Tuesday 30 May 2023

May Round up


Another big spend in the garden, my little lemon plant was expensive, but I did want to replace the one lost in the cold weather. My leather trainers were a bargain, too good to miss and I will wear them loads, no other clothes purchased and a couple of books to read.

More expense in the garden, replacing the final 2 broken panels, we are private again, with firm good quality post, hopefully for years to come, the post should stay even if any panels break. 

I have spent a bit more on top up shops at daughters and we used loads more fuel in the car, she did ask how much should she pay us, but I won't answer, life is expensive when you have kids. 

19th of May was UK's earth overshoot day, on this date we had used all the annual  renewable resources, we are using these resources at twice the rate they are being produced, it's not just us, almost all countries are the same, our world can't keep up with human needs, we have to change. Just do your bit to help, like us, think about your foot print, and make it greener, don't worry if you are not perfect at it, very few of us are, but as they say 'every little bit helps'.

No food going off, it's the same each month, we get enough fresh fruit and veg each week, which keeps us out of the local supermarkets for top ups, just one visit to Lidl's for general shop. Hubby is not listening to me about portion size, he cooks too much and shares it all out, even though I was brought up to eat everything on your plate, I have started only eating what a need and binning the rest, in hope he understands, I think the message is getting through, he now hates waste as much as me. 

My weigh is down a few pounds and my steps up loads, children are great at keeping you fit, the two little ones wanted almost everything I was eating, so in every case, I cut bits off ready to let them try, they both love raisin and cinnamon toasted bagels (my breakfast), the school run added an extra 3000+ steps each and every day. 


  1. I have been doing extra babysitting and my step count is definitely up! Also petrol use but like you I am just ignoring that!

  2. Children definitely keep you fit. Glad you got the fence sorted out, important when you have a neighbour such as you do.

  3. It's scary how quickly we overshoot each year. Like you, we hate waste. OH also usually makes more than I can/should really eat in one meal. If he's been cycling, he often needs a good big portion, but forgets that I don't need the same as I haven't done the exercise he has.

  4. Well done on the extra step count, i'm not good at keeping up my steps. I only shop for what we need so there is very little food waste here either. I don't tend to do top up shops in the week as there is only me here so that save spending extra money.

  5. Yes, grandchildren do help keep you fit and on the go!

    Wishing you a happy new month of June.

    All the best Jan

  6. I need to get my step count up again. It has been just too hot out to walk. Perhaps some time on the treadmill would help.

    We try our darndest to keep our footprint down as much as is possible, and have been cutting back using portion control. Harvey has finally caught on that cooking too much means we eat leftovers for a few days, and I am getting much better at cooking less.

    God bless.
