Monday 29 May 2023

Sunny Bank holiday

Thursday we walked along the marina at Port Solent, very expensive area, the flats around mostly come with a mooring as well as parking spaces. There are a few nice shops and loads of places to eat. Hubby got his shoes, which is a relief,  he got a pair a week ago, but took them back when the eyelet hole broke. We got Will from school, which is always fun, saw George and Molly for a short visit.

Molly and George came to play on Friday, whilst mummy took older brother Will to the cinema, they played with their new Pepper Pig balls and spent most of the time outside. Our house and garden looked like a toy shop for a while, we did manage to get some quiet time later, a cartoon called Bing is the newest favourite for both of them.

Saturday a lazy day at home, we never take our car out on holiday weekends, the roads are extra busy with the hot sunny weather, everyone driving to the coast. I finished this book all 999 pages, I have read everyone in the series, the author is J K Rowling writing under a pseudonym, her earlier books have all been televised, all true to the storyline and very enjoyable. Book 9 read this year.

Sunday we went to daughters house for a BBQ, Grandma and Grandpa were there, so a true family time, daughter has recovered from her infection,  thank you so much for all your best wishes, it was a worrying time. Plenty of food cooked by SIL, the little ones entertained us, they are both so cute.

We had a sunny bank holiday so far, which makes a lovely change, and the forecast for the coming week is good, it's half term so many families are going to be happy. We are retired so the extra days holiday means nothing to us, but it's lovely to know mums and dad are having more time with our grandchildren. We had planned to be in Somerset over the weekend, but hubby was not feeling good, so we stayed home. He is feeling  much better, just tired most of the time, I'm hoping it's just the sudden very hot weather, I am keeping an eye on him, any jobs need doing can wait.

I am still doing my Pilates class, I have missed a class, I went on Thursday, my back was a bit sore, so I rested instead of doing a couple of the exercises,  best to be safe. I have not done any cross stitching, my book was good and we are outside later each day.

Today is a day at home together,  I can't think of anything better, we are chatting loads about things changing when our garden is remodelled next spring, needless to say I'm over the moon,  we eat outside every day, life is good. Later I'm going to pamper myself, I should have done it on Saturday, but we stayed outside much later.


  1. I love the TV version of the Strike books but have never been able to get into the actual book - hope they keep turning them into TV series

  2. It's not so warm here as it has been, quite windy too. I'm having a day inside stitching and knitting now all my jobs are done, I've worked hard in the garden these last couple of days. Bonnie used to love Bing, we have watched episodes multiple times, lol. I loved the TV version of Strike, haven't read any of the books though. Glad you daughter is better. Have a lovely Bank Holiday.

  3. So pleased your daughter is better.
    It has been a wonderfully sunny bank holiday weekend.

    All the best Jan

  4. It has been warmer than usual for this time of year here. We are hoping for a bit of rain. They have had showers all around us but nothing really here.

    Sounds as if your visit with the grandchildren was just perfect.

    God bless.

  5. I often forget to make the time to pamper myself. It's silly really, especially when I'm not working. Even small things like getting your eyebrows under control make a big difference to how you feel.

  6. Your garden is looking lovely and I love your strawberry tower. I have a few pots of strawberries hanging on trellis panels. Hope we both get to enjoy the fruit. I am glad yor daughter is feeling better and hope your hubby is feeling less tired today. Hope the weather stays fine and you can enjoy all the things you love .
