Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 8 July 2024


 I do love this author, this was a Will Trent storyline, I do like it when they reuse characters, some of her books can be a bit racy, but not in this case, a really good story line which built, one remark said in anger, starts a chain, it was defiantly a page turner. Book 38 read this year.

Another good author, but occasionally she has a poor storyline, not in this case, a clever plot, building, hints, how is it going to end, do you trust everyone, even when your instincts are raised, I could not put it down. Book 39 read this year.
We tried making a china flower on our recent trip to Gladstone Pottery,  both hubby and I made a flower, these air dried. The lady who was our tutor was in series 4, programme 4, getting contestants making flowers, we both enjoyed our creative moments, sadly one petal has broken off mine.
George had his nursery leaving graduation celebration on Saturday, I was lucky to be able to attend, he sat on my lap for most of the singing, too many people for him to be comfortable. He did put his hat and gown on with my help and stood for his photo, he rarely smiles for this type of photo. The parents in the hall were asked not to clap and make any noise when he came in. Afterwards he played in the park with Molly and a few other children enjoying a picnic. 
George was very keen to show us his school uniform, daughter has been allowing him to wear it, in hope he would be happy, which he is. How quickly our grandchildren grow up.

It's been a wet weekend, which is OK as the tennis is on all through, Sunday Molly had some friends to their house for her birthday celebration, sadly all daughters plans were for outside, Saturday was a day of creating other activities for excited children.

We have a busy few days here, my garden is looking after itself, with all the heavy rain again, I can't get outside at all, my tomatoes are forming, my cucumber plant has started to grow, but oh so slowly. I am going to remove the runner beans and the french beans, they are failing, I'm starting to look at later summer and into winter harvest now. Hopefully by the weekend, life will slow down and be our normal. 

I'm still not up to speed with blogging, I hope to find time to catch up with everyone, whilst away I struggle with making comments when using my phone, Blogger only allows me to comment on a few sites.


  1. Little children suddenly look so grown up when they put on school uniform.

  2. I thought I'd read all the Will Trent books, but not seen that one, I'll look out for it. George is growing up so quickly.

  3. We are waiting for our tomatoes to turn red.

  4. George looks so smart in his graduation clothes. A big day for him. I wish him all the best for moving to his new school. Goodness he has grown up fast.

  5. George looks very grown up, all of a sudden. Is he excited to be starting school in September? X

    1. He is, school made him a book showing everything there including all the staff in his area, he loves showing it to people. He understands going to school, we just have to wait and see if he is happy there.

  6. You do very well with your reading.
    Lovely pictures of George.

    All the best Jan

  7. Oh, that's a shame about the petal falling off your flower, they look really good. George has really shot up, he's looking all grown up in his uniform. It's pouring down here today, it was glorious yesterday, the great British summer!

  8. George is so cute. I'm always looking for good book recommendations, so I appreciate these.

  9. Your china flowers look beautiful. George is looking so grown up in his new school uniform. I do like Lisa Jewel. I've read quite a few of her books and usually enjoy them.



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