Monday 27 April 2020

Finishes and busy bee

I pulled out the 2 baskets of fabrics from the back of our wardrobe, 
gave them a good sort, moved a few things.
 Small purple basket has all my tea towels in, I do have a few, I love the challenge of making things from them. Middle basket has all the smaller bits of fabric, which might come in handy, and loads of fat quarters, all neat in one place. The final basket has all heavier weigh household fabrics, old cotton quilt cover, 1 old linen plain curtain, I purchased second hand, I love these, it's a cheap way of keeping heavier fabrics in. On top is a pair of curtains daughter gave to me, I love the fabric, would make good cushion covers. Plus I have my pile of fabrics shown in this post
 I left out some fabrics, 2 shopping bags cut out, 
and 2 small amounts of fabric which is very pretty.
 This fabric is a pair of curtains, project for a neighbour, she wants her daughter to pop all her soft toys inside a bean bag..
Finished items, I always love sitting at my sewing machine, these curtains are now a beanbag, I did not have a pattern for this, I did have instructions, but the material was not enough, and I really did not want to have to purchase a 20" heavy duty zip. So the bottom has two pieces which overlap, you can stuff from the bottom, the top circle is the size of our dinner plate. I had to make so many changes to the design I had planned, it's finished now. 
 I did one of my shopping bags, I've packed away the other and the fabric, the beanbag took far to long, I do love this bag with it's huge front pocket. The pattern material was off cuts I purchased from a charity shop, the purple material, I have had for years, they go well together. I used the same design as I used in this post for smaller children's bags.
Some baking was done, fruit scones, I made them a bit thin, and totally enjoyed on Saturday and Sunday, sat outside in the sunshine, we have a few left for this afternoon. I have made a couple of cheesy scones, only for me , not had them in years.
Totally predictable end, but it was worth the read, how she told the story of 2 woman's background, whilst having a sensitive story line, I loved this book, could not put it down.  This being my 25th book read this year. I'm now looking for my next book. 
I am crocheting my Tunisian blanket, it's an easy thing to make, but my mind is thinking about knitting, probably another pair of socks, I still have a few pair to make for Christmas gifts.
The garden calls every morning, I have cut back most of the daffodils along the side bed, I can now see what is already growing in there, it's still too early to pop in any bedding plants, anyway mine are still not big enough, hopefully in 3 weeks there will be loads to go in the gardens.


  1. The bags look great, and what a good idea having somewhere to store toys. I enjoyed Our Song too, well, I've enjoyed all Dani Atkins books, I'm looking forward to hear writing more as I've run out now.

  2. You've certainly been busy! I'm working slowly through my newest crochet project. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, but there's a chill easterly Brrrr. Take care. Best, Jane x

  3. The poppy design on your blog is very pretty - but (and this is a big but) it does get in the way of seeing the details of your work. Please think about a different, simpler design.

    1. I love my blog design as it is, the poppies are part of the name, which I chose because of my love of poppies and the association of the love my mum had for poppies. I will not be changing the background.

  4. I love the bag, such a pretty print. The bean bag for soft toys is a great idea. You've had a very busy few days.

  5. I have just found your blog! You are a very busy person and your sewing projects are very nicely done. I mostly crochet but do have a couple of quilts in the beginning stages. I love to read also, mostly British murder mysteries! Happy sewing!💖

  6. Great idea for the bean bag. I've been reading Sam Carrington recently which are thrillers and easy reads. I'm running out of flour so resorted to making oat flour in my nutribullet. The scones are good albeit crumbly.

  7. The bags are lovely and your way of organizing your fabric is great.

    God bless.

  8. I love sorting through my fabric like you and have loads of ideas what to do with it. Ive a stash of pretty tea towels too.I am spending the day in my craft room today - making a coat for a bunny. It'll be on the blog no doubt! And for what it's worth - I love your poppy blog and your poppy background x I just bet that you have the lovely poppy dinnerware one can buy from Dunelm!

    1. I could spend all day looking at fabric, for me it's a pure joy. I do have some poppy china, but not the full set. I can't wait to see your bunny jacket, I have a knitted bunny I need to sew together.

  9. The beanbag looks exciting.
    The baking looks delicious, not had cheese scones for a while, that might have to be my next bake.
    Pretty bag.
