Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Saturday 31 August 2024

August round up

 No spend on craft, and just seeds and bulbs, the new pond container and bits to finish the area, so a better month, very happy to be under £100.

We purchased a new washing machine, ours was making strange noises, its years old, plus my trusty Dyson stopped charging, it was four years old, so again no complaining, hubby found a Shark cordless at a very good price to replace it.  We are not doing much DIY, we do have one project our bedroom and the stairs, it's planned, just need to get going, we decided to leave our wooden floor to a later date. 

Again no food waste, I have managed to freeze some homegrown tomatoes, not as many as previous years, we do have a few more harvest to come. 

As for my steps and weight, I'm back to square one, I'm averaging about 5,500 steps per day, gardening, housework and the grandchildren keep me active, BUT the weight is back up, everything I do is only ever temporary, I was chatting to my sister-in-law, she said I should not worry and be who I am, I don't know if I can do that.


  1. Did you speak to Dyson's customer service? I've always found them to be very helpful. I certainly won't be freezing any tomatoes, they've done so badly this year, I blame the weather.

    1. After 4 years and two batteries we decided it was time for a new one. I do agree their customer services have always been very helpful.

  2. Unless your weight plummets dramatically or you suddenly gain a lot of weight, I think most weight fluctuations are normal and nothing much to worry about.

  3. You did well on the spending front. I had a terribly spendy month with my dental treatment and buying a few things for LB to take to Uni and helping to pay towards the deposit on her flat. Hopefully, things will settle next month. I hope so anyway. I just lost the weight I gained over the summer due to having a virus, but it's already going back on. It's only a few pounds, but like you I'd still like to shift it, if possible. I've just been a bit slack in terms of exercise and diet lately.

  4. With summer on our doorstep, I am looking forward to some homegrown tomatoes :)

  5. It's always nice to freeze some home grown vegetables.

    All the best Jan

  6. I happened to break my one mop this week and they don't make the steam one any longer. I ended up purchasing a wet/dry Swifter and I will wait to see how that works on my floors.

    God bless.

  7. I think I'll be needed a new vacuum cleaner before long, so I would love to know how you get on with your new Shark.
    I agree with your sister-in-law. Moving forward, I am going to try and focus on health rather than weight. Xx



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