love the native animals around the garden. 

The weekend has been brilliant, George is so much fun, like any little lad who is three and a half, he knows what he likes and enjoys playing, mummy packed his new hearing aids in hope we could get him to wear them, and be just like Grancha, he was very interested in hubbies, have a good look and checking hubby's ears, but sadly he did not want to wear his, which have been made to fit into his ear with the battery pack behind the ear. We went to our local park twice, popped to the village, watched his new favourite TV programme Bing, I popped him home for lunch on Sunday.

Sunday afternoon was outside, hubby painted the metal frame of our Pergola, I worked in the back section, our neighbours tree has dropped loads of tiny leaves, which are now all in the composter, I could have done more, but it's best to take my time and not over do things, I've not had any issues with my back and I want to keep it that way. 

Today we are going shopping again to look for suits, hopefully he will find one he likes, I am home alone in the afternoon, no plans as yet, I have a choice of sew, read or garden. 

Saturday 13 May 2023

Garden dreams

The garden is untidy, we had a delivery of fence panels and post on Friday, we moved the bench, hubby propped the panels along the garage wall and painted them, 3 times. Pots are all popped up by my greenhouse, it's messy up there. Nothing much on the metal table, it's too wet for my summer pots to come out of the greenhouse.
The bench will stay here, to stop me from tripping over the post and kick panels, everything will be fitted on Tuesday. All the bulb leaves are going over in the side bed, soon I can get some plants in, I just want to see colour.
I just love this tiny section of the garden,
it makes me smile every time I pass. 
New strawberry tower is much better, I have stronger healthy plants with loads of flowers, 5 levels, a total of 16 plants, I have not put strawberries in the bottom layer, I have a few rockery plants there. 
All these were cutting, which I popped into my Sphagnum moss, which I keep very wet with rain water, it's in a big plant pot saucer in a corner of the greenhouse, and is thriving and roots the cuttings quickly and strongly. I got just one packet of moss from a licenced supplier in Northumberland a couple years ago, it is going to last me years, 

We spent Friday morning in the garden, I planted some bedding plants in the old herb garden, I also potted on a few plants, my new Azealia was pot bound, so I was pleased to get it sorted, the plant has loads of buds on. It looked like rain,  so we rested inside all afternoon, me sewing hubby reading, no rain it just got really cool.

I have mentioned before I dream of my perfect garden, which would mean the garage knocked down and a new building which incorporated a greenhouse and potting shed, along the back fence, it's never going to happen, but I can dream. One job hubby wants done next year is to remove all the decking and have paving, which is making us think, sadly we rarely use the wooden table and chairs on the decking the flies and smell from next door is bad in the sunny hot weather. 

So being me I threw a completely new idea to hubby, which moves the patio to infront of the garage, on the other side of the garden, just have a wide walk, in paving outside the patio doors, and move the lawn down closer to the house and make it wider, with a flower bed at the back. That would give me more space at the back of the garden, room for a couple of small raised veg beds. 

Hubby is still talking to me, we have paced it out, it could work, we could reuse the decking boards to make raised beds, use some of the fake grass for paths in the veg section, lots of the work we could do ourselves. Just new paving and grass, all costing a bomb, so we would have to save like mad. If it went ahead I would want it done next spring, so I can move plants before they are in full growth, hubby is still talking to me, I can see him working out how much work it would take. 

Friday 12 May 2023

Lovely things

I took a risk and gave up following the placement of colours, and stitched what I liked, it's a very simple design which was easy and enjoyable to do. I want to stitch the final gap just above this, making all the edging bits done, something lacy again. I think I am now working on the final quarter. 
In the garden mum's peony is blooming, the pink just shines out, I love this plant, I have had it for over 20 years. I also have my first bud on my bowl of beauty, which has been planted for years. The pale pink plant in my raised bed had leaves only, I'm not expecting blooms for a couple of yours. 
I still have my sewing machine out, I was going to make the gaps in the bunting I made earlier this week smaller, but I decided to make the second set, I will give the first to my sister. I have almost finished another project, which I will show in another post, I so love sitting at my machine creating stuff.
I have been looking for a new grass for Kurt's hair, but I have been watching the small birds swoop in and take some for their nest building, so for now he can stay as he is. 
After reading this book, I will never get into a driverless car, it's wrote with tongue in cheek, good plot, clever ending, as always a great read, book 8 read this year.
Who loves a bargain, I am on the mailing list for Clarks Outlet, I get more emails than I like, but I do open them. Often I will click to see the offers, these leather trainers were reduced from £100 to £70, still to expensive for me, a couple days later I get a deal of the week email, these trainers were £30 and free delivery. That's not to be missed, there was a free return label inside, should I need it, which I don't, lovely good quality soft leather, inside and out, they should last me years. I do have 2 light weight trainers, neither are waterproof.
With all the showers all I can do is craft and read inside, it does feel good to get things finished, I have a few more things to do, then I can have the joy of a new start, I do have some knitting to finish, and more machine sewing.

I would love to do some gardening,  I have plants which need to get into the ground. We both are missing sitting drinking coffee outside, the dry weather is very slow to arrive. Neither of us enjoy shopping, and can't get out for refreshing walks.

We had the day out on Thursday, trip to the bank and then shopping, hubby's suit is looking tatty and he has a function to go to, not cheap, he could not find anything, so we will need another trip. I did not look at any clothes for myself. I got drenched walking home from Pilates,  I only live 5 minutes walk away, this weather is not drying up, it does feel like one of our wettest springs. 

The new fence panels are due to arrive this morning,  a few days early, so hubby can paint them before they are put in place. So today, is another day at home, I don't mind I can always find plenty to do, it bright and dry, so hopefully an hour in the garden.

Wednesday 10 May 2023


It's bunting time for the garden, I purchased these fabrics last year, with the tape to store for use this year, I have some yellow fabric I will add, I am only making enough for along the side fence, I will cut and sew more triangles, as I think these will fade quickly and might need a replacement set for later in the year. 
All finished, once the rain stops I can hang it along the fence, I have loads of spare triangles, which can be used once these have faded. Again this is longer than I need, I forgot I was putting each section closer, not an issue, I can still use it.
I have pushed on with this project, I do love stitching it, I've finished the circular design, and added forget me nots, this left side is looking balanced. Now I plan to stitch the right side, I want to finish the design I already started. I should then see how much space I have for more lace designs. 
I finally finished my second cardi, I do love the colours, it will go with anything I wear, sadly it's going to be packed away as the weather is much warmer, I did not make the collar on this one. I will have plenty of choice this winter in how I keep warm.
I could not resist adding this photo of Molly from Sunday, she does not get the concept of having her photo taken, so often she is looking away, don't you just love those fingers and toes, she is 2 in a few months, so growing up quickly. She is a proper girl and loves dresses and clips in her hair, which her mum hated to wear. 

The past couple of days has been relaxing, it's been pouring with rain, so mainly time inside. I started another sewing project using my sewing machine, I will do a post once it's finished.  I find it very relaxing sat at our dining room table with my sewing machine, most of the designs I make evolves as I am making them, which I love, gives me a huge sense of creativity. 

Tuesday  was sign group, we met at a different house, it's a very social time, after I popped to a friends house to drop off her birthday gift of a plant and card, we are going out for lunch next week, her birthday is before then, I don't like to give gifts late.

Today we have nothing to do, it's due to rain again, so I hope to do some craft, after finishing so many things, I can think of starting something new, or read a book.