Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Thursday, 6 February 2025


This is book one of a trilogy, I had already read book three, it's about a young woman who has been to prison for murder and is trying to rebuild her life, it's a clever story of how people see each other, what's your worth. Book 13 read this year.

This is the second book, each story is a stand alone plot, there are refences to previous happenings, which does not effect the story, these are a very easy read, with a few twist in. Book 14 read this year.  
Another new author for me, I got it because of the title, I have read loads of books with similar themes, I loved the style of writing, he was a journalist, has a published book and worked on TV, but he's down on his luck, living near his sister, recovering from an attack. He uncovers a story, or is it, locals are not saying much. Book 15 read this year
We have had some great blue sky days, most morning this week has started with a light frost, it looks warm but here mid morning yesterday it was just above freezing. I'm still not complaining as our winters are really mild here along the south coast. 

I have been in the garden a couple times this week, I pulled the last of the leeks, hubby made leek and potato soup. My sweet-peas are sprouting, they are in my unheated greenhouse, I gave most plants a water, hoping things will grow in the coming weeks. I now have space in both of my raised veg beds, far to early to sow anything, I will cover the spots to warm up the soil.

I've pulled my cross stich project out again, I last stitched it here, almost a year ago, it's going to be a very organic design, and sadly I did not feel this second design looked right. I'm not sure how to progress other than finish this design. I've done nothing on my blog book, I should be working on 2023, my I'm just not in the mood to anything.

I'm still tired and I don't have much energy or willingness to do much, my sleep is disturbed through out the night, I don't think I am being woken up, the difference is how quickly I can get back to sleep. 


  1. Even in February your garden looks good.

    1. I always feel it's a bit bare at this time of year, soon the bulbs will be through and colour returns.

  2. Through one thing or another, I'm yet to sow my sweet peas, really must do soon!

  3. The blue skies on Thursday were very welcome.
    Your garden looks very nice in your photograph.

    All the best Jan

  4. It's lovely to see blue skies in February - none here today.

  5. Interesting reading material. Your garden is still so lovely.

    God bless.

  6. I often really struggle to get to sleep and it's horrible. Sometimes, I find Dr Bach's Nightime Flower remedy capsules help. They're supposed to clear your mind which allows you to fall asleep more easily.

  7. I've read quite a few FM books and they always have a good twist and are easy to read. I loved the first two in the Housemaid series but didn't much care for the third one.
    We've had quite a few nice days this past week, it's nice to see a bit of sun. I haven't got round to sowing my sweetpeas yet, perhaps this week. Hope your sleep pattern improves soon, lack of sleep is no fun. Have a nice weekend

  8. I do hope your sleep improves soon and you feel more energised during the day. Take care x



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