Monday 15 May 2023

Looking better

This was at 7.15pm on Saturday evening, over an hour past Georges bedtime, at this point he had got up for the third time, and was hoping Grancha was going to save him from Nanna, 10 minutes later he went back to bed and was quickly fast asleep until 7.20am Sunday morning. It's the first time of sleeping in a bed here. 
After my huge sort out last month, George knows where all the different toys are, this visit he wanted all the cars and trains, we don't have so many as I threw loads of damaged ones away. It's been ages since he had a sleep over with us, Will was sleeping at Grandmas and Grandpas house, so mummy and daddy just had Molly. 
I have re-potted both these plants. The white Camelia has not stopped flowering and still has loads of buds. The pink and white Azalea looked worse for a while, the flowers faded, but there are new buds and they are red and white, not this pale pink. 
I pulled out loads of cactus, most not looking healthy at all, I had decided a while ago to cull the numbers, to give me more room here in the greenhouse, everywhere has been swept, I will clean the glass once all my summer plants have been placed in the garden. I have 2 tomato plants in the big bucket.
This is looking much better, the plastic sheets will go back along the greenhouse on Tuesday once the fence is replaced. I still need to dig out my compost bin, but it can wait until next week, I have cuttings in the yellow bucket, which will go into the composter once I have room. I have a cucumber in the big bucket, which will go in front of the greenhouse, all my small spring pots will stay here through the summer. 
The whole area has been swept, and a few pots moved around, my hosta is looking good, it's in a copper coal bucket, which keeps slugs and snails away, got it second hand, very cheap. This view from the house is stunning, so many different textures and colours. 
This section is really looking good, it's taken years to get to this point, the heavy clay is finally breaking down and plants survive the wet winter months. The big bucket is full of stones from beside the greenhouse, here is where the last 2 panels are being replaced. This is our rabbit garden, there are four you can see, with another 2 all out of shot, these are the best types of rabbit all resin, George and Molly love the native animals around the garden. 

The weekend has been brilliant, George is so much fun, like any little lad who is three and a half, he knows what he likes and enjoys playing, mummy packed his new hearing aids in hope we could get him to wear them, and be just like Grancha, he was very interested in hubbies, have a good look and checking hubby's ears, but sadly he did not want to wear his, which have been made to fit into his ear with the battery pack behind the ear. We went to our local park twice, popped to the village, watched his new favourite TV programme Bing, I popped him home for lunch on Sunday.

Sunday afternoon was outside, hubby painted the metal frame of our Pergola, I worked in the back section, our neighbours tree has dropped loads of tiny leaves, which are now all in the composter, I could have done more, but it's best to take my time and not over do things, I've not had any issues with my back and I want to keep it that way. 

Today we are going shopping again to look for suits, hopefully he will find one he likes, I am home alone in the afternoon, no plans as yet, I have a choice of sew, read or garden. 


  1. I've not heard that about slugs and copper before so did a Google search and there it was! They say you learn something new every day :)

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely day with little George. I bet your grandchildren love to come to your house and play in your garden. There's always so much to look at and explore.

  3. I have used copper tape quite successfully but I want to try sheep wool pellets as well. Anything to keep those pesky molluscs safely away.

  4. We ended up getting hubbys new suit in Next, lots of nice tailored designs and not too modern, plenty of choice, sizes and reasonable prices. Lynda x

  5. George is so lovely and he did well with his sleep over I am not sure our grandson Freddie will settle very well when he comes to sleep over as he has never slept away from home before.
    Your garden is looking good - I am clearing out down the side of our house at the moment it is the place where we put 'stuff' out of sight and it had got rather full!
