Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 24 June 2024


 I was in Gunwharf Quays shopping outlet with SIL on Thursday, most of the shops are top brands with silly prices, we did look in Clarks and then Sketchers, where we both saw these sandals, in tan or black, we both liked tan, and the toe strap, at £26.99 they did not break the bank. On to M&S, which we spent nothing. I have a tatty blue pair of sandals which I will pop into Sally army bins. 

These two plants came from our local pet shop, they are just so pretty, I am going to leave them in this Olive tree pot, it's next to our seating area. 

I got two plants from our local gardener, neither I have had before, The tall white one I have a spot for it, the bulb, I'm not sure where I will pop it, I don't have many summer flowering bulbs. It was his big home grown plant sale this Saturday, just £6.50 for both.
Sarah in our local village craft shop, gifted me this book, it arrived damaged, the front cover was ripped and the outer edge was shredded, so I trimmed the edge and mended the rip, it shows how to make more details on dolls and different way to make the bodies. 

In the Monday market, there is a huge book stall, I always look but not purchase as The Works books are cheaper, this time he had a sale on so I got 2 books for £1 each, sadly one book I realised when I got home I had already read, I've not been reading much, but I have a good book now.

Saturday, I was home alone, it was truly peaceful, I have spent time on here catching up with blogs, the past busy 10 days left me with little blogger time. I did a few jobs outside, the bulb is outside my greenhouse, once it grows I can then decide where to put it, I am watching my strawberries and blueberries they are coming to a harvest point, sadly my raspberries are not doing at all well, I have the plants for over 10 years, so maybe I need to replace them. We had another lazy evening reading. 

Sunday, a slow start even though we were up at 7am, another hot sunny day, we had an afternoon BBQ, just the two of us, and a nice walk in the evening.


  1. I do like your plants - very pretty.

  2. Shame about the damaged book but hopefully the contents will give you lots of new ideas for felting.

  3. Those sandals look good, and your plants are very pretty.

    All the best Jan

  4. I can just see you making many more needle felted dolls. Enjoy your free craft book.

    God bless.



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