Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Wednesday 26 June 2024

As June fades

Monday daughter and I went out to lunch, it was stunning weather, I let her choose where we should go, we went to Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth, by the waters edge, we sat overlooking the huge posh yachts, eating lunch. We wondered through the outlet stores, daughter getting new clothes for her and the children. I treated myself to new sunglasses, much nicer than my cheaper pair, softer than the black frames. I got a couple of gifts for a few birthdays coming up. It was a very different visit than last week, but just as enjoyable. 
I got this book last week, I have not read these authors before, it's a very clever plot told in four sections, at the end of each section something unexpected is revealed, not once did I guess the twist. The huge clue was the title, which becomes apparent in the final few chapters. Book 37 read this year.
I haven't been doing much in the garden, mainly sat outside in the day, watering after our evening meal, I have a garden full of new flowering plants, which I can't afford to let die. I have separated several plants, this Hosta included, so I'm excited to see three flower heads, the plant must be happy, and I have three tiny plants growing. My other Hosta has been placed at the back of the garden the blooms are over. 

Tuesday we popped into town, I had a dentist appointment mid morning, my previous Friday appointment rescheduled, we had a quick mooch around, lunch out, before catching the bus home. I am going to say it, we stayed inside at home, here I go, 'it was just too hot'. 

Today we are off to see daughter and Molly for a few hours, George is in nursery, Will in school, The new school George is attending in September is working really hard to ensure George is comfortable going there. It's not the same school as Will's, they don't have the support George needs, today the care person for George is spending time with him at nursery, getting to know him, this will happen a few times, daughter is having a meeting afterwards for an hour, just to chat and formulate details. There are 3 disabled children starting the same time as George, each will have their own support person, but they will swap between the children, to enable each child is happy and expand their comfort zone.   


  1. That is a lovely photo of you both. So relaxed and happy.

  2. Lovely photograph of you and your daughter.
    George's new school sounds very good.
    It's so good that they are doing their best to ensure a comfortable start for him in September.

    Enjoy these last few days of June.

    All the best Jan

  3. How wonderful that the school George will be attending is putting forth the effort to make sure he does well.

    God bless.

  4. Sounds like an enjoyable outing with your daughter. The hot weather is on its way out - it's noticeably cooler this morning.

  5. Summer seems to be going so fast.

  6. Enjoy your summer - it never seems to last long enough!

  7. A lovely day with your daughter and the new sunglasses look great. I'm glad that George's new school are trying to help so much with his transition. I hope it all continues to go well for him.



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