Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 24 July 2023


Daughter came with the children on Sunday, they quickly found the toys, they all play so well together. Later we played football in the garden, our fake lawn dries so quickly, so we could all roll around, a game they love playing. Daughter plays a 'tidy up song', to which they all pick up the toys, before going home. Hubby and I relaxed later in afternoon,  followed by a walk through the park in the sunshine. Saturday it rained most of the day, we were tired and had a lazy day inside. 
The postman delivered a parcel and I have my roving's, these are used as the inner, so I can now do some needle felting, firstly I want to make another lady, sticking with what I know. I have not decided if she is going to be as curvy as Reenie.
As with most of my crafts, I like to have a good stash, I used the company the tutor suggested, it's the same brand as she uses. Typically for me, I got loads of colours, these mixed packs, looked good, they are bigger than I expected and a very good price, already have reds and pinks, and a couple natural shades. So plenty of shades to use. 
I also have these few items, the coloured balls I got from Hobby Craft years ago, they were on special, I now know they are better used for the inners (roving's), the bigger shank I got from a lady who creates these lovely shades. I have always wanted to make a fox and other animals.  
I have finished the dress for the knitted rabbit, I started again using a soft baby yarn in 4ply, it looks much nicer, I unpicked the first pink one, I am now going to make knickers and a cardigan, she will be a well dressed rabbit. The clothes will be sew on and not able to be removed, I aim to sew another Luna Lupin rabbit and make loads of clothes, so Molly has another different type of play. 

I have plenty of crafting to do, which is good as this week is going to be again wet, I do want to finish knitting for the rabbit, I don't want to pack it away as it won't be finished. I do feel a bit lost, it's always the same when I finish a big project, I can't get into my embroidery wheel for 2023, at some point I will get inspired and get sewing on it, but for now I'm stalled. I think sometimes having too much to start is confusing, nothing has a deadline, so I float through the days, my mind is full of gardening plans. 

I still feel off, the weather is not helping, I'm not great being inside so much, I do have my greenhouse to play in when it rains, but that's not calling me either. I have no desire to pop to town, shopping is not my thing, we will do an Asda delivery at some point, that's about as exciting as it gets here at the moment. 


  1. Cold, drizzly and windy in Suffolk today - No playing outside here!

  2. You are going to be busy.

    Enjoy the time with the littles.

    God bless.

  3. Your living room floor resembles mine at the moment! We find ourselves constantly tripping our way through Lego, Duplo and train tracks. Will be interesting to see your felting 'makes'.

  4. A tidy up song comes in handy when the little ones visit :)
    Fun times though.

    All the best Jan



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