This cactus is in full bloom and looks stunning in our bathroom, it loves this spot, I look forward each year to see it bloom once more.
I've been adding to my house plants, I have purchased an Amaryllis bulb in a glass before, it grows well, this should bloom white, once it's finished I will use the glass for candles in the garden. I did not have a white blooming cactus, so I've put that right, the cyclamen is very unusual blooms.
A yellow rose outside.
I have cyclamen outside, I do love these plants, these can be seen from my chair, giving me colour in my view. I do dead head them often to keep the blooms coming.
These are the last two pots, the top pot is brilliant, the lower pot has pansies in, I have had a few blooms, but the plant is now growing rather then blooming, which is OK, colour to come.
These sunny blue sky days are such a joy, it's much colder, but I don't mind it at all, you can always wrap up warm, cold and wet is a different matter. I did get outside for a while yesterday, I got the bark I wanted to go around the Olive tree, the rest went on the square garden, not really deep enough, but as they say every little helps.
I took my sister to our favourite garden centre an got a few things from their inside food shop, we went to B&Q for the bark, I got an half price plant, just £3.50, spotted the till over charged me £5 on the bag of bark, which was put right and then to Home Bargains, nice shopping trip. The plant, Saxifrage, dancing pixies thea, with a lovely white flower are late season blooms, which will help with colour at this time of year.
Great flower pictures.