Friday 30 August 2019

August roundup

A really low spend month for me, no yarn purchased, and a lovely low spend on the garden, the most expensive item was the copper rings, which are working well and can be used for many years. .
I purchsed no shoes or clothes this month. 
I have been using this chart this month, we purchased a second bin for the kitchen and have been recycling more items, it's helpful to know what you have, I did hear a good tip on a recycling site, a comment was made, if the plastic you have in your hand russles, it can't be recycled, often this printed on as well, one small tip has helped us loads. 
I have already admitted to wasting food this month, whilst hubby was in hospital, I was not eating well and did not watch dates on item in the fridge, we had already done our normal shop, so there was just too much food for me to eat, I did manage to freeze some.
I've not done much else, it's a kind of limbo land, we do have a busy weekend. 

Monday 26 August 2019

Hot house

My string of pearls is looking brilliant,
 I love this pot, it's perfect for this plant.  
 Succulents grown from seed, 
I purchased 4 different lots, but only 2 grew.
 I planted the seeds from my Amaryllis, and these leaves are growing, I wait to see what they produce, as with so many seeds I grow, patience is always required. 
 I was given these flower seeds and popped them in soil, not expecting much, but as you can see beautiful flowers, I will find a bigger pot. 
I want to put these into a huge glass bowl, I have been collecting for a while, plus daughter gave me a tin mug she would like filled for her kitchen .

It's extremely hot in the greenhouse, but loads of my plants are doing well, I have still a few plants in pots rescued from the slug feast in my garden. I also have a hosta in the shade doing very well, I will move the hosta on Saturday morning, out into the garden, to fill a gap. I pop into the greenhouse most mornings before it gets too hot. I'm still picking soft fruits, which is such a joy to have, and my cucumber which I though was going over has two new flowers, I cut back loads of yellow leaves, and will hope for a couple more from the plant.
Hubby came home on Saturday, it was touch and go, the doctors wanted him to improve a bit more, but when I said we are less than 10 mins drive from the hospital, they released him, with instructions if any issues over the bank holiday weekend, come straight back to the unit. Happily there are no problems, he is resting, eating well and sleeping loads, I can see him slowly getting stronger, there is no place like home.
I am now thinking and planning for Saturday, we have family coming to celebrate hubby's 70th birthday (where has the years gone), I have cancelled Sunday, we were going to have an open day for friends, but I think it will be to much. We have placed a huge shopping order to be delivered on Friday, another change of plan, no BBQ, I will make sandwiches and loads of purchsed finger food. Later I am hoping to have a fish and chip supper, I just need to speak to our local chippie to order food, there are not huge numbers here, but for the 1st time we will have all 6 grandsons together, I will need to get a photo of them all.
For the next 3 days we have Josh and Sam each day, with Will on Wednesday, I have planned some simple things to do, which includes a couple of treats.

Friday 23 August 2019

Home alone.

I managed to match a silk (Floss) with the last colour, it's a lovely sea green/blue, and got the extra 3 colours I had run out of. I did get some stitching done, this feels good in my hands. 
 I have 3 and a partial dot to do on the 1st half, I have also done some on the 2nd half, this is just so pleasing to work on. I can't wait to make it up and be using it. 
 It's easier to see how much I have done from the back. 
Wednesday I decided it would be a good day to stay busy, so I stripped our bed, the bedding was on the line by 9am, followed by the mats we use in both bathrooms, it was a sunny morning and everything dried. I cleaned from top to bottom, everywhere is looking good, I  kept my phone with me, waiting to hear if hubby had operation or was removed from the list, I knew this would not be until early afternoon, we agreed I would not visit in the morning.
The operation has been done, they removed his gallbladder, but he was not well, the pain is far worse than anyone expected, they stabilised, managed the pain.
Thursday afternoon he was much better, all the issues had been sorted, the pain down to a manageable level, and talk of going home soon. Youngest daughter popped over, we went to our local bistro for lunch, later I had a perfect evening sewing.
I'm up early this morning, got a load of laundry in machine, it's going to be perfect drying weather. Just waiting to see if hubby will be allowed home today, they said he would be home in the next couple of days, I know he would be happier at home. I need to do a small supermarket shop, our fridge is empty, so fruit, veg, dairy and meats.
I plan an hour in the garden, nothing much to do, I have some succulents to plant up in the green house.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Much the same

I did read this book, a light plot, which was guessed at each stage and of course the happy ending. I took the books back to the library on Monday. I had not intended on getting any more books but did manage to find 2 to read. 
 I'm having the best year for soft fruits, they love all the rain and just enough sun to turn them sweet. The blackberries now grow along the side wall of the garage, I am also training them around an arch in front of my shed. The raspberries are still giving me loads, both are having a bumper year.
Hubby was not allowed home for the whole weekend, they were worried if his bed was empty, it would be filled and he would lose his place, so a compromise was done, Saturday he came home after lunch until after 8pm, he was back in time to have all his vitals checked and his medication. Sunday he was home between 10am and 8pm, he went back early, he was not feeling so good, tired. Youngest daughter and Will popped in for an hour in the morning, Will had been asking to see Grancha, he was so lovely, kept saying Grancha is poorly and the doctors are going to fix him.
Our local Portsmouth hospital is so full at this time, as soon as a bed becomes empty, the nurses clean it and a new patient comes in, it's never ending, I do feel for the staff who all work so very hard
Hubby should have his gallbladder removed tomorrow, he is on the list, fingers crossed he is not removed, it does happen often, his liver is settling enough for them to operate, we now understand the issues back in October when hubby had to wait for his heart surgery, we think we're the start of these issues, but the symptoms were not enough to be diagnosed at the time.
I managed some time in the garden on Monday, the fore caste was for dry weather, I did get caught in one heavy storm, all the dead heading is done and leaves and twigs collected, the recent windy days has bashed our Magnolia tree.
No sewing , or any other crafting, I did watch The Handmaids Tale on Sunday, which this week I enjoyed.
This morning I am going out, I will purchase the silks (floss), to finish my dots, plus a quick pop to Tesco.

Saturday 17 August 2019

What a week !

The copper rings are working well, last time I planted Colues, the slugs and snails ate them overnight. These are surviving and growing, I planted them over a week ago. 
 Same with the Begonia in my greenhouse, loads of new growth. These copper rings should last for years and save my plants. So for me these are a winner. 
 My string of pearls, in the office is getting bigger, these will take time to grow, I'm OK with that as I do love to see plants on my desk. 
 A new flower shoot and buds on this Orchid, can't wait to see what colour the flowers will be. I do love this grouping on my logburner, it's an electric one, which we do not use for heat, only using the glow section, in the cooler months.
My hubby has not yet had any treament for his gallstones, the hospital has had to change the blood thinners he is taking after his heart attack, and until his blood is clear, they have to wait. They are managing his pain, I am hoping they may let him home for the weekend today, he would have to go back in on Monday, but it would be nice to be hospital free for a day.
My garden is a mess, we are still having strong winds and loads of rain, it has rained most of the week, I am hoping it might clear up so I can do some deadheadding and clearing around, the season looks as if it's changing early, but this is still summer, so who knows what the weather will do.
I have done no sewing, knitting or crochet, I did pick up a book to read last night, I can't switch off my brian.
I have eaten so badly these past few days, ready meals, junk food, and I have wasted loads from the fridge, so much went out of date without me watching closely, I did freeze some, but lots was binned. My coffee intake if sky high, I will try better in the next few days, I am feeling very sluggish, which is a sign I need to eat better.

Wednesday 14 August 2019


I am truly enjoying this stitching, each little dot comes alive when filled with loads of french knots., I have one colour to purchase, it's the bluey green, I have also ran out of 3 other shades, so a trip to the shops is planned. 
 Looking at the back, this shows just how many dots I have finished, I am about half way through. I was worried when I started this it would become a much bigger job and I would find the scale hard. BUT I am enjoying each tiny dot, I know exactly how I will make this into a bag for myself, it won't be a shopper.
Will made hubby a card. 
My week already has completely changed, Monday hubby was unwell all day, after speaking to our doctors, they suggested painkillers for the pain in his tummy, even though he told them it was much worse than expected for a tummy bug. Tuesday after a very poor night's sleep, he wanted to call doctors again, I suggested he call 111, I was worried because he was still being sick, his heart medication would not be going into his system, they sent an ambulance, and he went to accident and emergency department. The department was full after having a busy night, people were waiting for beds to become available in the hospital, we saw a doctor within 2 hours, who after test, confirmed he has Pancreatitis, caused by tiny gallstones, which had been causing the pains in his tummy. Once he was admitted to the surgical ward, they confirmed he would need an operation to remove his gallbladder. Operation is booked for tomorrow, providing the blood thinners he takes for his heart condition are not showing in his blood test.
So I am visiting him each day in hospital, it's our local hospital, so just a quick bus journey, it's cheaper than parking the car, he is no where as ill as last October, but it is hard to see my strong hubby in pain, youngest daughter and I visited this morning, he was very tired, so I will pop back later to ensure he's OK, he now has his Ipad with books to read, which will help pass the time. he already looks much better than he did earlier this week.
So my trip to Somerset is cancelled, I have put all our stuff back in the dining and sitting rooms, no decorating anytime soon.

Monday 12 August 2019

Is it really August

It's another dull cool  wet day here, we have had more wet days than dry days here, which is good for the garden. But not so good in August.
 The high winds over the weekend and yesterday did not do too much damage to anything. The fence between us and the mad cat woman next door, is still upright, but it's only her overgrown garden  propping the panel up. It still looks OK, but I can't see it lasting through the next winter. I just wish she would allow us to replace it at our cost, it's a shared boundary, and she will not let anyone dig out any of the posts.
 Last Friday I emptied the dining and sitting rooms, hubby will start to paint soon, it won't be a hard job, just a clean, a quick sandpaper and then paint. He did the rest of the house last year, this is the last 2 rooms. 
 Everything is in our spare room,
 The floor around the bed is full of items from the cabinets, I will wash everything before putting it all back, there does look loads, but when we moved here I got rid of all the unwanted things. 
 I did finish this book, I loved her book Big Little Lies, but found this one hard reading, I did finish it. I am also doing my french knots, more on that next time. 
We had no problems on Saturday night with Will in his new bed, it's a huge single be blow up mattress, all he wanted was the 2 blankets I crochet for him and Dave the bear. He was awake at 6, so a long day for us, mummy collected him at lunch time. The rest of Sunday was sewing and reading.
Today is a bit strange, hubby is still in bed at lunch time, he has been sick, which is very rare for him, Will has gone to his Grandma and Pawpaw's avoiding any bugs we have here. I have done very little, after myself getting up much later, I have been doing some work on my 2018 book, I still have 15 post from last December to work on, but I will have everything done before the November date, when the best discount is offered.
Compared to last week, I have nothing planned until Friday, when I will take the train to my sisters house, I will stay with her for almost a week.
The decorating can be done once hubby is feeling better, it is strange to see everywhere so empty.

Sunday 11 August 2019

Busy week

It has been a very busy week, which has rushed by, loads of fun.
Monday, was Will's day, so after the sun came out and everywhere dried up, we were outside, I did loads of dead heading and trimming back, Will likes to help, he takes my cutting to the compost bag, next we picked our fruit, the raspberries did not get into the house, they are Wills favourite, we also picked blueberries and blackberries.
Tuesday, I met with the sign class in our local village, we enjoyed coffee and chatter, not a lesson but a social occasion, not everyone was there, I also passed on loads of books, with a promise of others to come my way.
Wednesday, it was my neighbour and friends birthday, her daughter was on holiday and she was not planning to celebrate, so I asked if we could go for lunch, I would not let the day pass so simply for her. When I called for her, she said another friend was taking out for a meal in the evening, so we changed our lunch for afternoon tea, we went to Port Solent, sat on the waters edge watching the world go by.
Thursday, We spent the morning in our garden, after a shower, we met our daughter at a garden centre close to her home, Will was in nursery, so we had lunch together, a plant may have come home with me. Later I went to our local community centre and enjoyed an evening with our smaller WI meeting, with a view to join, there was a quiz and food, it was a relaxing evening, I plan to go back.
Friday, we got up to a very wet garden and very over caste, so a day inside, hubby plans to finish decorating, which he started last September, but his health stopped him before the dining and sitting rooms were done, it won't be hard work, it just painting, but I do have loads of things in the dining room cabinets. I manage to move everything into the spare bedroom, hubby can move the cabinets when he starts to paint, probably next week.
Saturday, my friend Debbie came to visit, we also had Will for the day and a sleep over, it was still very windy, so it was a day mostly inside, bur Will did get outside to play for a while. He loved his new bed, and slept well.

Saturday 10 August 2019

Garden update.

The grass is looking good in the front garden, we had a rose bush here, but it must be a climber, because it always grew tall and never any flowers, it has been move next to the house.
 My pots are looking better, I do want to put something evergreen in these pots, they do get sunshine, but are also in shade part of the day. I don't have any idea what the plants will be, I keep looking. 
 I planted the Fuchsia here in the hope that next year I will have loads of flowers, I am trying to come away from bedding plants in this bed, the plants I want are more expensive, but I have been purchasing them over the last couple of years, it almost to where I want it. 
 Our climbing rose, behind the water butt, it's sheltered here, and at ground level there is not much sunshine, but once it grows the flowers will be in sun for most of the day. 
 Cutting from my Begonia, should make loads of plants, one I will keep for an inside plant, I do love this one with tiny orange flowers. 
 I got this pot from a charity shop, I knew exactly what plant I would put in it, these string of pearls was in the greenhouse, a couple broke from my main plant, these will stay on my desk.
I am really pleased with the garden, the back garden is my play area, and now hubby is caring for the front, he has planted many different things, our styles are very different, I do love the grass he has added, before I would have said I am not a grass person, but over the last couple of years I have used grasses in the back section of the garden, I have 6 different ones, I am loving the structure they bring.
The high winds through the night have not done any permanent damage outside, our fence is still upright, all the overgrown plants on the other side keep ir from moving much, later I have leaves to pick up, but as its still windy and raining, I won't be outside much today. I hope you are not suffering from the extreme weather front.

Thursday 8 August 2019

Organic gardening

My copper bands have arrived, so today is gardening day, we are due rain tomorrow, so the timing could not be better. I am hoping these will stop the relentless attacks on my tender plants from slugs and snails, this year they have destroyed so many newly planted flowers.
 A pack pf 10 rings cost £27.50, so £2.75 per plant, these are 10" long, they do come in other sizes, they are thicker than I expected, so they will hold up right, I know at the end of the season they will require cleaning, but other than that, they are easy to use, just pop one around the new plant, push into ground to hold it in place. 
 These can now be planted out, Salvia hotlips, I have 2 plants, purchased locally for 50p each, and 2 Coleus, the latter being the plants I dug out the garden after a snail feast almost finished them off. 
This plant was on sale for £1, I will trim all the long growth off and pop them into water, once rooted I should have loads of new free plants. The mother plant I will pop into a pretty pot, the plant will grow with lovely new flowers. 
Hubby was looking at this grass, he loved it for his front garden, but at £15 it was more than he wanted to pay, but I love the instant appeal, so I chose the best looking plant and asked him to buy it. This is not being added to my stash list as it is for his front garden. 
I have to sort the pots by our side door, they are not looking at their best, the Coleus will replace the contents. I will then have another Fushia to go in my side bed, which means I will need to move a couple of plants, but the bed will stay looking good for the rest of the summer. I am aiming to keep everything nice for the garden birthday party for hubby at the end of August. I have loads of hot colours this year around the garden, and far less gaps than before.
Hubby planted the climbing rose behind the water butt next to the garage, there is a gap between our garage and our neighbours fence, the hope is the rose will fill this space and cover some of the water butt.
I am still harvesting fruit, but I think I have picked my last cucumber, the tomatoes are slowly turning red.
Right lets go and get my hands dirty. 

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Stitching and reading

33rd book of this year, I was a bit worried I might find the subject of this book scary, it's about a grand mother who takes her eye off her 4 year old grandson, who has an accident, a nightmare of a story line. The book is about her story and was brilliant told written very well. I could not put it down. 
I did some more french knots, I do love the feel of this project, I still have the pale brown and blue to match, I am going to have another look in my stash, I really should have matching colours. It's a gentle easy stitch to make, which in this project is good as I have loads to do, I think I make about 100 knots in each blob of colour.

 The back of my stitching, it a good place to judge how much I have done,
 I'm about a quarter way through. 
We had a great day with Will on Monday, the sun came out and we spent loads of time in the garden, he likes to help us, picking up leaves, but his favourite thing is picking my fruit harvest, there are always, raspberries, blueberries and now blackberries. We had a man here to put a new dish on the roof as we have changed to a free view box, we watch so little TV it is pointless paying for extra channels, Will loved watching the man, and asked loads of questions.
Yesterday I met with the sign class for a coffee in the village, it's nice to be able to walk to the coffee shop, we stay local to us because we have free parking, and the table and chairs are outside in the sunshine. I did some sewing in the afternoon.
Today I am out for lunch, it's the birthday of our neighbour, her daughter is on holiday and she had nothing planned, so she is with friends for coffee this morning and when she gets back, I will take her out.
I have some plants to go in the garden, but I am waiting for the copper rings I ordered, they should be here by tomorrow, I hope these will survive the slugs and snails. I think we have found a spot for the rose, it is hard to find spaces in our small garden, it's not a plant I would have purchased myself, but it's beauty will enhance our garden. I will do a garden post next, I have been changing a few things.

Monday 5 August 2019


We joined Will for a walk along the beach at Lee on the Solent, we stopped for an ice cream and then went to the newly opened water splash park, Will loves water and had fun running through the water splashed and cannons, it's a brilliant addition to a local sea side. 
 I have been gifted this beautiful rose for our garden, it's huge and healthy, we are now looking for a place to plant it in the garden. 
 Another book finished, I did enjoy the story, I have read Lesley Pearce before, I'm not sure I would read another by her by choice. 
We had a busy weekend, Friday we spent the morning out with Will, mummy and Will came back to ours for lunch and stayed the afternoon.
Saturday was our village fete, it's the 2nd year it has been held, it was very small, but bigger than last year, they had a dog show. It was at our community centre, who hosted the party in the park last month, they are trying to bring back old events and create new ones, so we will always go to anything they hold, it's only 5 minutes walk from our home, so it was an enjoyable time. We sat and read in the afternoon, nice relaxing time.
Yesterday hubby's older brother and his wife came to visit, they drove up from Devon, we had a BBQ and spent most of the day sat in the garden, it was cloudy in the morning, but just after lunch the sun came out. We chatted most of the time, catching up with his family news, children, grandchildren and his recent arrival of a great grand daughter, later we watched TV, we enjoy Sunday evenings, I love Country File, hubby loved Antiques Roadshow, I also watched The Handmaids Tale, which I am often thinking, why would they let her do that, why is she here?, I will watch it to the end of this series.
Killing Eve has finished, with Eve on the ground shot, not sure if they will make another series, it was another strange at times but unmissable programme.
This morning we woke up to rain, not heavy just steady, good for the garden, it should be gone by the afternoon, I am waiting for Will to arrive, we will have to play inside today, unless it dries up quickly.
I have done no crafting, when I sit down, I'm not feeling the desire to do anything, reading is the easy option. I am sure it's still linked to the bug I had, I can keep the house and garden tidy, but that's it. I'm not worried, I'm healthy just very lethargic.

Saturday 3 August 2019

In the garden

I was so pleased to see this fellow fast asleep at the back our our garden, it's cooler down by my shed a perfect spot to sleep. He is gone today, but I love to see hedgehogs in the garden. 
 I dug out the gooseberry pot, and put the kiwi plant in it's place, adding some height to this area. I don't expect to grow kiwi's to a stage where they will ripen for eating. I just hope I can get blossom, which is beautiful. 
 I kept the green gooseberry, it's been cut right back and will stay in this bag in my trolley until the tomatoes are over, so I can use the big black pot. It's the pot my Olive tree came in, so it's strong and huge, I have not yet decided the final place for this plant. 
 I am getting harvest every other day, the blackberries are just starting, my early blueberries are almost finished and the lates are just starting. I am picking tomatoes and cucumbers, but I don't think the cucumber plant will give me many more, the leaves are going yellow. 
 I popped to the library on Wednesday, got 3 books, this one was always going to be my 1st read, I loved behind her eyes. Another really good read, I enjoyed every page, the story line was different and interesting. 
I have not done any craft, the garden needed attention, and is now looking good again, most evenings I sat and read or watched TV, catching up on recorded programmes, I still don't feel completely over all the bugs.
We have been stocking our cupboards and freezer again, we have visitors this Sunday and next Saturday, so many shops have special prices it a good time to shop.
I have ordered 10 copper rings for my garden, these should stop slugs and snails from eating my tender small plants, I have lost so many plants this summer. Our hedgehog was back in the garden last night, he leaves his calling card on the lawn.
Purdy went to the vets this week after fighting in our garden, she had cut her ear, it was deep and we were concerned, she went back last night and is on the mend. Sadly the huge cat was again in our garden and Purdy was protecting her area, this time she was unhurt. We are looking at ways to stop the cat coming into our back garden, our new neighbour is away, so her 3 dogs are not at home, I am hoping once they are back, they might keep cats away from our garden.

Thursday 1 August 2019

What I remember, some days were lost.

Eldest daughter got married on 27th, 
here in a photo with her 2 sons and new husband and his 2 sons. 
 Youngest daughter, with hubby and Will
 Myself and youngest daughter.
Izzy, Javier and Paula.
 My loom is out, I packed it away whilst friends were here.
 I have matched most of the colours, just two to purchase.
 My Spanish friend purchased this book for me, 
I normally do not buy new books, preferring to read 2nd hand books.
The past 11 days have rushed by, the bug I had left me very weak and unwell, at one point we feared it was the Norovirus, we think it was the same bug I had earlier in the month, youngest daughter had it twice as well. We spent loads of days apart to ensure it does not bounce between each other again. We are now bug free. I cut out coffer for 9 days, so I am trying to ensure I now only have 1 or 2 cups per day, plus my eating is still not back to normal, some days I just don't want much at all.
Our friends from Spain arrived as I recovered, but we managed to have some fun. Took a trip to the Spinnaker tower in Portsmouth, it was a perfect day to look out over all the local landmarks, we walked along our local shore, went to Portchester Castle and also Lee on the Solent. I love how when showing friends our local sights, you realise how lucky we are to live in a lovely location, with so much to do close by. Even with our pound being weakened by all the Brexit issues, prices here in UK are still much higher than in Spain, so we walked through shops but did not buy much. I got a couple small stocking filler toys for Will's Christmas stocking, I looked at loads of clothes but happily walked past everything.
We ate loads of British meals and had loads of treats, Javier has never been to UK before, so it was fun seeing he discover so many new things.
My plan for the rest of this week is to do very little, we sorted the house yesterday and most of the laundry is done, the spare room is all tidy and the bed is remade ready for our next visitor. I would like to do more stitching, it feels great not to have to do things every day, and have time for ourselves, back to our slow pace.