Monday 15 November 2021

My weekend

Daughter and I popped to our favourite local garden centre, it was mobbed, car par full, not too bad inside it has enough for space for everyone, the restaurant was full, so no lunch out, daughter got some lovely pastries to eat ah home, I treated myself to this beauty. I already have 4,  2 in leaf and going over, 2 I am going to repot, so 🤞🤞bulbs for my Christmas colour.
I can hold my hand up and state, I have history with these beautiful plants, I can kill them with a blink of an eye, my sitting room is too cool and dark at this time of year. My brother gave me this one for my birthday last week, so a change of tactics, it's in my warm sunny office space, I hope to keep it healthy right up to Christmas, when my brother returns. 

 I have done more on my scarf, today I am going to sew in some of the ends, I still am not keen on the colours, but my friend will love it. 
I have finished this book, I have read many books by this author, this one I felt was a bit predictable, 2 time lines being told at the same time, I did enjoy the story, but I didn't love it, it's a huge book, 336 pages long, this being my 43rd book read this year. I have been given a book to read, with the advice read this next it's good, such a joy to hear. 
I had a fantastic couple of days with daughter and her 3 children, Will as a 4 year old was so good, when he is happy he fills your heart, but he does have a stubborn side, luckily not on show this visit, he did go for a sleep over with Grandma on Saturday. So just George and Molly on Saturday, Molly has learnt to roll, and is enjoying moving around, I think she is going to be an early crawler, George is so full of fun, you just can't be sad when he is around, we played all day, so much laughter. Daughter was out both evenings, so I managed some quiet reading and knitting time, all 3 children sleep well, by 8pm they are all tucked up in bed. I drove home late Saturday night, I wanted to wake at home on Sunday, I had so many plans.

Nothing much was done on Sunday, I was tired, Will had me up at 6.30am Saturday morning, so it was a long day, daughters TV stopped working on Thursday (I did not touch it, so no I did not jinx it), so Will wanted loads of playing time before going out with Grandma, I don't miss the TV, but it is handy to have a few quiet moments. 

Sunday was a long lazy start to the morning, hubby was out, so a peaceful time as well, I forgot to take my phone whilst away, so I had a couple days catching up in blogger land and emails, perfect start to the day. I have requested my free bus pass, everything can now be done online, so simple. I ignored my sewing machine, but did loads on my crochet blanket, which I hope to finish this week. 

It's half way through November, I am not behind with things, but I am not where I thought I would be, so Sunday I spent time working on my Christmas cards, I like to post them early, I don't see any point it letting them arrive just a few days before Christmas. I don't make as many as I have before, I now make everything, I stopped purchasing toppers and decorations a couple of years ago, I still have some left, so it's a case of using what I have. 


  1. I always put an amaryllis on my Christmas wish list, it's a nice inexpensive gift which someone can buy me and a bit of a tradition now. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend with your grandchildren, though I bet you'll be happy to get a bit of a rest now. I've done very little in the way of preparing for Christmas yet, I really need to get a bit of a spurt on.

  2. I do like an amaryllis - just bought one for a friend's birthday - they are the most beautiful things.

  3. Your indoor plants are just as lovely and colourful as your outdoor garden.

  4. How lovely you got another visit in with your grandchildren.

    I really like the colours of the scarf. I think it is beautiful and your friend will love it.

    God bless.

  5. It sounds as though you had a lovely weekend with the grandchildren, if a little tiring. They are such a joy at that age, full of curiosity and bounce! Lots of cuddles though 🤗🤗🤗 I love poinsettias but can never keep them going as I have never had a suitable place to put them. Yours looks beautiful.

  6. It sounds a busy but enjoyable weekend with the grandchildren.

    It doesn't seem possible that we are now in mid-November the days seem to fly by. I have started a little Christmas shopping and got my cards, so I have made a start!

    Enjoy your week.

    All the best Jan
