Friday 12 November 2021

Crafty start and a finish

I have finished these socks, I used James C Brett, funny feetz, 4 ply, it's lovely to knit with, did not split or separate, the navy was Opal 4 ply from my stash. These are for me, I'm not wearing home knitted socks yet, but I do love warm feet in the winter months.
The french knots on this project is done, again I am pleased, my sewing machine is out, I hope to make it into a cushion over the weekend. 
The last bit, I love how the edge of the work fits with the fabric pattern, the stitches bring the colour to life. 
My last ball of cotton is much smaller on this crochet blanket, I had thought I would pass it on, but as I work on it I am loving the weight and the colours. So I have decided to sort my blanket drawer and pass some on, a lady across the road works with abandoned dogs, I'm sure they can use warm granny square blankets. 
Another new start, I love making this shawl design, this will be the 6th one made, It's Leftie by Martina Behm, and is the simplest design, it won't take long to finish, it's for a friend for a Christmas gift, I'm not sure about the colours, but my friend will love it. 

I have removed the button band from my green cardi, I am struggling to unpick the coloured edging, I might just have a plain green band, as you can see if you click on the link, this cardi has been problematic from the start, I knitted it and it was far to snug, so I unpicked the whole thing and reknitted it, so now having to do another button band is just another chapter in it's construction. 

As you can see loads of crafting time, mainly things I can do sat in my chair, all of the above can be picked up and put down easily, I do have my sewing machine out and I have projects now sorted, I hope to get a day sewing on Sunday, I am with daughter later today sleeping over, I will come home mid morning Saturday, but I'm back to babysit Saturday evening. 

We popped into Fareham on Thursday, we needed a few items, which can't be purchased in village, so we had a wander and got a couple more Christmas gifts. Town was very quiet, which allowed us to feel happy popping into shops, but I was very tired when we got home, we did have lunch out, so a lovely lazy evening in together. 


  1. You're certainly cracking on with all of your crafty projects. I like the colour of your socks and your French knot project is going to look fabulous once it's made into a cushion, I can't wait to see it.

  2. You must have so much patience, Marlene - I think if I crocheted something and it went wrong or didn't look right, I'd probably abandon it!

  3. I do like your socks and blanket. What a lovely thing to do to give some blankets for abandoned dogs, they will be gratefully received.

  4. You certainly have a nice lot of craft projects on the go.
    Pleased you had a nice browse around Fareham.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  5. You are definitely moving right along with your projects.

    God bless.

  6. Marlene, all of your craft projects are beautiful. I am always in awe of your skills.
