Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday, 30 December 2024

December round up

 December is always a low spend month on my crafting and garden, I have loads of seeds from my monthly subscription to Kitchen garden, so for now nothing is needed. I spent just under £400 on clothes and shoes this year, which is pleasing, in December I did get a new pair of ankle boots from Clarks outlet online store, just the style I wanted, heavily reduced, two pairs of trousers and a new jumper for Christmas day.

This is my yearly total, I did hope at the beginning of the year to keep my spend under £1000, which I failed, but we both get so much joy from our outdoor space, and enjoy my small harvest. 

Here my totals by craft/garden spend, this is where I see how my crafting is changing, it's a true list of what I spend, but not what I use, as I have loads of fabric, yarn and embroidery items. Another expensive year in the garden, after the refit I did purchase more structural items, which should be a one off purchase.

We ignored Black Friday (which last for weeks), no impulse purchases, no spending spree on our recent trip to London, no Boxing day sales, hubby has been sorting and removing some of his stuff from the house. 

We had a few new white goods items for the kitchen and decorated loads of the house, we do have a few bits we want to change in the coming year. 

My weight is a couple of pounds higher, something I can deal with in January, I have been over half a stone heaver at this point in the year twice, so I'm happy where I am.

I do consider we have had another good year, most of our spending is under control, and we are able to save.


  1. It's satisfying to look back and see how the money has been managed.

  2. I love how you keep track of things, I start off well then forget, going to try again in 2025. Happy New year, I hope you have a good one.

  3. Yes you're very organised with keeping track of your spending, much more so than I am....as with Maggie, I have good intentions but then the recording falls by the wayside. Your garden gives you both so much pleasure, the expenditure is worth it.

  4. You are very organised. Hope 2025 is a great gardening year for you.

  5. Yes, I too ignore Black Friday ... as you say it now lasts for weeks.

    All the best Jan

  6. I also ignore Black Friday and Boxing Day sales. They seem to go on and on.

    God bless.



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