Wednesday 10 November 2021

November garden

This small table collection is looking really good, both lamps are getting enough sunlight to light each evening, it's very pretty spot when we first come into the garden.
So much colour here, the begonia's are still blooming, giving loads of colour, along with a couple of fuchsia's and the flowers in my side bed. The autumn cyclamen are coming into their best show and the tiny violets are   are stunning. 
Other plants, acers, blueberries are changing colours adding to the overall colour outside, our olive is evergreen, and really happy in this sheltered spot. 

 I've given up on what to expect from my garden at this time of year, nothing surprises me any more, it's just so pleasing to see so many flowers, we have had a couple of air frost first thing in the mornings, the temperature has dropped to the expected levels. Once the ground frost hit all the begonia's will die back quickly. It has rained overnight a couple of times this week, so I don't need to water my outside pots. I am hoping to cut back my late summer raspberries, they have finished fruiting for this year. 

The greenhouse is full again, my tender plants tucked in, I have never heated the greenhouse, its warm enough to suit the plants. I do water once a week for now, as it gets cooler I will water less. 

My birthday flowers are still looking good, I have 3 ornamental cabbages in the bunch, they should last for months, this is the first bunch of cut flowers this year, I am pleased I no longer need to purchase them every week, saving loads of money. My new poinsettia plant is in the sunny office, I struggle with these plants, I need to keep it well, my brother gifted it to me and he's back at Christmas and will expect to see it. 

Thank you for all my birthday wishes, I did have a fun family weekend, an update on Will, he is doing really well, no problems with this lip, he has no pain, just waiting for the stitches to dissolve. 


  1. The weather's very mild still and there are summer plants still hanging on. It would have been my mum's birthday on Sunday so we took some flowers to the crematorium and the begonias we'd planted at the memorial stone were looking beautiful, masses of flowers still. As you say, the autumn plants are blooming too so there's plenty of colour still around. Glad to hear that Will is doing well.

  2. Your garden is so lovely. I hope you get to enjoy your autumnal glory for a few more weeks yet :)

  3. You are so lucky to still have colour in your garden. Our garden is all put to bed, bulbs that needed to be dug, dug and my lilies cut back as well.

    I am glad that Will is doing so well.

    God bless.

  4. I wish you could be transported 350 miles north and work your incredibly organised magic on my garden.

  5. Your November garden is still looking nice and colourful.

    All the best Jan
