Tuesday 16 May 2023

Waiting times

Yesterday I spent 11 hours in our local NHS hospital, with a family member.

 This is not a post knocking any of the staff or facilities,  just what our experience was.

I got a call at 7am, mum I can't get out of bed I'm in pain, so we drove to daughters house, I sorted her little ones, whilst hubby did breakfast,  we then took them to nursery and school. 

I stayed with daughter, her doctors  surgery told her to call 111, (the surgery is useless), 111 got a paramedic straight to her and an ambulance followed, the paramedic asked the crew to get her straight to surgery assessment department,  sadly the department declined to take her.

So at 11am we were put in A&E, they quickly moved her to critical care, where she was checked test taken, by lunchtime they referred to surgical assessment,  sadly she had to sit on a chair and wait 5 hours before she was moved to the surgical team.

After an checkover in surgical, again we waited 2 hours before she saw a doctor and an hour for a bed. I did finally complain as she had not been offered food all day, and would not be allowed any food the following day.

Suddenly she was in a bed with people  being so helpful,  ensuring she had food and drink. I left the hospital 11 hours after arrival.

Our local Queen Alexander (QA), is a fantastic facility,  the staff are excellent, helpful and professionals,  all we saw were sick people being moved from beds to chairs and waiting, the staff seamed immune to the plight of the long waits, it looked just anther day to them. Pain relief was only given when asked for, we often felt forgotten. It was so upsetting to have to go through 7 hours of medical paths to finally get to the department the paramedic wanted her to go to.

This morning  she is comfortable,  and will probably have a operation later, I am on Nana duties, aided by hubby, Grandma and Grandpa, so play time with Molly and George. 

Our NHS, is there for us, but only on their terms, and in truth we probably had a much better experience than many others, it's heart breaking to watch you child (even when they are grown up), in so much pain.

So now we are older, we need to be mindful and ensure we stay healthy, and stay out of hospital. 


  1. A truly awful experience but sadly all too common. I hope your daughter has a speedy recovery and be back home with her family soon.

  2. Last December my grandchild ( 6 months old at the time) spent 9 hours in A and E, finally leaving at 3am. They had bronchiolitis, and we took them in, with our daughter, because they were gasping for breath and had stopped feeding. A and E said they should be admitted, the ward said they weren't sick enough, because they were snowed under with sick children. When baby took a small feed after 9 hours there, my daughter and her partner, who had raced back from work as a police officer 40 miles away, were sent home to cope.The NHS is broken, and I think those who broke it are poised to make a fortune from its demise.

  3. Sorry to hear your daughter was unwell. Your time in the hospital sounded awful. I hope she's feeling a lot better very soon. It does make you want to take as much care of yourself as possible. I hate having to go to the hospital for anything, but I know that at some point it will probably be inevitable.

  4. Sorry your daughter isn't well, that must have been very scary for her, (and you), fingers crossed she will recover quickly. Our NHS is wonderful but sadly it's mismanaged, too many people at the top and not enough where the real work is done. Your story is very similar to when my mum had to stop in, if it hadn't been for us she would have been left without food or drinks too, it's a sorry state when you have to make a fuss to get fed and watered, seems nursing doesn't mean what it used to mean. I know they are understaffed and it's not a job everyone can do but I don't agree with striking, it serves no purpose except to make people in need suffer and the waiting lists get longer, all that will happen in the long run is that we will loose the NHS. Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery and don't forget to take care of yourself too.

  5. I think the only way to go now is private if you can afford it. Luckily my daughter works for Bupa and gets free heath treatment, she has no bother getting seen and operated on very quickly if needed by the same surgeons who work for the NHS. My son works as a nurse and is very, very despondant over every thing. He loves his job but the red tape is terrible, there is more computer work than nursing and he hates it.
    I think the staff do their best under terrible conditions and this is deliberate coming from the Government who have no intentions of putting the NHS right and are hoping we all take out private.
    I hope things turn out fine for you and your daughter but keep an eagle eye out that all is as it should be when you visit.

  6. What a horrendous experience for you and your daughter. I agree that the NHS is broken. I have no confidence in getting cared for if any of us become sick. Everything is a battle these days. Your daughter is lucky to have such a good, loving mum to fight her corner. Thinking of you all and hoping she heals very soon.

  7. What a horrible experience to go through. I am glad things are better now, and hope the surgery goes well.

    God bless.

  8. I am glad your daughter had you to advocate for her. It is a very similar situation here in Canada.

  9. The government has deliberately underfunded the NHS because they want to be at to say it isn't working so they can privatise it for their friends in big pharma

  10. I do hope your daughter has now received the treatment that she needs and will soon be on the mend. Xx

  11. So sorry to hear about your daughter - it must have been a shock to you to wake up to a call for help. Part of the problem with the NHS is about how they respond. When my granddaughter (aged 7) had a fit and collapsed we were told to go straight to A&E - which we did and she was monitored for a while and then put on a bed and placed in an unused plaster room for the rest of the day and then forgotten about. A bed was found for her at 10pm and she was eventually seen by a doctor at 2am in the morning. Poor thing was so tired and hungry. Hope your daughter gets good medical care if she has an operation. Thinking of you all. x

  12. I am so sorry to here about your dreadful experience and your dear daughter being so ill and in pain. I hope she is getting the right treatment now. She has a wonderful mum in you. Look after yourself as well.
