Wednesday 10 May 2023


It's bunting time for the garden, I purchased these fabrics last year, with the tape to store for use this year, I have some yellow fabric I will add, I am only making enough for along the side fence, I will cut and sew more triangles, as I think these will fade quickly and might need a replacement set for later in the year. 
All finished, once the rain stops I can hang it along the fence, I have loads of spare triangles, which can be used once these have faded. Again this is longer than I need, I forgot I was putting each section closer, not an issue, I can still use it.
I have pushed on with this project, I do love stitching it, I've finished the circular design, and added forget me nots, this left side is looking balanced. Now I plan to stitch the right side, I want to finish the design I already started. I should then see how much space I have for more lace designs. 
I finally finished my second cardi, I do love the colours, it will go with anything I wear, sadly it's going to be packed away as the weather is much warmer, I did not make the collar on this one. I will have plenty of choice this winter in how I keep warm.
I could not resist adding this photo of Molly from Sunday, she does not get the concept of having her photo taken, so often she is looking away, don't you just love those fingers and toes, she is 2 in a few months, so growing up quickly. She is a proper girl and loves dresses and clips in her hair, which her mum hated to wear. 

The past couple of days has been relaxing, it's been pouring with rain, so mainly time inside. I started another sewing project using my sewing machine, I will do a post once it's finished.  I find it very relaxing sat at our dining room table with my sewing machine, most of the designs I make evolves as I am making them, which I love, gives me a huge sense of creativity. 

Tuesday  was sign group, we met at a different house, it's a very social time, after I popped to a friends house to drop off her birthday gift of a plant and card, we are going out for lunch next week, her birthday is before then, I don't like to give gifts late.

Today we have nothing to do, it's due to rain again, so I hope to do some craft, after finishing so many things, I can think of starting something new, or read a book.


  1. Love the cardigan and the bunting. It is so lovely and bright. Your cross stitch is looking fantastic.

  2. The bunting is great, lovely and bright. You really are very clever, all the complex knitting and sewing you do. My eldest daughter hated all things girlie too.

  3. What a lovely photo of Molly! Hope it stops raining soon so you can get your bunting up, our garden is absolutely soaked at the moment with more rain to come! Your stitching is certainly growing and I love your cardigan.

  4. The bunting looks very colourful.
    Such a sweet photograph of Molly, I like her dress.

    All the best Jan

  5. Bunting hanging in the garden is so English. I love seeing it in odd places in people's photos - it isn't a "thing" here so isn't seen very often.

  6. Your embroidery project is so beautiful... actually I'm at a loss for words... yes, I wish you lots of fun with needle and embroidery thread :-)))
    It doesn't matter that your nice jacket has to wait, it'll be wonderful if you get it out in the fall... or on a cool summer evening.
    Thanks for this cute picture of Molly...must share it - so cute.

  7. The bunting and cardigan are lovely. Molly is such a cutie, love that smile.

    God bless.

  8. What a lovely picture of Molly, you must be so proud.
    Great bunting that will be so good in the garden over the summer whatever the weather.
