Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Sunday 25 August 2024

In between raindrops

 Molly is only happy outside, she asked for her gardening gloves on, so I decided to sort a couple of pots, removing the tiny daisies, which are in a tray over winter, they should come back and be replanted next year. My succulents were crowding out their smaller pot, I added just one more plant here in the bigger pot. George was at preschool, it's much easier doing task with just one of them, Molly does take instruction much better than her brother.

My Asters and pompom Dahlias are giving loads of colour, both grown for the first time here, my expensive red pompom has been a no show, which is disappointing, as I wanted red to remind me of my childhood garden. There is still plenty of colour in the garden, but gaps are forming as summer plants die back, I am very pleased with 2 of my flower beds, just one needs a bit of work. 

We are eating runner beans, I've had three harvest so far, only the beef tomatoes left to ripen, we had a few blackberries and two of my raspberry plants have fruit, both are really late. The beetroot is doing well, but sadly it's a bit late in the summer season, I will bottle most of what I have grow, and not grow them again, parsnips look huge and the leeks are coming along well. I have my gate across the path to keep George out of the veg section, it's a very useful item, as you can see there are hooks, which I use to hang it in my open greenhouse door, to keep cats out, it's an extending washing airier which hubby and I repurposed many years ago. 

It was a wet day on Thursday here, just drizzle all day, over night we had a decent amount of rain, Friday was very blustery but bright and sunny, the main storm came in on Friday night into Saturday morning, just what our gardens required, the water buts are full again. A day inside, I was able to do some crafting with Molly, she is very interested in making things.

Daughter came over with the children on Friday, they stayed for a few hours, so much laughter, and Molly stayed and had her sleepover, we walked to our local park, where loads of fun was had. Saturday was wet for most of the day, relentless rain and a good breeze, the sort of afternoon where you stay inside and read, which is exactly what I did.

I've had a better few days here, a medical scare with family, which had me very worried, has been checked and is nothing huge just needing monitoring, worry has been a huge factor in how I have been feeling. BIL is still in hospital, he is about to have his third operation on the break in his leg, this time with a change of surgeon, and a different procedure, the whole family are holding their breath that this will fix the issue, if it goes as expected he will be home soon. My bugs are now just the stupid cough, I am still exhausted, but give it a few days and I am hoping to be close to the 'normal' me.


  1. It's nice for the grandchildren to have one to one time occasionally. It makes them feel very grown up.

  2. How marvellous that Molly loves gardening and crafting - I'm sure as she grows up, she will be inspired by what she remembers her grandmother doing :) xx

  3. I was glad to get some rain on Saturday. The garden needed it. It's nice that you get some one on one time with Molly and that she loves gardening and crafting too.

  4. After reading your last post I ordered "Rewilding your Garden" from our local library and have just picked it up. I am looking forward to reading it.

  5. May I suggest the addition of barbed wire and electrification to stop George from "investigating" the vegetable patch? That'll help the little varmint to "take instruction".

    1. We are a bit softer with our children down south, the gate works.

  6. So nice to have one on one time with the grands. Your garden looks absolutely gorgeous.

    God bless.

  7. I think most things have been later this year, or too late to do what they should. Let's hope we get better weather next spring so that the plants get a good head start.

  8. I've almost given up on my tomatoes, most of them are still green and it's turned cooler now so i don't know if they will ever turn red! Good to see Molly getting her hands dirty :-) Bonnie and Jacob both love going to the allotment and messing in the dirt.

    1. I pop my green tomatoes in a paper bag with a ripe tomato, I do this every year are they always all ripen, bit slower than on the plant, so the harvest goes on for weeks after the plant is gone.

  9. You are instilling a love of gardening in Molly. She will always remember the fun times she is having with you. Sure hope you are feeling better.



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