After telling everyone no more flowers,
these arrived this week from Kev's boss. They are so bright and beautiful.

these arrived this week from Kev's boss. They are so bright and beautiful.
We are having a BBQ this afternoon with friends, a get together and a thanks from Kev and myself for all their support over the past couple of months.
My brother Martin is insisting I tell you he has come 106 miles to be here this weekend,
he lives in Somerset, which was home to me.
Below is the view from our sitting room outside.
My brother Martin is insisting I tell you he has come 106 miles to be here this weekend,
he lives in Somerset, which was home to me.
Below is the view from our sitting room outside.
The patio table and chairs on the decking outside the house,
please ignore the "lawn" which at this point does not exist.
please ignore the "lawn" which at this point does not exist.
I will post his photo's in a later blog.
I love roses and normally buy yellow one's so here we have added colour.
We are going to Oakhampton in Devon tomorrow for 4 days, we are off to a spa with 2 couples, the guy's will play golf each day and us ladies will make use of the spa , I won't be able to swim or have a massage, but I am looking forward to the pampering and spending time with two good friends. Tell you all about it next time.
Have a nice rest! When you get back I need you to eamail me your address as you won a couple mini gifts for being my 100th follower at Candid Canine!