Saturday 27 May 2023

late May

My new strawberry tower is full of young green berries, this spot by the garage door is perfect sun trap. I should get my best ever crop this season. Purdy walked around the garden with me to ensure I took good photo's, you are never alone when you have cats.
This view is looking good, the herb pots work well against this gate, towels on the line, it's early about 9ish so the sun is still below the roof line and casting shadows. Often I rub against the rosemary or lemon balm, the scents are lovely. 
We are both happy with our seating area here, already we are using it more, having lunch outside most sunny days, it's close to the kitchen door which is handy. The Olive tree gives my chair dappled shade in the afternoons, which I love.
Pot's which I love, each plant has a different requirement, so pots enable me to have these all together. My new Little Lemon clematis in the brown pot is starting to grow, I have salvia in the front pot, 4 plants will fill it with colour. The back blue pot has chocolate cosmos, another great plant, I have just taken it from the greenhouse. 
This was the herb bed, I have wire across the french marigolds to stop Grace my cat from digging in the front of the bed, the acer looks good but my red rose is a slow starter this year, it does have new leaves and shoots.  
It's taken years to break down the heavy clay in this bed, but all the work was worth it, this is now a lovely colourful area, I have bedding plants growing well in the middle. 
My raised bed is full of colour, these nemesia bedding plants give me the colour I crave, there are loads of summer bulbs coming through as well. Do you like my silly chicken, just more fun outside.  
Another hard area looking good, I pulled my sink forward and also the old bird bath, now you can see the alpine plants, I popped my 3 tier pebble holder in the gap, keeps it out of the way. This was always a difficult area to plant, but again pots have come to my rescue.
I have had many comments about my red acer, I purchased it over 10 years ago, it was September and the leaves had fallen off the plant, so it was reduced to 99p, I have loved growing it on. I have had many small plants which I have grown on, some which got too big I have passed on, most are placed in the garden. I am happy to nurture plants and watch them grow, it's a sign of a true gardener, I'm not an instant gardener. 

Next door has made a couple of caustic comments to hubby earlier in the week, she really does hate him, which was ignored, I always feel the best thing you can do to any one obnoxious is ignore them, they just don't like it. Only time will tell if this patch is over. I put the gravel back between the new fence and the greenhouse, so now the cucumber and tomato pots can be placed infront of the greenhouse.


  1. I have acer envy as my small acer seems to have died a death in the border. I may dig it out and put it in a pot and see if it fares better.

  2. Your garden is looking lovely.
    I think we will have some more sunny days this coming week :)

    All the best Jan
