Monday 26 August 2019

Hot house

My string of pearls is looking brilliant,
 I love this pot, it's perfect for this plant.  
 Succulents grown from seed, 
I purchased 4 different lots, but only 2 grew.
 I planted the seeds from my Amaryllis, and these leaves are growing, I wait to see what they produce, as with so many seeds I grow, patience is always required. 
 I was given these flower seeds and popped them in soil, not expecting much, but as you can see beautiful flowers, I will find a bigger pot. 
I want to put these into a huge glass bowl, I have been collecting for a while, plus daughter gave me a tin mug she would like filled for her kitchen .

It's extremely hot in the greenhouse, but loads of my plants are doing well, I have still a few plants in pots rescued from the slug feast in my garden. I also have a hosta in the shade doing very well, I will move the hosta on Saturday morning, out into the garden, to fill a gap. I pop into the greenhouse most mornings before it gets too hot. I'm still picking soft fruits, which is such a joy to have, and my cucumber which I though was going over has two new flowers, I cut back loads of yellow leaves, and will hope for a couple more from the plant.
Hubby came home on Saturday, it was touch and go, the doctors wanted him to improve a bit more, but when I said we are less than 10 mins drive from the hospital, they released him, with instructions if any issues over the bank holiday weekend, come straight back to the unit. Happily there are no problems, he is resting, eating well and sleeping loads, I can see him slowly getting stronger, there is no place like home.
I am now thinking and planning for Saturday, we have family coming to celebrate hubby's 70th birthday (where has the years gone), I have cancelled Sunday, we were going to have an open day for friends, but I think it will be to much. We have placed a huge shopping order to be delivered on Friday, another change of plan, no BBQ, I will make sandwiches and loads of purchsed finger food. Later I am hoping to have a fish and chip supper, I just need to speak to our local chippie to order food, there are not huge numbers here, but for the 1st time we will have all 6 grandsons together, I will need to get a photo of them all.
For the next 3 days we have Josh and Sam each day, with Will on Wednesday, I have planned some simple things to do, which includes a couple of treats.


  1. Glad to hear that your husband is back home with you. Have a lovely family gathering for his birthday.

  2. Glad hubby is home and on the mend, he will do much better at home, there is always too much going on in hospitals to get any rest. I hope the birthday celebrations go well, sounds like you will have a house full, it will be nice for you to spend time with the other boys though too. Have fun :-)

  3. I bet you two are so chuffed, being back home together. Where does the time go, indeed! Congratulations on a long marriage (through sickness and health) and having your successive generations under wing, too. Enjoy your fish and chips!

    I love your first planter too. I think the pearls look supremely elegant. Reminds me to get cracking on my container plants. I have about 3 bags of potting mix, waiting for me to get into gear. Spring is just around the corner, and we've been spoilt with some rain. Finally, lol.

  4. So pleased to read that your husband is back home with you.
    Sending early good wishes for his birthday, enjoy the planned family gathering, it sounds perfect.

    All the best Jan

  5. So nice that your Hubby is home with you.

    I love all your plants, they grow so well for you.

    Have fun with the party and the family.

    God bless.

  6. I'm so happy to hear that he's back home and all is well. Hope you're having a good week.
