Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 15 July 2024


Today would have been my mum's 101 birthday, 
here is mum, myself and both daughters, at eldest daughters wedding.

Our little family having fun with friends last weekend, they went to a BBQ and had loads of fun, all three children mix well, just like their mum was as a child. 

I am incredibly sad at the moment, our son-in-law has decided to walk away from youngest daughter and their 3 children, he has been staying away more, he travels alot with his job. Daughter has been expecting this, but it's hard when it happens, no one else involved, he has struggled with George since birth, seeing his disability rather than the wonderful little boy he is. Daughter is strong, loves all her children, she has a strong circle of friends, who support her, hubby and I will do everything we can to help, as will his parents, who are left stunned and so upset. 

This brings back so much hurt for me as well, my first husband left me when youngest daughter was 10 days old, he walked away and never participated in his daughters upbringing.  

Our society accepts this as ok behaviour, it's not a crime to fall out of love, but it's so easy to walk away.

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