Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Thursday, 27 February 2025

February round-up

 I purchased some new linen for my cross stitch, I do have loads, sadly none are white, I spend most of my time reading, garden spend not too bad, nothing on clothes or footwear. 

I have read 10 books this month

We needed nothing for the house, car had it's MOT, it passed no issues, just the cost of two new tyres. We looked at our finances this month, with so many prices rising, we wanted to ensure we were on a good path, firstly because hubby changed broadband, our mobile phones and joined a price held gas and electric contact, our bills have not gone up as high as we feared, we are saving money on the mentioned contracts, it really does pay to change suppliers often. We did have an extra expensive, daughters windscreen on her car has a huge crack, which is not covered by her insurance policy, to replace would take a huge chunk her savings, so we paid half. 

No waste food at all, my focus on food is now what is in the little processed food we purchase, looking at labels and trying to avoid all the different oils and sugars/sweeteners added to prolong shelf life or to make ingredients cheaper. Swapping to better choices, I have never drunk fizzy drinks, I dislike any type of cola and eat very few snack bits, so a huge chunk of the market we already ignore.

The couple of pounds put on in December are lingering, I am trying to be good and a few pounds. I am becoming more active again, and trying to cut back on chocolate, which is always my downfall.

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

My happy place

 I have cut back all the daisies in this bed, they have stayed green throughout the winter months and now are showing signs of growth, the bed is full of spring bulbs, which I hope are going to bloom again this year, I don't want the daisies to get too big, I loved the look last summer. I have swapped one plant from the back, replacing it with a second snowberry.

I dug up this hellebore from the back corner of the square bed under the Magnolia tree, and popped it here infront of my tub, it will be easier to see, there is my peony in the back corner, they should blend together. I am hoping not to purchase so many shrubs this year. 

My covers are on my raised veg beds, I did the same last year, this time I have changed the direction I am going to sow my rows, the smaller rows will give me easier management of the beds. The broad beans and onions are both doing well, I have planned what to grow next to them. I have transplanted a few tiny parsnips and some carrots, I have more carrots if this batch take, in hope of an early harvest.

 The greenhouse is catching any sun we get, it's a perfect spot, in the summer it gets shade from our Magnolia tree, the garage shelters it from most of the wind, it's nice and warm inside, it's raised above the garden level, the previous owners had a summerhouse in the spot. 

I always feel so good when I have had time outside in the garden, just an hour outside Monday,  it was warm enough to be without a coat, I got quiet a bit done. Tuesday hubby painted the fence the same grey colour, (the photo above was taken before he painted the fence) I sorted and moved pots at the back section, gave everywhere a sweep. I also weeded the side bed and cut back my roses. We sat and enjoyed our first outside coffee break of the year.

We have a few non growing things to do in the coming weeks, we will together wash the paving, and we want to try and sort the wall by our back door, the render is damaged and we can't find anyone interested in such a small job, so we will have a go ourselves. I also want my metal table and chairs dipped and powder coated white, we are looking into who is best to do them.

The garage is full, all our wooden furniture and loads of bits for the garden, most will come out throughout March, which will give us back working space inside. I am holding back on sowing any seeds, now is the preparation time. 

Monday, 24 February 2025


I started my cross stitch over the weekend, it was lovely to be stitching again, but I did not get the results I wanted. I started using almost all the correct colours, I decided I would prefer a lighter blue and went with a matching shade, as you can see in my top photo it does not work for this design. So I started again, this time on the edge of the bigger design, Lilly was very interested in my work and I did not pay attention to the pattern and the top darker orange section is one stitch out, unpicking happening and with these tiny stitches it's not easy.  

 I love The Pickles as does hubby, we often show unseen cartoons to each other, I did chuckle at this one. The start is repeating what Billy Connolly always said. 

Another author I enjoy, occasionally she writes a book I don't enjoy, this title is on my good list. I like the way opinions change as the narrative grows, views changed through out the story, is Grace good or bad, or is there more to her than that. Book 20 read this year.
A new author to me, I don't normally read spy books, this is set in London, the story is mainly focused on one night, I enjoyed the plot, quite simple, I think it was her first book, I will look for the second title with the same spy. Book 21 read this year.
I got an email from tax office this week, asking me to check my account, I am already mindful of tax issues, last November I had 50% removed from my very small private pension, checking with the company pension department they confirmed it was tax issue, since then I have paid tax each month, my private pension amount is just under £70 per month. On checking my account I will now have to pay tax, the tax takes away most of the increase given earlier this year.

I have no issue with paying tax, but to tax anyone on their state pension is wrong, there are loads of people who are just managing, the prediction is if we have a triple lock next year, the basic amount paid will be over the taxable start limit, they are sticking to the previous governments plan to hold the taxable point until 2028, it is now really low figure, which catches anyone on such a low income. Hubby has paid tax on every pension he collects, which is OK, not everyone had the luxury to be able to save private pensions, so many women (like me), took years off to ensure their children had proper care, and are left with low or no private pensions, once again we have done what we were asked, saved and now we are being punished. I understand the country has gone to the dogs, everything everywhere is underfunded and suffering, there are benefits to help low income, but so many pensioners are too proud to apply. Is it me, should our government help keep more money in the pockets of people and reduce the welfare budgets, it's costly to take taxes and then issue welfare to those same people. 

Sunday, 23 February 2025

New shoots

 I can't resist these two pots, the crocus sit on my metal table, but together they make a great photo, the flower beds are full of bulbs growing, spring is inching forward, sadly not much sunshine to encourage the flowers to open.


Last year I moved my Peony to the far corner of my side bed, for the past couple of years it had not sent out too many blooms, I add compost each year to the bed, so possibly it was getting too deep, so pleased to see shoots here, it's a very special plant of mine. 
When digging out my bigger wildlife pond I moved a huge Agapanthus, in this tub is just half the plant, the other half was cut again and is now growing in two of daughters pots in her front garden. It does not look much, I have high hopes for blooms this summer.
When I planted my rhubarb last spring, I dug loads of grit below it and built the soil up for the crown, I made a wire collar to help hold the huge leaves up. As I was collecting all the falling leaves, I decided to cover the crown for the winter months, before when I tried to grow rhubarb in pots, they died, so I am again pleased to see new growth, this is an early variety, Timperley Early. I won't force this plant, can't wait to cut some, we did not cut any last year. 

I am now beginning to look closer at my garden, I hope to be able to tidy all the dead bits away, so we can see all the bulbs. I still have some wild garlic growing in one section of the side bed, all I do each spring is pull up as much as I can by hand, it grows and spreads too much if left. I have everything crossed the plants I got new last year all come back, I will still need a few bedding plants for gaps along the front. 

I am planning to move a couple of plants, both are lovely but in the wrong place, I am hoping to separate one of my dark bloom hellebores, it is getting huge. My sweet peas seedling are all doing well in the greenhouse, I am in the greenhouse most days to water and check seedlings, it's really warm inside, the automatic window is open often.

I have asked hubby to make me a small raised bed with a wire bottom (to stop any rats), I have shown him where I want it to go, I hope to be able to fill it with sweet peas and have loads of blooms. Once again a tiny spot has been found, our small garden keep giving, the hope is for it to permanently grow these blooms I desire so much. 

I have been feeling bored and lifeless for a while, the grey days don't help, I have not minded the recent rain as we have had a prolonged spell of dry weather, now the raised veg beds had had a good soak I can pop on the covers to warm the beds. Saturday was sunny and warm, Molly and George was here so no chance to be outside, today it's heavy rain and not expected to stop, I plan to get outside this coming week. 

Friday, 21 February 2025

What's new

 I have always loved the designs in this book, it's for tapestry,  but converts to cross stitch well, I have made various designs mainly for cushions. I fancy doing a mix-up of some of the patterns. They all have total coverage, so every spot is stitched, I have always enjoyed stitching patchwork this way.

This was the first design I stitched from the book, this one is in a frame. I also used a star in each corner of my 2011 family sampler, seen here it's a joy to stich and very easy to mix up colours, which I love to do. 
I do love this design,
So I mixed it up with the first design again, this is now a cushion, which sits on my bed and is one of my favourite finishes. You can see a close up of the sash in my chosen colours in the top right hand side of my header. 
I did start and loved stitching this but realised it was the wrong scale, I would like to incorporate this pattern into my new mash up of designs. 

I did order another piece of linen 32 CWT, my local shop sells it by the metre but not as fine as I use. I will hopefully start sewing soon, as for my other project, I'm just not feeling it, I will use the two small designs and not stich anymore. I have enough silks/floss to complete this project, it a case of choosing the colour theme and picking out the shades.

Thank you for you comments regarding my brother, the decision was made for us regarding his care, until he settles, he is on my mind, it's been suggested just my brother and a sister in law visit him, as he does get agitated with people he does not recognise, Martin and Sue have been leading his care for years, they both have joint power of attorney, last time I saw him he just sat staring into space.  

So very little is being done here, it's school half term, so we have seen daughter and her three, George has a really bad cold, he is not sleeping well, he has been so well through the winter months, it's a shame to see him suffering, we are meeting up today to pop out for a drink and cake together. 

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Growing up

This was a brilliant read, I have read almost all the DCI Roy Grace books set in Brighton, along side his cases there is the theme of his wife disappearing without trace. This book is Sandy his wife's story, why and how she disappeared, it is a good plot, well written. Book 18 read this year.

I have read this author before, this story is set in 2050, a police officer is sent to remote Scotland, was a death an accident or murder, many things have changed including the climate, can he work out what happened and why. Book 19 read this year.
It was Will's 8th birthday this week, we popped up with his gift and to share his birthday cake, most of his gifts are army related, he has wanted night vision goggles for ages and the modern uniform, we got him a body protection suit/ stab vest. 
Lilly has had her final jab and she is now chipped, so waiting a few more days and then she should get freedom in our back garden. We have booked for her to be spayed end of March, we don't want her to have kittens, her insurance is in place. The vet was very pleased with her growth and weight, last visit 3 weeks ago she was a bit smaller than expected.

I'm not sure why my hubby should ever speak to me again, I've had a thought said I, does it involve work for me says him, umm maybe says I, do you think the stair risers would look good white? So it seams he agrees, our stairs were added many years after our bungalow was built, they are solid type chipboard not natural wood, hubby is sure he can get them looking good and smooth, later we will get the steps carpeted.

It's been a hard week, my oldest brother, who has lived on his own for years, very independent, has been in hospital for almost a month, various ailments have been stabilized, he has dementia and has refused all medications, he has become angry with the lovely nursing staff. He has now been sent to a secure hospital for people with dementia, initially for 30 days, we have been told its unlikely he will leave, he is unable to care for himself and not capable to live with any of his siblings, he does not recognise any of us. Not a happy situation, the unit is good, he will get the care he needs, just feeling really sad.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Preparing to grow

 Hubby got this plant for our side door, we have a huge purple clematis growing one side, this is for the other side where there is very little space to plant this, so hopefully this small root will take, it is already growing. For now it's in the greenhouse allowing the top growth to grow stronger, it was purchased from Home bargains.

We popped to B&Q, I was very good and only got these two items, which is what I need, I have for years used chicken poo pellets, but with foxes in the garden next door, I stopped using them as I don't want them attracted to our garden because the pellets stink. 
I got these seed potatoes from B&M, there aren't many in the pack, which is perfect for us, I have just two bags to grow them, they are sat on my kitchen windowsill. 
My spring bulbs are beginning to bloom in their pots, the joy of having colour outside is immense at this time of year along with hellebores and cyclamen, the garden is looking cheery. I have loads of other pots with leaves growing a promise of more flowers to come.  

I do love this cider pot, I have had it ten years, with many different plants in it, now I keep spring bulbs and a fleabane daisy, which gives interest most of the year, it sits on the veg side of my middle fence, near our Magnolia tree which is visible from the sitting room. 

Friday was fun, Will had been to see The Mary Rose at Portsmouth and was full of stories, hubby and I each gave him £5 as a reward for a good report from his teacher, I do believe in rewarding hard work, as we know if you work to improve yourself it does reap rewards. We popped to a few different shops whilst we were in the area, did not get much just a few bits required. Later we both enjoyed our meal and shared a bottle of red wine, we watched 1 question on channel 4 with Claudia Winkleman, which we both enjoyed, it's a clever idea, one word with 16 possible meanings, contestants have just to find the correct answer, we were unsure on the 1st one, Eleven, but knew the 2nd, Brown.

Saturday was again a cold and grey day, hubby baked chocolate brownies, we walked to our local Co-op for some fruit and veg, the shop is not in the prescient. Afternoon was reading. Sunday hubby was out for the morning, so I lay in bed reading for ages, I did my nails and had a lovely lazy morning. I did some bits in the greenhouse, nothing exciting, I have a few new things already growing and loads doing well sheltered from the cold weather. 

Friday, 14 February 2025

Must be love

It's Valentines day, we are using our cards for the 5th year, hubby is happy these days to reuse cards to each other, he hated doing it at the start. We don't get gifts or over priced flowers and we don't go out. He has planned a nice meal for tonight thanks to a great meal deal at Tesco.

 Lilly is becoming a much bigger and braver cat, she has her moments where she hares around the house, she also has a love for my houseplants, she attacked my air plant one night, I managed to find it, it will recover from all the lower leaves being chewed off, for now I have moved it to a safe location, this is recovery row along with my spider plant and babies. 

My Christmas cactus is flowering again, I only ever water this plant, it loves the spot in the bathroom, nice to see pretty blooms on dull days.

We not seen daughter, her car has been playing up, it's settled now, problems started after she filled up, we think maybe something to do with that, she did not use her local garage. Wednesday evening I helped with bath and bed time for the two youngest, mummy went to Will's parent/teacher meeting, mostly good news, he is inclined to interact with those who disturb the class, he does not start anything, but stops and laughs at them, also he is slow on his maths, he can do it, just needs more encouragement to be confident, his teacher is going to find some pages for him to try at home.

I managed to give our bedroom and shower room and the downstairs bathroom a good clean this week, no where is dirty, but I have been avoiding corners for a while, I plan to do the kitchen next. 

Our car had it's MOT on Thursday, sailed through, we just needed two new tyres, we spent most of the day in town, we had lunch out and had homemade tomato soup later at home. 

Today we are meeting daughter and Will (inset day) to have coffee and cake at Dunelm, then into B&M for cat food. B&Q is close by, I would like to pop in there as well. It's just above freezing here this morning, very grey and very windy again. 

This weekend I hope to be in the garden, first real time this year, I want to cut dead bits back as the bulbs are coming through, I have bits to do in the greenhouse, and a general tidy up, I am still not going to start any seeds yet, I will put an order in for our local garden centre, they will deliver bags of compost, stone and other bits on a Friday night, I need fine seedling compost.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Just grey

This is the second book I've read by this author, it was a brilliant and clever plot, your little girl goes missing in London, so many twist, whilst not adding too many suspects, I could not put is down. Book 16 read  this year.
I love this author, DI Helen Grace, set in Southampton, as usual they are sent on a goose chase, wrong suspects, no clue how the crimes are linked. A good story, my only issue is, as I have said before, the strength she gives Helen Grace, allowing her always to make the chase and collar the criminals, this did end slightly different. Book 17 read this year. 
As you know I read loads, and in the past I've struggled to remember what I have read, I'm not good at reading a book the second time. So for years I have been using this small address book to list by authors title's I have read. 
I got this plant from Asda, I'm not planting it in the ground, I've popped it into a pot, in hope it grows to a nice plant, which I can use to fill a gap in my summer garden. If it works it's a cheap way of getting new plants. At this point I am waiting to see what has survived our wet winter.

It's been another grey week, the skies have not changed all week and still cold, thank goodness no rain, I have not gone out much, preferring to stay at home where it is warm. We did our big shop at Asda, getting all the bits we can't or won't get at Lidl's, we were good an did not add to many items not on our shopping list, the total spend was higher than expected, the food prices are rising quickly again.

We did get the 'free from' Easter eggs for Molly and George, neither can have dairy, I have plastic refillable eggs for their hunt in the garden, I have paper Easter bags which I got them last year half price. All three children and adults enjoy our Easter egg hunt. The free from items are getting better to find, Asda always have a good selection, which sell out fast. They will also have a new book each.

Monday, 10 February 2025

Old and new.

I got my tulips out again and packed away the poinsettia, these were purchased in 2020 and 2021, made of a soft plastic, they feel almost real, the stems bend and droop, I always look forward to seeing them every year. I will probably keep them out for a couple of months. Over the year I have saved a small fortune on cut flowers.

I do like rusty ornaments in the garden, these are from Dunelm at £15 each not a bad price, once the weather is better these will be placed in my side bed.

I have wanted a couple cloches for my seedlings, I'm too tight to pay for expensive ones, I will remove the handles and use these for raising salad seeds, they are 7" high and metal mesh, which should be perfect for my needs. Their cost £12 each, again from Dunelm.
Molly and Lilly playing together, they both had loads of fun, playing nicely, we had Molly on a sleepover Saturday night, giving daughter a lazy Sunday morning, the boys both slept in until just after 8am, Molly woke at 7.30am, much later than her normal 6.00am. 

After having a good month in January with such a low spend, February is off to a different start, I never intended to purchase any of the above bits, I keep saying there is nothing I need, oh well. The start of the garden season is hard, so many new things to see, I could lie and promise to be good.

We walked Molly to our village on Saturday,  she then did some drawing to take home to mummy, we had homemade pizza for tea. Sunday was a later start, Molly got a sticker book out, we also popped into the garden to look at flowers and the wildlife pond. Later we read and relaxed, with an early night, it's amazing how one 3 year old can tire us both out.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

16 years

 So much has changed here in my life and the world since I made my first post way back in February 2009, I was still working with just one very cute grandson, he's now 19 years old. We have moved to our final home, where, we have created both inside and out our perfect place. Grandchildren has risen to 8 grandsons and just one granddaughter, all healthy and happy. I am still very happily married, it will be 39 years married and 41 years together, as we get older we are still both happy with our lives.

The one thing which has changed the most is my outlook on life, we have stepped back from the commercial world, preferring a simpler life, with less stuff, our home and minds are clutter free. I am deeply interested in how our food is grown and what is added, eating hardly any processed food, wasting as little as possible and growing some in our small garden. I am mindful of all the unnecessary plastics, in our growing throw away society, using what we have and when purchasing anything, getting better quality to last longer. I hope to start making my own cleaning products as well as sourcing green products I can't make, I have to get hubby on board with it. 

I intend to keep blogging, I do love this medium, I have already made most of my years into printed books, which I do enjoy reading, plus it's a useful reference for us. I am fascinated so many people drop in each time I post and some leave comments, I love to visit your blogs, reading about your lives around the world, there is too much negativity in our world, so it's good to see others making the most of their own small spaces on this earth.

Thursday, 6 February 2025


This is book one of a trilogy, I had already read book three, it's about a young woman who has been to prison for murder and is trying to rebuild her life, it's a clever story of how people see each other, what's your worth. Book 13 read this year.

This is the second book, each story is a stand alone plot, there are refences to previous happenings, which does not effect the story, these are a very easy read, with a few twist in. Book 14 read this year.  
Another new author for me, I got it because of the title, I have read loads of books with similar themes, I loved the style of writing, he was a journalist, has a published book and worked on TV, but he's down on his luck, living near his sister, recovering from an attack. He uncovers a story, or is it, locals are not saying much. Book 15 read this year
We have had some great blue sky days, most morning this week has started with a light frost, it looks warm but here mid morning yesterday it was just above freezing. I'm still not complaining as our winters are really mild here along the south coast. 

I have been in the garden a couple times this week, I pulled the last of the leeks, hubby made leek and potato soup. My sweet-peas are sprouting, they are in my unheated greenhouse, I gave most plants a water, hoping things will grow in the coming weeks. I now have space in both of my raised veg beds, far to early to sow anything, I will cover the spots to warm up the soil.

I've pulled my cross stich project out again, I last stitched it here, almost a year ago, it's going to be a very organic design, and sadly I did not feel this second design looked right. I'm not sure how to progress other than finish this design. I've done nothing on my blog book, I should be working on 2023, my I'm just not in the mood to anything.

I'm still tired and I don't have much energy or willingness to do much, my sleep is disturbed through out the night, I don't think I am being woken up, the difference is how quickly I can get back to sleep. 

Monday, 3 February 2025


 This is 4 short stories which link together, the link was very tenuous, but the stories were good, more from missing person investigator David Raker, this being the last title in the set so far which I have read, my hope is he will write another story. Book 12 read this year.

George came home with star of the week on Friday, he loves school and is working well, he does have a 1to1 help, there are 3 disabled children in his class, so the ladies rotate between the children, which has given George so much confidence. We know this support is not available to every disabled child, many schools struggle to get funding and the right staff, the school has a great reputation and gets great results. George is very chatty and is now very good at pronouncing his words, he is thriving.

Everything is doing well in my greenhouse, I've never heated it, our weather is rarely too cold and we miss most of the snow, my sweet peas are shooting, I do struggle with these, but I won't give up trying. My flower beds need a tidy, but I'm resisting for a few weeks, I do need to trim the fleabane daisies in my newer flower bed so I can see all the spring bulbs as they grow. My greenhouse window opened for the first time this year, it was warm inside.

I've stopped taking my pain relief pills, doing pilates a couple times a week is helping my shoulder, I saw a doctor on Instagram saying they were not the best to be on long term, they sort the nerve damage, but they keep you drowsy. I went on NHS site, which said the same, I've been taking them for a few years, this week I have felt so good, awake and alert, as they are prescribed to take 'when needed' I felt safe to stop them. I am not sleeping so well, I will have to re access in a couple of weeks if my sleep patterns don't return, I'm feeling so much fitter, I've noticed the house needs a good clean.

We had another family roast dinner on Sunday, neither Will or Molly eat many vegetables at home, they leave all of them each meal, here Molly will eat vegetables. It also means daughter does not have to cook a meal, which one or more complains about and won't eat. George loves vegetables but won't eat much meat, Will only loves meals with chips. Typical children, we have all been through their picky stage of eating.


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