Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Saturday, 8 March 2025


 Saturday was bright and sunny and really warm for March, after sorting my area behind the garage and pulling out all my small plastic pots (ready for plug plants), I decided it would be nice to sort my messy greenhouse. Lilly was already inside checking everything. 

All clean and tidy, the small plastic greenghouse is now just shelves, I have packed the plastic cover away. The floor is clear, loads of old pots have been emptied and pack away, I now have plenty of room for all the small pots. 
My wildlife pond is colourful, the tiny tet-2-tet's are flowering along with other plants, the grasses are looking tidy, I much prefer how it looks now, the small round container has been cleaned and packed away. I was thinking of removing the slab from the front, but Lilly likes to sit on it, much the same as Grace did, so it stays.
The temperature both day and night are above the seasonal average for March, we are making the most of our garden, we have been warned next week our normal lower temperatures will return. I have opened my greenhouse door every day this week.
I love this view from the back corner, nice to see laundry on the line, it is a working space, hubby packs the two long lines away when we are not using them. Our Magnolia tree is still bare, we are not expecting many flowers this spring, it's very important to us to keep it small, at the beginning of our second year with the new layout we are both happy.

I had a late start, I was tired after a busy week of school runs, Lilly laid on the bed with me for ages, with the curtains open it was lovely. I started outside about 11am, it was sunny and warm, and even warmer inside the greenhouse, I repotted my huge aloe vera and another succulent into a couple pots, they both stay in the greenhouse. 

Lunch was outside sat in sunshine, we had our first cider shandy of the year, it was perfect sat watching Lilly play and explore, she loves being outside, she watches the tiny birds at our feeders.

Later I moved a few pots around, ensuring we can see all the spring blooms, I watered the hellebores I recently moved, both have settled and look OK, I also fed loads of plants with blood,fish and bone, ready for their summer growth. Hubby washed one of my bird baths, he has already cleaned and repainted the firepit we use as a big bird bath. He washed the car inside and out, a job I hate doing. 

We had an early shower, I ached everywhere, my back is OK, I'm feeling good, the children's bugs are only a slight bother to me, daughter says both George and Molly are better and played outside in their garden. I hope you had an equally pleasant Saturday. 


  1. It's been another lovely day here too, it's nice to get an early start on the outdoor jobs. Your pond is looking 👍

  2. Your Saturday sounds an excellent day, perhaps have a more restful day tomorrow, but whatever you may do I wish you a pleasant day :)

    All the best Jan

  3. Your garden space is beautiful and I really like the idea of a fold away clothesline.

    God bless.

  4. You have had a busy week with the children so not surprised your feeling a bit tired. I hope those bugs don't develop in to something unwelcome. It has been nice to be outside today though hasn't it. Lily must be loving the great outdoors- everything is a new experience for her and that warm sun must be heavenly for her. Have a lovely week ahead whatever your plans are.

  5. You are well prepared for the growing season.

  6. I always find it very inspiring to get out into the garden in early March and look closely at what’s going on. I went outside yesterday, albeit not for too long and just to plant some cowslips. I noticed that the roses are already growing, after a good, hard prune in February. It sounds as though you are well on top of things! Have a restful Sunday! 😁



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