Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 22 July 2024

BBQ weekend

 Saturday I was home alone, time outside in garden, I had watered the night before, so everywhere is looking good, so much of the colour I crave. I found a few peas growing, so I tasted one, wonderful, I will have a few more to harvest. 

My beef tomatoes growing outside are just turning orange, again I've not grown these before, the two plants in the greenhouse are very mixed, I do have some tomatoes growing on them.
I've had a couple cauliflowers, and I have one last one growing, these are purely for hubby, I don't eat them.

Saturday was a dull day, I did some housework and then went outside for a few hours, loads of deadheading done, it's another job I love doing. Later I rested and read, I have loads of great books. We had more rain in evening and over night, all good for the garden.

Sunday was much nicer, not too hot and really sunny, perfect for a BBQ in the garden, daughter, Will, George and Molly came, Grandma and Grandpa, hubby and I. We did simple food, the children loving burgers, followed by a lovely fruit salad, perfect time outside, chatting  and watching the little ones playing.

Having a few sunny days in a row does make me feel so much better, the rain is good for all growing crops and flowers, and hopefully our water reservoirs are high. Here the schools finish on Tuesday, so let summer begin, everyone is happier when they can get outside.


  1. You can't buy that freshness our homegrown vegetables give us. Especially peas.

  2. That sounds like a perfect weekend.

  3. Fresh peas - how lovely. It's nice that the weather played ball for your barbecue.

  4. Certainly sounds a lovely weekend.

    All the best Jan

  5. Fresh peas, straight from the pod are delicious.
    I don't mind the rain too much, just as long as we get some sunny days as well. Xx

  6. Your tomatoes are further along than mine, it definitely hasn't been the best year for them so far. There's plenty of flowers but the fruit is only just starting to set.

  7. It is so long since I tasted fresh peas just picked that I have almost forgotten how delicious they are :)



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