Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday 2 February 2024


We popped to a different garden centre yesterday, I got a pack of 6 primroses for the back section of the garden, I plan to pop them in the front of the bed with the rhubarb in. For now we can have instant colour, they can stay in this dish for a few weeks.  I also got 3 packs of seeds, all were half price, a low spend visit. 
My pot is looking good, some of the bulbs are starting to show, should be nice for weeks to come. There are no drainage holes in this pot, so regularly I am tipping out water.
My repotted plants are doing well, as are my alpine cuttings I took ages ago, still tiny, each plants had a nice root, so they should all take. My greenhouse is ready for seeds once I can start them, they are sorted into sowing months.

Daughter popped in with George and Molly on Tuesday, it was nice enough to play outside, both got their Pepper Pig balls out and played football, it's so pleasing to see them run around with out any different levels to trip them up. Loads of laughter and lots of sad faces when mummy said it was time to pick up Will from school. 

I walked to our library to return some books, I did not get any more as I have a few to read, I prefer to pop in often to see if they have anything new, they generally pop them out on Mondays. We  have not been to the village much, what few bit's of shopping required we got from the local Co-op, which is the opposite direction, often ensuring it's on the final section of our daily walk, hubby has now used his voucher. 

I have done more on my 2022 book, I am half way through the year, I am trying to have one morning a week sorting it, I would like to catch up this year. I have also been looking on my Pintrest page at cross stitch designs, the plan is forming, all I need to do is pick up my needle and get going. 

Tonight I am sleeping over at daughters for a couple nights, she has an appointment early tomorrow morning and is going out on Saturday evening, sadly daddy has been called into work for the weekend, so I am on nanna duties, which I love. I am looking forward to an evening together with daughter tonight, I will take a bottle of wine, won't be a late night as Molly is an early riser, and all Saturday together, I don't see so much of Will now he's at school. 


  1. Enjoy your weekend with the grandchildren.

  2. Have a lovely weekend with your daughter and the kids. It will be nice to spend time with her.

  3. I like the primroses.

    Enjoy time with your daughter and the grandchildren.

    All the best Jan

  4. Love how everything is coming alive. Enjoy your time with family.

    God bless.



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