Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Saturday 4 May 2024

This week

 It's been a week of getting by, we had George on Thursday, which was wonderful, except, he has Downs Syndrome and does not like change, therefore he searched the whole house looking for Grace, daughter was worried, but I found it helpful, in a strange way. He will do the same for the next few visits, Molly was at nursery.

I have spent loads of time on my computer, I have finished my 2022 book, it is ready for printing, I have started on 2023, it is time consuming but fun, a great way to look back on my simple life. If you want to know more, click on My books on my side bar. 

I have struggled with this book, I know it's me, I'm not in the mood to read, but I need to do anything rather than sit here and feel sorry for myself. It's a good plot, old friends on a wedding week break, what could go wrong. Well loads, it was a huge book, 564 pages, Book 27 read this year.

Today is special, 40 years ago hubby and I became a couple, he moved in with us, (me and two young daughters) and started our lovely journey together, our 40th wedding anniversary is in a couple of years, we had to save to afford to tie the knot. We are not doing much, it's a normal day, laundry is on the line, it's sunny and no rain due, I will be outside, I don't have much to do, but will spend all day outside. 

I am wearing sandals and long shorts, I am fed up of being wrapped up, I will need to change later as it cools down, but for today I can hope May is giving us some nice weather. I did not realise until last night it's a bank holiday here, which makes no difference to us, we never go anywhere at the weekends, preferring to go out in the week, when places are not so busy. 


  1. George is such a happy smiley little boy, he's a joy. Congratulations on your 40 years together, it's a huge achievement nowadays. xx

  2. Doesn't 40 years go by so fast? I remember looking back over the years when we celebrated our ruby wedding anniversary and they seemed to have gone by in no time at all. I hope you both have many more happy years together, Mxx

  3. Poor George - it's a learning journey for him.
    Congratulations on your 40 years - it doesn't seem possible when you look back, I'm sure.

  4. Awww poor George, I bet it's confusing for him when he used to seeing Grace. Congratulations on your 40th anniversary, the years go by so quickly don't they?

  5. What a lovely smile George has.
    Many congratulations on your 40 years.

    All the best Jan

  6. Forty years together is a milestone. Congratulations.

    God bless.

  7. Congratulations on your fortieth anniversary.

  8. The house must feel rather empty without Grace. George will come to realise in time.
    Congratulations on your anniversary! Xx

  9. Congratulations to both of you on 40 years together as a couple. So many memories you have woven together over the years as you have shared your lives.



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