Tuesday 23 May 2023


I am really buzzing with this project, another repeat pattern along the right edge, very easy to remember, so quicker to stitch, the colours chosen were the same as the original design. I now have the lower middle section to fill, I have an idea, but it's a case of stitch a design and then decide on the next one, using parts of this design. I can clearly see the finish line here.
Just the very top not seen,
makes me smile every time I look at it.
This will be another cushion.
I do love my hand made cushions, I also cherish them, so they are all in our bedroom, where no-one can abuse them, it is a shame as I think they are beautiful, but the hours of work involved in making them, mean they need to be placed carefully. The big cushion on my bed is 2 designs mixed together, the smaller one is called Spanish sampler, it should have been smaller, but I repeated some of the panels. On my memory box, still in our bedroom, the front cushion is old european pattern, by Steve Rousseau, the pink cushion is my own mix-up of designs, I made this in 2010, whilst I was receiving chemo, this is the most special of my work, it helped me through a hard period of my life. 
 When sorting out my wardrobe the other week, I found this packet, so I still have one more 28dpi to use, pure joy to find. I have one design which once made I gave away, I have used it loads on my mix-up designs, and I think I will stitch it once more as a complete piece. 
I have used the label final 28dpi for this project I am working on, as I did not think I would purchase such fine canvas again, when I started this project I thought my eyes might struggle, but with a new lamp and daylight bulb, I am stitching with ease. I only have a few of my big designs, most of the designs I have finished I have given away. Most of the time the joy I get is in the making of the designs, once finished very few stay with me, I am not keen on having loads framed and hanging on our walls. 

I am reading most evenings, I am being restful as I gather my strength again, I do like to be active in the daytime, ensuring the house is clean, and then out into the garden whilst the sun shines, I am spreading my task out, before I would get everything done in one day. I have changed the contents of a few pots around, I am keeping to my promise of no new pots, and given 3 cracked and broke this winter, I feel I am doing well. 

True to form, our neighbour is unhappy with the replacement fence, hubby checked our boundary and  the last two old fence panels were out of line, so they corrected the line, something I probably would not have done, as it was only about six inches.  BUT, she has noticed and sent correspondence stating we have stolen her land, and damaged her items behind her summer house, she did not want the panels replaced, she wanted them repaired, we need to sort this out. Hubby has replied, the fence stays, the boundary is shared, but as we have paid fully for the replacement panels and work, she is not to touch anything. Just waiting to see what happens next.


  1. From experience I had the same problems regarding our boundary. The neighbouring house was bought by a housing association and they caused the issue and it was left to me to pay solicitors and replace all the fencing but it was an expensive long drawn out process. Let your neighbour take the legal action if that's what she wants to do, stand your ground.

  2. Isn't this the problem world wide? people arguing over land resulting in wars. What is the matter with them all. I have a neighbour who has given us, now me, grief for years and years over nothing but trivial things. Since his wife died he has lost his bravado and he has stopped complaining thank goodness. Usually its jealousy that causes it .
    Love that cross stitch it's looking better and better each time.

  3. I sometimes wonder how people turn the way they do into grouchy, nitpicking buggers. We had a neighbour's Son-in-law question us on the placement of the fence on that side. Harvey said we followed the old fence line perfectly and that fence had been there for years with no complaints.

    Love the stitchery.

    God bless.

  4. The continuing problems with your neighbour must be so stressful. You'd think she'd be grateful for a new fence. She didn't seem to mind gaining some of your land. Good luck resolving it.
    Your cross stitch is exquisite and you're getting so close to finishing it.

  5. Such beautiful cushions and I love the combination of colours and designs that you have used. It is obvious a lot of love and care as well as expertise goes into the making of these cushions. It makes perfect sense to me that you have to keep them in a safe place. My sister had quite a lot of problems with her neighbour when she lived near Lincoln, something to do with repairing the fence as well. It was a very stressful time for her and got to a point where said neighbour became violent and the police were called in. Lo and behold it was found that he was growing cannabis in his garden right by the fence! )-: Keep well. Amanda x
