Thursday 1 August 2019

What I remember, some days were lost.

Eldest daughter got married on 27th, 
here in a photo with her 2 sons and new husband and his 2 sons. 
 Youngest daughter, with hubby and Will
 Myself and youngest daughter.
Izzy, Javier and Paula.
 My loom is out, I packed it away whilst friends were here.
 I have matched most of the colours, just two to purchase.
 My Spanish friend purchased this book for me, 
I normally do not buy new books, preferring to read 2nd hand books.
The past 11 days have rushed by, the bug I had left me very weak and unwell, at one point we feared it was the Norovirus, we think it was the same bug I had earlier in the month, youngest daughter had it twice as well. We spent loads of days apart to ensure it does not bounce between each other again. We are now bug free. I cut out coffer for 9 days, so I am trying to ensure I now only have 1 or 2 cups per day, plus my eating is still not back to normal, some days I just don't want much at all.
Our friends from Spain arrived as I recovered, but we managed to have some fun. Took a trip to the Spinnaker tower in Portsmouth, it was a perfect day to look out over all the local landmarks, we walked along our local shore, went to Portchester Castle and also Lee on the Solent. I love how when showing friends our local sights, you realise how lucky we are to live in a lovely location, with so much to do close by. Even with our pound being weakened by all the Brexit issues, prices here in UK are still much higher than in Spain, so we walked through shops but did not buy much. I got a couple small stocking filler toys for Will's Christmas stocking, I looked at loads of clothes but happily walked past everything.
We ate loads of British meals and had loads of treats, Javier has never been to UK before, so it was fun seeing he discover so many new things.
My plan for the rest of this week is to do very little, we sorted the house yesterday and most of the laundry is done, the spare room is all tidy and the bed is remade ready for our next visitor. I would like to do more stitching, it feels great not to have to do things every day, and have time for ourselves, back to our slow pace.


  1. Many congratulations to your daughter and her new husband. I hope you're feeling better now, these kind of viruses really wipe you out.

  2. Glad you're feeling better. Congratulations on the wedding,the photos are great.

  3. Wedding photos are lovely.Can you share some weaving ideas.I have recently bought a loom and have done two scarves but I need to move on! Help. Barbara

    1. I too am only starting, this is only my 3rd item, and hopefully this one will be usable, I have issues with the edges when I weave.

  4. Happy to hear that you're feeling better and over that bug. They can take a lot out of you. Having good company is wonderful, but it's nice to have life back to normal.

  5. Nothing like a wedding to bring people together. Everyone looks so happy, and green really suits you. Green happens to be my favourite colour too. Glad you're on the mend now. It's tough being sick, with all the regular stuff in life to do.

    By the way, is it pronounced "Jay-vier", or "Yay-ver"? I know the "J" sound, changes in different languages. Cheers.

    1. If I write Javier's name how we pronounce it, it would be Havier, so the J sounds like a H.

  6. Glad you are feeling better, sometimes it takes a while to get over these things. I bet it feel nice to have your house back to yourself. Enjoy the weekend

  7. Congratulations to the newlyweds.
    Good to read you are feeling much better

  8. Lovely photographs and many congratulations to the newlyweds.
    Pleased to read that you are feeling better.

    All the best Jan
